Gibraltar Messenger


The Campo of Gibraltar

And of Gad he said, Blessed [be] he that enlargeth Gad: he dwelleth as a lion,
and teareth the branch with the crown on his head.
Deuteronomy 33:20 


The Campo Page features posts for people who live in The Campo of Gibraltar, at the southern end of the Iberian Peninsula (Cadiz, Spain and Gibraltar).
It’s a free gift to the world. Please help SPREAD THE WORD to the Spanish-speaking countries around the globe.
Te invito a leer las palabras de este libro para romper las cadenas de la esclavitud que te atan bajo la legislación hecha por el hombre y la religión organizada y para elevar tu espíritu. Este libro es un regalo gratuito para el mundo.

What I am about to tell you has been purposefully hidden from you, for generations, by evil people who want to oppress, impoverish and enslave you.

Lo que te contaré ha sido ocultado por generaciones por personas malvadas que buscan oprimirte, controlarte, envenenarte y hasta matarte.

Why does Gibraltar want to be part of the NAZI FOURTH REICH? Binding ties need to be used & strengthened to persuade the people of The Campo to reject it.
¿Por qué Gibraltar quiere ser parte del CUARTO REICH NAZI? Es necesario convencer a la gente del Campo para que lo rechace.

All those in The Campo of Gibraltar should learn English, because it will be the only language in The Kingdom of God.

Todos los habitantes del Campo de Gibraltar deberían aprender inglés, porque será el único idioma en El Reino de Dios.

Teia Tephi was brought to Ireland by Jeremiah the Prophet. Along the way, they stayed in Gibraltar and Spain, where she was revered as royalty.
Teia Tephi fue llevada a Irlanda por Jeremías el Profeta. En el camino, se quedaron en Gibraltar y España, donde fue venerada como realeza.
Popes have deceived and deluded themselves and then ALL their followers, for wealth and power for the Vatican – the greatest empire on earth.
Papas se han engañado y engatusado a sí mismos y luego A TODOS sus seguidores, por riqueza y poder para el Vaticano – El imperio más grande de la tierra.
What is the “New Song” and why does “The Word” want YOU to learn to sing it and to Live and sing it on The Rock?
¿Qué es el «Nuevo Canto» y por qué «La Palabra» quiere que APRENDAS a cantarlo y vivirlo en La Roca?
For over 40 years numerous sightings of small U.F.O.s have been sighted above and around Gibraltar to let the inhabitants know that they exist.
Durante más de 40 años, se han avistado numerosos OVNIs pequeños sobre y alrededor de Gibraltar para hacer saber a los habitantes que existen.

Evidence reveals Jesus calmed the Mediterranean Sea in the journey with his disciplines to the land of the Gaderenes in the Campo of Gibraltar.

Las evidencias revelan que Jesús calmó el Mar Mediterráneo en el viaje con sus discípulos a la tierra de los gadarenos en el Campo de Gibraltar.
Spain does NOT hold the key to Gibraltar’s extremely “bright” future because the ONLY key to its future sovereignty is in the flag.
España NO tiene la llave del futuro de Gibraltar extremadamente «brillante» de Gibraltar porque la ÚNICA llave para su futura soberanía está en la bandera.
God explained to you, through Moses, that those of you who do not LIVE by The Principles and The Law will DIE by the Law.
Dios te explicó, a través de Moisés, que aquellos de ustedes que no VIVAN por Los Principios y La Ley MORIRÁN por La Ley.
Do men think that they will be left alone for saying, “We Believe,” and that they will not be tested? God is your protector, and He is the BEST of helpers.
¿Piensan los hombres que serán dejados solos por decir: «Creemos», y que no serán probados? Dios es vuestro protector, y Él es el MEJOR de los ayudantes.
Lies cannot alter the truth. The Phoenician-Israelites (non-Jews) discovered America, at least 2,000 years before Columbus was born.
Las mentiras no pueden alterar la verdad. Los fenicio-israelitas (no judíos) descubrieron América, al menos 2.000 años antes de que Colón naciera.

