Vital Messages From Defending-Gibraltar
These messages were first featured on Defending-Gibraltar.net – a truth forum. They have now been added to the New Gibraltar Messenger website because of their vital significance.
DGTV – For people who want The Truth, NOT propaganda (Govt. lies)
Since being created three weeks ago, DGTV has surpassed 10,000 views.Want to watch news or stories not necessarily featured on the controlled and censored GBC? Check out DGTV on Bitchute. Defending-Gibraltar Truther Videos Channel Due to YouTube's censorship of relevant news and truth being revealed by brave whistle blowers and…
Words of Wisdom – Beware of Government
The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan.Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem. … Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. Government’s view of the economy could be summed…
Who Funds UN Agenda 21/30 Mission Goals? Fascists
The Satanic UN Agenda 21 is Literally Agenda 1984The takeaway here is that our enslavement in a satanic "New World Order" is being financed by the government and corporate establishment, i.e. fascists.Benito Mussolini who was the famous Italian fascist leader during WW2, defined fascism as the merging of government and…
Fascinating Times . . . And a government at war with present time reality
Fascinating Times . . ."We live in fascinating times, in which the emperor has somehow lost his clothes and cavorts naked before us.Eventually the penny will drop that we see him. In the meantime, it is quite something to witness the spectacle of a government evidently going insane in front…
UK-China Relations: From Gold to Dust. But what about Gibraltar?
UK-China Relations: From Gold to DustWe have been warning Gibraltarians for a long time, against making agreements/covenants with satanic, communist, anti-God China, and, now that relations have soured between the UK and China, what will Gibraltar do?Will it commit treason and side with China, or get rid of its treacherous…
When people fear their government there is tyranny. When the government fears the people there is liberty
“Everyone likes to say Der Fuehrer Hitler did this” and “Der Fuehrer Hitler did that”. But the truth is Der Fuehrer Hitler did very little. He was a world class asshole, but the evil actually done, from the death-camps to WW2 was all done by citizens who were afraid to…
Picardo Admits To “Waste and Abuse” Whilst GSLP-Liberal Hypocrisy Continues
[Reply to Robert Vasquez's post: Picardo Admits to ‘Waste and Abuse’ Whilst GSLP-Liberal Hypocrisy Continues]Dear Robert,We hope this finds you well, in good spirit and having a good day.Having just read your excellent criticism of Der Fuehrer Picardo and his cohorts in crime, and agreeing with you on what you…
Thought for the Day – Before a government can oppress the people, they must be disarmed
“Another source of power in government is a military force. But this, to be efficient, must be superior to any force that exists among the people, or which they can command; for otherwise this force would be annihilated, on the first exercise of acts of oppression. Before a standing army…
Boris Goes Full Fascist Against Lockdown Protests – But Not BLM or XR
How much braver, more confident — and aggressive! — the police look than their hapless colleagues caught on camera in June fleeing from a BLM demonstration, pursued by a jeering mob chanting ‘Run, Piggy! Run!’Boris Goes Full Fascist Against Lockdown Protests – But Not BLM or XR968 (The Truthseeker)Some people…
Sheriffs, Police Officers, Pastors, and Attorneys Are Fighting Covid Orders
Americans talk about their Constitution and defending it, instead of God’s Covenant that prohibits men from legislating away people’s God-given Rights.The people will NEVER be free unless they return to keeping God’s Covenant and Laws – which are the REAL British Constitution.Heraldic Symbolism of the Unicorn on the British Coat-of-ArmsChristChrists.net
The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance [of adherence to His Law.]
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY!“The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime, and the punishment of his guilt.” – John Philpot Curran (1750–1817), Irish lawyer and politician. Speech, July 10, 1790, Dublin.ChristChrists.net
Covid19, 5G, Vaccination plandemic – are the last stages of the Ashke-Nazi New World Order satanic plan to enslave and kill-off most of mankind
Before many of the bodies you are inhabiting today were born; in this present reincarnation you are experiencing; President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) warned the world of a plan to enslave mankind, and seven days later, on November 22nd 1963, T.H.E.Y. very publically murdered him in Dealey Plaza, in Dallas,…
Question: Why do you think T.H.E.Y. have mounted the two main 5G antennas on the roof of the courthouse and the Gibtelecom building?
