Gibraltar Messenger

The Tony Farrell Page

Letters & Documents to Gibraltar

Letters & documents written or coordinated by Tony Farrell
to the leaders and people of Gibraltar. He fights for truth and justice
on The Rock.

Gibraltar Commissioner of Police Should Stop Acting and Start Arresting

Instead of play-acting in some fear-mongering tyrannical, mock terror drill exercise, Richard Ullger needs to make arrests for Crimes Against Humanity.
by | February 14, 2023

Is The Pen Mightier Than The Sword?

Tony Farrell pens a special condemnation report, yet offers a great invitation to James Jones, the former chair of the Hillsborough Independent Panel.
by | January 20, 2023

Ring In The Christ That Is to Be

What do poems “The Journey of the Three Magi”; “Ring Out, Wild Bells”; and “Warning” have in common? And what do they have to do with Christ in Gibraltar?
by | January 10, 2023

The Placard’s Progress

This is the story of a Placard's Progress that Tony Farrell is taking all over The Rock of Gibraltar. The placard displays Christ's Royal Decree to Charles.
by | January 6, 2023

Step Out In Faith

Written by Joyce Marie – You are strongly encouraged to step out in faith, learn to listen to the good voice inside of you, which is God speaking to you.
by | October 26, 2022

Call for Evidence – The Inquiry into the Early Retirement of Ian McGrail

This is the second Amicus Curiae Brief from me, in response to the "call for evidence" concerning the Ian McGrail inquiry in Gibraltar.
by | October 24, 2022

101 DAMNATIONS – Considerations for Gibraltar

A list of 101 warnings to Gibraltar about kneeling before Christ, while His Hand is still stretched out. This letter is Part 1. Christ's letter to David Steel is Part 2.
by | October 23, 2022

Not in The Footsteps of The Lord

They suffer from cognitive dissonance, choosing to believe their religious dogma, instead of Scripture and absolutely reject scripture in favour of their religious false teachings and dogma – Christ.
by | September 12, 2022

His Mount, Her Mound, The Cave & The King’s Highway

Written by Oz and Elle – We have been involved in making educational films; and in 2018, we met up with JAH to learn more about Ireland's Biblical history. We submit the marvellous teaching session – "The King's Highway Talk".
by | September 9, 2022

My Walk With The Lord

Written by Chanel – In the Teia Tephi Grand Prix, I made the righteous move to walk with The Lord. It's been a monumental journey – e4! Sir – it's your turn.
by | September 8, 2022

The World Is Full of Liars

To All The Muslim, Jewish and Christian Leaders on The Rock – Let the governor know exactly what you think about Crown Prince Michael, Your Mahdi, Your Messiah and Yes, Your Christ.
by | August 22, 2022

Just desserts – The 4 Turnovers

Dear Michael Mifsud – There was a higher reason I participated in the 4 apple turnover incident. It relates to the Four Overturns of The Stone.
by | August 20, 2022

Crown Prince Michael in Gibraltar and a Proposal for Elizabeth

THE BACKGROUND of The Governor's Dossier – Crown Prince Michael in Gibraltar – The Proposal. The proposal was for Elizabeth, the old monarch, to do something astonishing.
by | August 19, 2022

The Governor’s Dossier – Crown Prince Michael in Gibraltar

Tony Farrell mailed an earth-shattering proposal to David Steel - Elizabeth's appointed governor of Gibraltar. This proposal in The Governor's Dossier involves Crown Prince Michael in Gibraltar.
by | August 16, 2022

There is no rest for the wicked

Dear Charles Azzopardi – Recently, in an interview broadcast on the GBC, about the fake queen's fake honours list which took place between David Steel and Ros Astengo, your name got mentioned in glowing terms. That interview itself, in a much wider sense, prompted me to subsequently write to David Steel with an earth-shattering proposal related to an up-and-coming important…
by | August 8, 2022

Please Consider This Proposal Ros Astengo

Dear Ros Astengo – You were purposefully sent a copy because you interviewed the governor David Steel about the Honours Board process and related matters. That interview and its single-viewed coverage prompted me to pull together an admittedly controversial package and proposal.
by | August 5, 2022

Beyond The Honour’s List

COVER LETTER: Dear David Steel – This short letter will be about a special untypical nomination suggestion for Gibraltar, associated with Elizabeth's Honours List, which with respect, would be unique, and earth-shattering, should the following suggestion be embraced by both you and Elizabeth.
by | August 4, 2022

The Sound of The Shofar

The following "good news" article, as posted very recently on the Defending Gibraltar website, about Sir Frank O. Kabui, Former Governor General of Solomon Islands, may possibly be of great interest to you.
by | June 5, 2022

These Are The Things That Should Keep The Governor Up At Night

Thank-you for your welcome at The Convent Open Day last week. I wasn’t sure how exactly how you’d react to my attendance, alongside The Lord’s two other disciples currently based here, especially in the light of my two recent reports to you.
by | May 21, 2022

Oh! I Should So Love To Lay My Crown At His Feet

While noting our starkly contrasting viewpoints over the former High Court Judge, suffice to say, I still stand by my report. Also, despite your suggestion, I feel no particular compulsion to personally write to the Chief Justice of England and Wales.
by | May 2, 2022
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