The 1984 film DUNE (not the book or 2021 film) which is supposedly science-fiction, and visually is portrayed as such in the film, is, in reality, a TRUE story that is unfolding now and it is about GIBRALTAR – Gebal Tariq – The Rock of “The Night-Visitant” (in Arabic).

La película Dune de 1984 (no el libro llamado Dune ni el remake de la película Dune de 2021), que se supone que es ciencia ficción y visualmente se representa como tal en la película, es en realidad una HISTORIA REAL que se está desarrollando en este momento y se trata de GIBRALTAR – Gebal Tariq – La Roca del «Visitante Nocturno» (en árabe).

Most of us know that the city of CÁDIZ was founded by Phoenicians, around 1500 – 1000 B.C. and that it was called GÁDIR (or “GAD’s city”). Later further Phoenician immigrants arrived in 722 B.C. after the Assyrian conquest of the ten-tribed kingdom of Israel. Phoenicia wasn’t a country but a region which included Israel. Later on in Roman times we know that GÁDIR was called GADES. But why Gad?
La mayoría de nosotros sabemos que la cuidad de CÁDIZ fue fundada por los Fenicios, alrededor de 1500 – 1000 a.C. y que se llamaba GÁDIR (“ciudad de GAD”). Luego vinieron más Fenicios inmigrantes en el 722 a.C. despues de la toma del reino de las diez tribus de Israel por los Asirios. Pero, ¿porque Gad?
You are being ruled and policed by criminals and traitors masquerading as government and law-enforcement. Police, courts and government are registered companies trading for profit and working together to steal money from the law-abiding public that they falsely “claim” to serve.

Ustedes están siendo gobernados y controlados por criminales y traidores disfrazados como el gobierno y las fuerzas de la ley. La policía, las cortes y el gobierno son empresas comerciales y hacen sus negocios por ganancias financieras. Trabajan juntos para robar el dinero del ciudadano al que falsamente “pretenden” servir.


Gibr-ALTAR – “crossroads” and “gate” to the old and new world (and age). Gebal-Tariq, in Arabic, means the Rock of “The Night-Visitant.” (see also Rev. 3:3).

Gibr-ALTAR – “encrucijada” y “puerta” a el viejo y el nuevo mundo (y la edad). Gebal-Tariq, en Árabe, significa la Roca de “El Visitante de La Noche.” (véase también Apocalipsis. 3:3).

We told you that only actions and not more empty words can fix the frontier problem, but still the worthless talking goes on regardless: as it has for decades. The action that needs to be taken is for the Gibraltarian people to take matters into their OWN hands, instead of waiting endlessly for the UK to act.

Les dijimos que sólo las acciones, y no las palabras vacías pueden solucionar el problema fronterizo, pero aún así la conversación inútil continúa a pesar de todo: como lo ha hecho durante décadas. La acción que se necesita, es para las personas gibraltareñas a tomar el asunto en sus PROPIAS manos, en lugar de esperar eternamente para que el Reino Unido (RU) actue.


Additional Messages For The Campo

An interview with Ricardo Delgado, founder of Spain’s La Quinta Columna, discussing graphene-oxide in injectables – like presented at their recent event in Seville, Spain on 19 March 2023.

Entrevista con Ricardo Delgado, biostatístico, fundador y director de La Quinta Columna (sobre el óxido de grafeno en “inyectables” y su propósito), como presentó en su evento reciente – en Sevilla, España, el 19 de marzo de 2023.

Mi amigo Muad´Dib  produjo un documental titulado 7/7 Ripple Effect, el cual se publicó en internet el 5 de noviembre de 2007.  En él se cuestiona el relato oficial  de los atentados en los alrededores del metro y en un autobús de Londres el 7 de julio de 2005.