They are putting them in locations where the public cannot access them to take them down. Like in the John Carpenter film “They Live”.ChristChrists.net
Why are they always targeting schools? – Answer to Wayne Capps question on 5GGUA to Simon (McIntosh)
Answer:Gib Messenger to Wayne Capps: One of the effects of WiFi and especially 5G is that it sterilises people, and if they sterilise the children before or during puberty then they will significantly reduce the population, as the Eugenicists like Kill Gates are determined to do.This is the follow-up to…
Why do you think it’s called FaceBook? Because THEY wanted to see your FACES
Why do you think it’s called FaceBook? Because they wanted to see your FACES and those of your family and “friends” to identify YOU and THEM for their facial recognition control software, that T.H.E.Y. will use against YOU to surveil you, control and round you up.Or as Mark Steele explains,…
Policing The Corona State by Tony Farrell in Gibraltar
For well over a decade now, the 7th July has been a poignant date for time for me (aka Martin SleuthER) at a personal level. To mark the occasion of this anniversary date of the infamous false-flag 7/7 London Bombings in 2021, The Royal Gibraltar Police Commissioner, Richard Ullger, and…
Statement of Truth: Anthony of the Farrell Family V The Fraudulent Regina QE2
The following is a combined updated and revised Statement of Truth document and overhauls the original one which was hand-delivered to "the not sanctioned by God" Magistrates Court of Gibraltar on 29th April 2021. A stamped copy of the Statement of Truth was then taken to RGP HQ, and the…
How to Lawfully Decline a Vaccine & Other Pharmaceutical Frauds e.g. Masks, Tests
It is against my religious convictions that are protected by various international declarations.It is against God’s Law to take part in witchcraft/pharmacy.King of kings' BibleExodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch/pharmacist to live.Deuteronomy 18:10 There shall not be found among you [any one] that maketh his son or his…
People who have been vaccinated are walking bio-weapons
Recently, Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com told the Fat Man:"People who have been vaccinated are walking bio-weapons.HENCE:Now we know that the [Ashke-Nazi] Zionists are deploying the vaccinated to genocide the unvaccinated."So what APPEARS to be emerging is the following:When you genocide 90 percent of the population, make sure you get half…
Tony Farrell Fights To Set Gibraltarians Free – Statement of Truth
25 December 2020 INTRODUCTION 1). I am an hu-man+Being, not a corporate fiction all-capital letters “person” and my hu-man’s name is Anthony of the Farrell family. The body/hu-man I am inhabiting’s date of birth is 04/01/1960, and he was born in Widnes, England. I possess an UK Passport…
Beware of the Covid 1984 PCR test – your life depends upon it
Important - please share.The Chinese Communist anti-God government (CCP) wants to map the genome of every human+being on this planet. They, in conjunction with Dr. Anthony Fauci, purposefully released a fake virus, on flu-vaccinated and 5G irradiated Wuhan and Milan populations, to kill enough people, so that fear and panic…
PROOF! Covid-19 to be DIAGNOSED and everyone monitored 24/7 using A.I. patented and planned in 2015
PROOF!! Covid-19 to be DIAGNOSED using A.I. (ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE)Originally designed to work with a wearable sensor and your Smartphone in 2015, but probably now in 2020 via the Covid-1984 vaccines and your Smartphone.THEY will know EXACTLY where you are at ALL times, so THEY can grab you and do what…
Sheriffs, Police Officers, Pastors, and Attorneys Are Fighting Covid Orders
Americans talk about their Constitution and defending it, instead of God’s Covenant that prohibits men from legislating away people’s God-given Rights.The people will NEVER be free unless they return to keeping God’s Covenant and Laws – which are the REAL British Constitution.Heraldic Symbolism of the Unicorn on the British Coat-of-ArmsChristChrists.net
Joni Mitchell – Woodstock Song lyrics
Woodstock was in 1969 and Joni missed out on going, due to a prior engagement.It wasn’t actually held at Woodstock, but at Bethel, which is Hebrew for House of God.Woodstock was a music festival held August 15–18, 1969, on Max Yasgur’s dairy farm in Bethel, New York, 40 miles southwest…
Fear of Dr. Heiko Schöning
When police disrupted the protest at Trafalgar Square, they did so just after Dr. Heiko Schöning took the stage. They allowed everyone else to speak, but were terrified of letting the doctor speak, telling the people the truth about the Covid hoax coming from a doctor and his thousands of…
Life or Death: Pharmaceutical “Plandemic” Poisonous Vaccines, or the Healing of the Holy Spirit – Your choice.
The Catholic Religion was founded by Simon Pater the Sorcerer/Witch based upon the Babylonian Mystery Religion of Sun-Worship on Sundays, to corrupt the teaching of Christ and the Bible, whilst pretending to be the Apostle Simon Peter, who condemned him for trying to buy the healing-power of the Holy Spirit,…
Sieg Heil Bhatti and the Nuremberg Code
Sieg Heil Bhatti and the Nuremberg Code.The Nuremberg Code (German: Nürnberger Kodex ) is a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation created as a result of the Nuremberg Trials, at the end of the Second World War.Sieg Heil Bhatti needs to be sued personally for healthcare-fraud and compensation,…
Analysis of what most likely really did happen in Washington DC on January 6th.
Using Ockham’s Razor and Common-Sense let’s look at what happened and what we’ve been told and make sense of it all.Everyone, including the usual alternative media talking-heads, some of whom are ex-military, have been unable to figure out what really happened in Washington on January 6th 2021.President Trump asked patriots…
See The U.S. Election In A Whole New Light
The following information is part of an article, The Illuminati and The Council on Foreign Relations One-World-Government Conspiracy and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of ZionGeneral Albert Pike, who was the supreme head of Freemasonry in the USA, planned for three World Wars and the following is from his…