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Where War News Meets Bible Prophecy.

These headlines demonstrate that the world is on the brink of destruction, just as written in bible prophecy. It’s happening.

US may directly enter Ukraine war without NATO

US may directly enter Ukraine war without NATO

American and allied forces may directly intervene in the ongoing Ukraine conflict against Russia even without a threat to any member of the US-led NATO military alliance, former US spy chief and Army general David Petraeus has said.
by | October 23, 2022
US military rated as ‘weak,’ may not be able to win one war

US military rated as ‘weak,’ may not be able to win one war

The US military may not be able to win one war — let alone two — as the Pentagon struggles to keep its forces equipped against potential threats from China and Russia.
by | October 20, 2022
Welcome To War – Putin Declares Martial Law

Welcome To War – Putin Declares Martial Law

Putin convened a special military council. He is locking down, said Ritter. "It's not a formal declaration or war... it's everything but that."
by | October 20, 2022
Four Angels of the Euphrates: Syria, Iran, Turkey and Iraq

Four Angels of the Euphrates: Syria, Iran, Turkey and Iraq

Syria, Iran, Turkey and Iraq are the Four Angels who will be loosened when the Sixth Trumpet sounds (sixth time period begins), according to Bible prophecy. Russia (king of the East) is gathering countries to defeat The West.
by | October 19, 2022
Putin is Not the Madman – Biden is Just Senile

Putin is Not the Madman – Biden is Just Senile

Be careful what you believe and wish for. You probably think the government really cares about you and your future. Governments create wars by filling the minds of their people with lies.
by | October 18, 2022
Iran plans to send ballistic missiles, drones to Russia

Iran plans to send ballistic missiles, drones to Russia

Iran is preparing the 1st shipment of Fateh-110 and Zolfaghar missiles, short-range ballistic missiles capable of striking at distances of 300 & 700km.
by | October 18, 2022
The US Is Sending So Many Weapons To Ukraine That Experts Are Starting To Worry

The US Is Sending So Many Weapons To Ukraine That Experts Are Starting To Worry

Global efforts to support Ukraine against Russia have triggered billions in spending to bolster Ukraine’s military, depleting U.S. stocks and raising concerns that the West may cripple its own military.
by | October 18, 2022
Russian S-300V4 Broke World Record For The Longest Ranged Surface To Air Kills

Russian S-300V4 Broke World Record For The Longest Ranged Surface To Air Kills

A pair of Ukrainian combat aircraft were neutralised at extreme ranges of 217km, surpassing the 150km range kill previously recorded in March.
by | October 17, 2022
U.S. Col. Macgregor: British Special Air Service was involved in the Kerch Bridge bombing

U.S. Col. Macgregor: British Special Air Service was involved in the Kerch Bridge bombing

Judge Napolitano and Retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor discuss the latest on the Ukraine-Russia war.
by | October 14, 2022
Russia Foils Attack On Turkstream Pipeline, Saboteurs Arrested

Russia Foils Attack On Turkstream Pipeline, Saboteurs Arrested

The Kremlin said several people were arrested Thursday during an attempt to sabotage the pipeline that links Russia to Turkey and Southern Europe.
by | October 14, 2022
It’s A New Game In Ukraine. The Worst Has Yet To Come

It’s A New Game In Ukraine. The Worst Has Yet To Come

Bombshell insights from Scott Ritter: Putin appoints General Sergey “General Armageddon,” as new commander of SMO. US Silent on massive assault on Ukraine, but fretting about Saudi-Russia deal.
by | October 14, 2022
The break between Germany and the U.S. begins! Deutsche Bahn railway suffers ‘malicious sabotage’

The break between Germany and the U.S. begins! Deutsche Bahn railway suffers ‘malicious sabotage’

Two cables that were vital for train traffic were sabotaged, which meant Deutsche Bahn trains had to stop running.
by | October 13, 2022
NATO Explosive Device Found Next to Nord Stream Pipeline in 2015

NATO Explosive Device Found Next to Nord Stream Pipeline in 2015

The piece of munitions was found close to the Nord Stream Line 2 in Nov 2015, during routine survey operations. NATO claimed at the time that the device was lost during exercises.
by | October 13, 2022
EVERYTHING changes in 3 weeks as Putin amasses biggest force yet

EVERYTHING changes in 3 weeks as Putin amasses biggest force yet

Clayton Morris talks Col. Douglas Macgregor about the current Russian offensive in Ukraine. Learn about what the Western MSM is not telling you.
by | October 13, 2022
EXPOSED: Before Ukraine blew up Kerch Bridge, British spies plotted it

EXPOSED: Before Ukraine blew up Kerch Bridge, British spies plotted it

The secret British intelligence plot to blow up Crimea’s Kerch Bridge is revealed in internal documents and correspondence obtained exclusively by The Grayzone.
by | October 13, 2022
Russia just changed the rules of the game

Russia just changed the rules of the game

Ukraine conflict have now culminated with a massive Russian response targeting civilian energy, transport and communication infrastructure.
by | October 12, 2022
Gibraltar and Rota may be two military targets of a Putin missile attack

Gibraltar and Rota may be two military targets of a Putin missile attack

Spanish officials fear a military base within their territory would be among Vladimir Putin's first European targets in the event of war.
by | October 10, 2022
Russia Starts To Fight For-Real: Overview Of Strikes In Ukraine

Russia Starts To Fight For-Real: Overview Of Strikes In Ukraine

Explosions thundered in almost all Ukrainian regions. All major cities of Ukraine were hit by the strikes. The escalation followed the explosion on the Crimean Bridge.
by | October 10, 2022
West has now set a course on total terrorist warfare

West has now set a course on total terrorist warfare

It is self-evident that the Kiev regime would never have had the means, technical and political, to execute such an attack without being told to do so by its masters in the West.
by | October 10, 2022
Details Of Attack On Crimean Bridge Revealed. NATO Appears Involved

Details Of Attack On Crimean Bridge Revealed. NATO Appears Involved

Two trucks involved in the attack. Head of the Russian Investigative Committee reported to Putin that the attack was carried out by the Ukrainian special services.
by | October 10, 2022
Car bomb sparks huge fire on Crimea bridge, celebrations in Ukraine

Car bomb sparks huge fire on Crimea bridge, celebrations in Ukraine

The West is using Ukraine as a proxy against Russia. They are pushing the whole world toward a much wider conflict.
by | October 9, 2022
Warning to The West? Russian train convoy on the move

Warning to The West? Russian train convoy on the move

Russian insiders have claimed the transport of such advanced military hardware signals a potential escalation in Putin’s war against Ukraine – an escalation that very well might include the use of nuclear weapons.
by | October 6, 2022
Tehran, Moscow, Beijing to create new great power

Tehran, Moscow, Beijing to create new great power

People around the world have bad memories of the era which has come to an end. Gog is gathering the bands to defeat The West.
by | October 6, 2022
US Military Stockpiles Dangerously Low as It Continues to Supply Ukraine

US Military Stockpiles Dangerously Low as It Continues to Supply Ukraine

This is all by evil design. While the US continues to arm the Ukraine and cause more havoc in Eastern Europe, its own stockpiles are being depleted. Americans will reap the karma.
by | October 5, 2022
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