Imagine toda la Comarca del Campo de Gibraltar unido al Peñon! Estamos hablando de los ocho municipios que componen el Campo de Gibraltar; La Línea de la Concepción, San Roque, Los Barrios, Algeciras, Tarifa, Castellar de la Frontera, Jimena de la Frontera y San Martín del Tesorillo, todos UNIDOS con el Peñón de Gibraltar.


Historical Letters To The Campo

Letter to First Minister and Mayors – Madrid wanting to share Gibraltar

Not only is Madrid’s proposal to share Gibraltar completely unfounded on any basis of historical fact whatsoever, and regardless of the temptation-offers of dual citizenship, the whole Campo region is more racially akin to Gibraltar and its people.
by | October 10, 2016

Letter to People of the Campo

I am going to explain to you, what needs to be done in order to re-unite the Camp of Gibraltar; not into a province of, or a part of, Spain but into God's autonomous independent region, free from the destructive and poverty-creating laws and interference of Madrid and London.
by | August 29, 2005

Letter to the People of Gibraltar 3

Some of you might be scratching your heads, wondering why the Spanish government is so obsessed, about what, to most people in the world, is just a large lump of Rock and why there is this absolutely unyielding determination by Spanish politicians to take it over, and why the British politicians are treacherously working with them.
by | August 15, 2002

Letter to the People of Gibraltar 2

Jack Straw (Strawinski) has said on British television that he is going to ignore Gibraltar's sovereignty referendum, so there is no need for you to hold one; because he desperately doesn't want you to. Such amazing arrogance displayed by him.
by | August 3, 2002

Letter to the People of Gibraltar 1

Now that you are finally beginning to see, for yourselves, that the British government is betraying you, more and more openly, blatantly and brazenly, and that they are committing treason against the British citizens living in the British territory of Gibraltar, let me remind you that I warned you about this at least twelve years ago.
by | July 14, 2002

Category: Campo

Updated 17 January 2023

Gibr-ALTAR – “crossroads” and “gate” to the old and new world (and age). Gebal-Tariq, in Arabic, means the Rock of “The Night-Visitant.”

The Night Visitant

Koran Sura 86
86:1-By the Sky and the Night-Visitant (therein);-
86:2-And what will explain to thee what the Night-Visitant is?-
86:3. (It is) the “Star” of piercing brightness (Rev. 30:16);
86:4. There is no soul but has a protector over it.
86:13. Behold this is The Word that distinguishes (Good from Evil):
86:14. It is NOT a thing for amusement.
86:15. As for them, they are but plotting a scheme,
86:16. And the “I AM” is planning a scheme.
86:17. Therefore grant a delay to the Unbelievers: give respite to them gently (for awhile).

Christ will come as a thief in the night

Revelation 3:3 Remember therefore what thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt NOT know what hour I will come upon thee.

Matthew 24:42-24:46
24:42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
24:43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
24:44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh.
24:45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
24:46 Blessed [is] that servant, whom his lord when He cometh shall find so DOING.

1 Thessalonians 5:1-6
5:1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the Day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
5:4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that That Day should overtake you as a thief.
5:5 Ye are all the children of Light, and the children of the Day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
5:6 Therefore let us not sleep, as [do] others; but let us watch and be sober.

For those who are keeping watch:

33:16 He shall dwell on Sion: his place of defence [shall be] the Fortress of Rock: bread shall be given him; his waters [shall be] sure.
33:17 Thine eyes shall see The King in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off (Israel).

The Mount – Rock Fortress of Gibraltar

THE MOUNT (from Koran Sura 52)
52:1. By the Mount (of Revelation) – the Rock;
52:2. By a Decree inscribed [in Prophecy]
52:3. In a Scroll opened-up [Isaiah 33:16-17; 42:11-12];
52:4. By the much-frequented Fane;
52:5. By the Canopy Raised High [the Levanter-Cloud];
52:6. And by the Ocean filled with Swell [the Atlantic];
52:7. Verily, the Doom from thy Lord will indeed come to pass;-
52:8. There is none can avert it;

Read more about the significance of Gibraltar on JAHTruth’s Gibraltar Page.


Scripture on the prophecy of Gibraltar was given in the March 2014 edition of Gibraltar Messenger.

Category: Campo

Most of us know that the city of CÁDIZ was founded by Phoenicians, around 1500 – 1000 B.C. and that it was called GÁDIR (or “GAD’s city”). Later further Phoenician immigrants arrived in 722 B.C. after the Assyrian conquest of the ten-tribed kingdom of Israel. Phoenicia wasn’t a country but a region which included Israel. Later on in roman times we know that GÁDIR was called GADES. This is why the people from Cádiz are known today as “GADitanos”, or “Gadites” in English. But why Gad? It’s because these Phoenician Israelites who established themselves all along the Costa de la Luz (the Coast of Light), Gibraltar and the Camp of Gibraltar belonged to the Phoenician/British/Israelite tribe of GAD. Some names last down the centuries.

The Assyrian pressure over the Phoenician/British/Israelite cities forced them to search for new lands in the West, and in the Costa de la Luz they left many signs of their presence, many still evident today. One of these footprints can still be found on the flags and coats of arms of the region. The Ensign/Coat of Arms of Gad displayed a Camp. This military “Camp” (castle) of Gibraltar can be clearly seen on Gibraltar’s flag today.

In Heraldic-Symbolism the flag’s red base represents the “blood-soaked” earth; the devil’s domain (Rev./Apocalypse 12:1-9); where he walks to and fro (1 Peter 5:8) seeking to devour and to destroy, YOU (along with your ecological life-support system; so far with great success). The flag’s white upper-background represents the clouds. The castle, which should be coloured blue, is shown above and detached from the red earth, representing the castle in the sky – Heaven – God’s Kingdom. The Golden Key, on the flag, represents The “Key to Heaven and Hell” that belongs to the Messiah/Mahdi (Rev./Apoc. 1:18; 3:7; 20:1 – Suras 86 & 43:61), Michael the Crown Prince of Heaven, the (star) luminous-“Being of Light”, who comes down to Earth and takes on a human body (becomes a human+Being) and comes to Reign over and save Gibraltar and “his Elect” / “Chosen”. It is also The Key to the “Strait” Gate (note well – NOT the straight gate).

Previous inhabitants of Gibraltar permanently established themselves in the surrounding areas forming the first modern towns of La Línea de la Concepción, San Roque, Los Barrios and Algeciras. Madrid makes its false claims based on the fact that Spain controlled the Rock for a short spell in history. The Romans invaded Iberia; then the Vandals invaded, renaming Southern Iberia “Vandalucia”, or Andalucia today. But WE MUSTN’T FORGET that Iberia originally belonged to the Biblical Israelites, as they migrated North and West. Iberia is actually a corruption of the word Heberia, which means “Hebrew’s Land”. It was the Hebrew Israelite Tribe of Gad that occupied southern Heberia/Iberia, as they do again today. The last two peoples to invade were the Moors, followed by the Spanish, who ruled for only 203 years, until it was taken back by Hebrew Israelites – the “British”, which means “People of the Covenant” in Hebrew. After 1704 the British Gadites returned to the Rock, where they have lived again for the last 317 years.

The county of the Camp of Gibraltar occupies a surface area of 1530 km²/950 square miles, it forms the point of union between the Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic Ocean and is separated from the African continent by only 14 kms/8.7 miles. 60% of its territory is formed by protected natural spaces of unique ecological value, and it has a climate characterized by high annual hours of sunlight and strong levant winds.

The eight municipalities which constitute the Camp of Gibraltar are; La Línea, San Roque, Los Barrios, Algeciras, Castellar de la Frontera, Tarifa, Jimena de la Frontera and San Martín del Tesorillo (this last one being created in 2018, forming part of Jimena before). If we study the similarities between the flags and coats of arms between these municipalities and Gibraltar, we are quickly given clues as to the origin of these peoples.

The seven coats of arms/ensigns of these Campogibraltarian localities represent signs of common identity between these municipalities and their unequivocal historical relationship with Gibraltar, the seed from which these towns sprang up. All share the Camp/Castle of GAD, in many cases “detached”, the “Key to heaven and Hell” and the crown, the Crown of Christ, the King of Gibraltar; the Camp of Gibraltar and the WHOLE WORLD.

The motto from the Campogibraltarian shield reads “Pro geographia, historia et voluntate conivncti”, which means in latin “Geography, HISTORY and WILL, UNITED”. The Campogibraltarians must become Gibraltar’s allies in the war with Madrid. The people of the Campo need to join together with the Gibraltarians and unite the whole Campo with their Gibraltarian cousins, with everyone at peace, free and prosperous under the rule of Christ, your shared rightful King, rather than the evil Elizabeth and Felipe. Let’s begin the construction of the Kingdom of Christ, for the benefit of all humanity!

Campo-gibraltarians – embrace your racial and spiritual cousins on the Rock!

Gibraltarians (“Llanítos”) – embrace your Campo-gibraltarian racial and spiritual cousins also!

Embrace your KING!

Embrace God’s Royal Laws of Liberty given to YOUR ancestors at Sinai, to Live by in perpetuity. Perpetuity means FOREVER, which means HERE, NOW, where you live today!

Be proud of YOUR ancestry. Let’s create the true Kingdom of God, living under the Blessings of The Covenant with God, and no longer suffering under the Curses of The Covenant, suffering under Satan’s/London’s/Madrid’s/Elizabeth Battenberg’s/Felipe de Borbón’s SLAVERY under man-made legislation. Just think – No more stupid lockdowns, no more pointless masks, freedom of movement of both people and goods, no more poverty, no more crime. The sleeper must awaken! Christ is patiently waiting for YOU to embrace Him. So embrace Him!

And why is this relevant today that these original GADite/Phoenician/British/Israelite inhabitants of Iberia/Spain, in their original homeland of Israel long ago, agreed a Covenant/Contract with God?? Because that Covenant/Contract was FOREVER BINDING, down the generations, and YOUR forefathers (and possibly YOU in a previous incarnation) signed it with God, and God expects You to keep it TODAY, NOW, with Christ His Son and YOUR true and rightful shared King to help YOU. NOT bowing down to the false-god governments that don’t LOVE you, and only want to ENSLAVE YOU further, and eventually KILL YOU.

Obey and follow the Laws of God in the Bible, not the unfair legislative laws of Madrid/London/EU, and enjoy the true FREEDOM they will give YOU! Doesn’t that sound wonderful?!! And with Crown Prince Michael, Heir of the whole planet Earth and Universe to help and protect YOU, all the Way!

Deuteronomy 33:20 And of Gad he said, Blessed [be] he that enlargeth Gad: he dwelleth as a lion, and teareth the branch with the crown on his head.
33:21 And he provided the first part for himself, because there, [in] the position of The Lawgiver, [was he] seated; and he came to the heads of the people, he executed the Justice of the “I AM”, and His Judgments with Israel.


Surah 86. Tariq – The Nightcomer or The Morning Star
86:1. By the Sky and the Night-Visitant (therein);-
86:2. And what will explain to thee what the Night-Visitant is?-
86:3. (It is) the “Star” of piercing brightness (Revelation 30:16);-
86:4. There is no soul/Being but has a protector over it.
86:13. Behold this is The Word (John 1:1-5) that distinguishes (Good from Evil):
86:14. It is NOT a thing for amusement.
86:15. As for them, they are but plotting a scheme,
86:16. And the “I AM” is planning a scheme.
86:17. Therefore grant a delay to the Unbelievers: give respite to them gently (for awhile).

Surah 52. The Mount
52:1. By the Mount (of Revelation) – the Rock;
52:2. By a Decree inscribed [in Prophecy]
52:3. In a Scroll opened-up (Isaiah 33:16-17; 42:11-12);
52:4. By the much-frequented Fane;
52:5. By the Canopy Raised High [the Levanter-Cloud];
52:6. And by the Ocean filled with Swell [the Atlantic];
52:7. Verily, the Doom from thy Lord will indeed come to pass;-
52:8. There is none can avert it;-

33:16 He shall dwell on Sion (2 Esd. 13:35): his place of defence [shall be] The Camp of Gibraltar and the Rock of Gibraltar;
33:17 Thine eyes shall see The King in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off (Israel).

This post was originally published on Defending-Gibraltar, 20 April 2021.

The Spanish Version – El Campo de Gibraltar y el Peñon de Gibraltar; Orígenes, Actualidad y Futuro Brillante

Category: Campo

In the previous editions you have been given warnings and advice about the future, and what NEEDS to be done, with no noticeable response from you – only the usual deafening wall of silence.

We told you that only actions and not more empty words can fix the frontier problem, but still the worthless talking goes on regardless: as it has for decades. The action that needs to be taken is for the Gibraltarian people to take matters into their OWN hands, instead of waiting endlessly for the UK to act, when the UK is purposefully assisting Madrid, by its deliberate inaction, whilst saying it defends Gibraltar, but in reality doing the opposite. It’s not in their financial interests to help Gibraltar to be successful.

The Banksters in the financial square-mile in London, called the “City of London”, sees Gibraltar’s financial sector as direct competition that it needs to destroy, in order to maximize its own profits. This we told you decades ago, but you chose to ignore our advice.

Whilst we are totally against gambling; because it is immoral, harmful and unlawful; we are aware that it is Gibraltar’s largest employer and most lucrative business, and the “City of London” therefore will attack it, by getting their puppet bought-and-paid-for politicians to pass fraudulent legislation in order to cripple it, and boost their own profits. It is naïve in the extreme to think that they would do otherwise.


The incursions into British Gibraltar’s Territorial Waters (BGTW) by Spanish military, customs and other vessels of the state, are; under international maritime law; an act of war, and need to be treated as acts of war. When they enter BGTW, and open fire with weapons on people in BGTW, there can be absolutely no doubt that such behavior is an act of war, but the UK just wags its finger and complains to people in Madrid who laugh at their words and lack of action, and that only encourages Madrid to escalate the war.

Gibraltar needs to have its own Special Boat Squadron and to warn Madrid that it considers any incursion an act of war and aggression, and the next time it occurs they will be fired upon, and if necessary arrested, or sunk. Force is the ONLY thing that Madrid understands, otherwise they would not be using it themselves against Gibraltar. Hopefully the threat will be enough to deter them, without any loss of life.

If the UK is not willing to defend BGTW, then the Gibraltarian people must do it themselves. The time for talking is long gone. A volunteer force Special Boat Squadron should be created and armed with suitable weaponry sufficient to deter any further incursions.

Madrid may try to close the border and Gibraltar must be prepared for that, but it will hurt the Spanish workers and the Campo’s economy more than Gibraltarians, and thus they must become Gibraltar’s allies in the war with Madrid.

Approximately 7,000 – 10,000 Spanish workers work in Gibraltar, and if they and their dependents surround the border-guards on their side of the frontier and disarm them, and then send them packing to Madrid, where they belong, whilst Gibraltarians in similar numbers support them on the Gibraltar side of the frontier; so there is no escape for the guards; then people will be able to pass freely, as they should be able to, to their places of work, and of course tourists can too.

Yes, this will escalate the conflict and should force the UK to act to defend Gibraltar militarily, IF Madrid makes it necessary, instead of with more empty words and pathetic mummy’s boy finger-waving. There will be some temporary inconvenience, but you can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs.

You NEED to escalate things, to force the UK to act

We know there are many brave Gibraltarians who are not afraid of the Maritime Guardia Civil (GC) and being shot at, for doing nothing wrong: just delivering goods to La Linea. The GC are protecting big business in Madrid, whilst harming the people of the Campo. The UK, as usual, helped them and stabbed Gibraltar and the Campo in the back, with fraudulent new legislation and stealing the delivery people’s boats and livelihoods.

The EU is SUPPOSED to be about free-trade, but the reality is that it is only about free-trade for the rich people, who own the politicians in Madrid and elsewhere and who give licenses only to their rich friends – like the Palomas’ situation in Gibraltar. Thus their free-trade is licensed and NOT free, and harms the little-people, who are just trying to make a living and feed their families. That lie and hypocrisy MUST stop. You don’t NEED a license in a FREE and responsible society.

The people of the Campo need to join together with the Gibraltarians and unite the whole Campo with their Gibraltarian cousins, with everyone at peace, free and prosperous under the rule of Christ, your shared rightful King, rather than the evil Elizabeth and Juan Carlos.

You cannot rely on the UK, because the UK and USA (REAL Israel) are going to lose WW3, as a punishment for rejecting Christ’s Sovereignty; not keeping The Covenant (contract with God/Allah); God’s Law and being His demonstration people to the rest of the world, to get them also to keep The Covenant and God’s Perfect Royal Law of Liberty

REAL ISRAEL, 2 Witnesses & 4 Horsemen –

Everybody who refuses to return to His Law will be burned to ashes, by Him, and their souls will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. You’ve been warned and will now have NO excuse for not doing so.


4:1 For, behold, the Day cometh, that shall burn like an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the “I AM” Lord of hosts, that it shall leave of them neither root nor branch (nothing).
4:2 But unto you that fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
4:3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in The Day that I shall do [this], saith the “I AM” Lord of hosts.
4:4 Remember ye and return to The Law of Moses My servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, [with] the Statutes and Judgments.
4:5 Behold, I will send you EliJAH the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful Day of the “I AM” (Sura 43:61):
4:6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse (see verse 1).

Study The Way home or face The Fire at and let’s get started building Christ’s Kingdom on Earth, for the benefit of all mankind.

Your Oath to God –


Gibr-ALTAR – “crossroads” and “gate” to the old and new world (and age). Gebal-Tariq, in Arabic, means the Rock of “The Night-Visitant.” (see also Rev. 3:3)


86:1-By the Sky and the Night-Visitant (therein);-

86:2-And what will explain to thee what the Night-Visitant is?-

86:3. (It is) the “Star” of piercing brightness (Rev. 30:16);

86:4. There is no soul but has a protector over it.

86:13. Behold this is The Word that distinguishes (Good from Evil):

86:14. It is NOT a thing for amusement.

86:15. As for them, they are but plotting a scheme,

86:16. And the “I AM” is planning a scheme.

86:17. Therefore grant a delay to the Unbelievers: give respite to them gently (for awhile).

THE MOUNT (from Koran Sura 52)

52:1. By the Mount (of Revelation) – the Rock;

52:2. By a Decree inscribed [in Prophecy]

52:3. In a Scroll opened-up [Isaiah 33:16-17; 42:11-12];

52:4. By the much-frequented Fane;

52:5. By the Canopy Raised High [the Levanter-Cloud];

52:6. And by the Ocean filled with Swell [the Atlantic];

52:7. Verily, the Doom from thy Lord will indeed come to pass;-

52:8. There is none can avert it;


33:16 He shall dwell on Sion: his place of defence [shall be] the Fortress of Rock: bread shall be given him; his waters [shall be] sure.

33:17 Thine eyes shall see The King in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off (Israel).

This message was given in the March 2014 edition of Gibraltar Messenger.