The Truth Is Out There
The JAH Truth Page features articles and letters which emphasize, and source, truth found on JAHTruth.net – a database of Truth, Wisdom & Knowledge.
Database of Truth – JAHTruth.net.
The UK Must Return To Its Biblical Roots
John Hale's article "Can Our Judeo-Christian Culture Save Us?" is expanded upon to reveal the only One Way to save the United Kingdom.
by Managing Editor |
February 3, 2025
The Coming Destruction of ALL Organized Religion
Organized religion is about to have a going out of business fire sale. Read on to find out why you don’t want to buy anything they’re selling, at any price.
by A. Freeman |
August 13, 2024
The Noahide Conspiracy: Is Your Head on the Chopping Block?
For the real news about the fake rules that the fake jews have in mind to use against you, please read on about the Noahide rules. You snooze, you lose.
by A. Freeman |
July 27, 2024
The Thief in the Night is The Night Visitant of The Rock
For yourselves know perfectly that the Day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. He will be The Night Visitant as described in Sura 86.
by Hannah Michaels |
April 27, 2024
Bethlehem Ephratah
A key component of David’s lineage, and its relevance to Christ’s Second Coming, has remained hidden from most for thousands of years, until now.
by A. Freeman |
April 13, 2024
On The Way To Emmaus
From Enlightenment about on what transpired on the way to Emmaus after Jesus' Resurrection to Revelations about Christ's Second Coming.
by Editor-in-Chief |
April 8, 2024
If You Are Still Doing The Crime, You Are Rapidly Running Out Of Time
Christ told us to sin NO MORE, so why are we still doing it? Sin is defined in Scripture as the transgression (breaking) of The Law which means SIN = CRIME.
by A. Freeman |
March 1, 2024
“The Way home” published in Afrikaans
"The Way home or face The Fire" is available in Afrikaans, one of South Africa's official languages. It's a unique side-by-side English/Afrikaans edition.
by Editor-in-Chief |
February 22, 2024
The Americans and English are God’s Israel
Once you understand who True Israel really is, you'll understand why it is the real target of the Counterfeit one occupying the Holy Lands.
by Hannah Michaels |
February 20, 2024
ICJ on the case against the Counterfeit-State of Israel
A collection of news about the International Court of Justice's order concerning South Africa's case against the counterfeit State of Israel.
by Managing Editor |
January 28, 2024
Lies that Protect Counterfeit-Israel’s Genocidal Maniacs
A look at the propaganda that protects the liars and murderers and the evil parliamentary system that protects the liars. Justice will come.
by Managing Editor |
January 27, 2024
Jews Question the Holocaust Narrative
It seems only Jews can question the narrative, as gentiles are too intimidated to investigate. If all countries have myths, why shouldn’t Zionist Israel?
by News-Desk |
January 23, 2024
WW3 Began With The Invasion of Kuwait
The Invasion of Kuwait was prophecied through John. His visions of Kuwait and Operation Desert Storm accurately described the beginning of the end.
by Managing Editor |
January 20, 2024
Palestinian Ambassador: UK must correct damage caused by Balfour Declaration
Amb. to Ireland, Jilan Wahba Abdalmajid, calls upon the UK to rectify the damage caused by the Balfour Declaration; and to halt the war on Gaza.
by Managing Editor |
January 12, 2024
Fleur Hassan-Nahoum: “No Christians in Gaza”
The daughter of Gibraltar’s first chief minister caught "misrepresenting" the truth in what seems to be a propaganda war on the Israeli-Palestine situation.
by Hannah Michaels |
January 10, 2024
The Illuminati and the CFR
Myron C. Fagan warned us about the evil conspiracy of the Hidden Hand's plot for world control; but The Bible told us of it thousands of years ago.
by Managing Editor |
January 8, 2024
The PERFECT Healthy Diet
Most still refuse to keep the perfect healthy diet given to us by our Creator thousands of years ago, and then wonder why there are so many sick today.
by A. Freeman |
December 30, 2023
How to Unite Muslims, Jews and Christians
This can be a very simple process. Study the King of kings' Bible which combines the holy books in perfect harmony as our Creator intended.
by Hannah Michaels |
November 16, 2023
Close Encounters of The Gibraltar Kind
For over 40 years numerous sightings of small U.F.O.s have been sighted above and around Gibraltar to let the inhabitants know that they exist.
by Editor-in-Chief |
November 4, 2023
Karma Is An Irrefutable Fact
Perfect divine justice, reaping what one sows, and receiving one’s just desserts are all synonyms for karma. We will all be judged according to our works.
by A. Freeman |
October 21, 2023
In the Beginning Was the Word
A no nonsense examination during these end-times of the Word from God that started it all.
by A. Freeman |
October 7, 2023
A Case Study of Persistence Through Faith
With enough faith, patience and persistence, even a seemingly defenseless widow can prevail against injustice with God’s Help and His Law.
by A. Freeman |
October 2, 2023
Britain Stopped Hitler’s Generals from Deposing Him in 1938
All the British had to do was resist Hitler’s demands. Instead, at Munich, the traitors handed Czechoslovakia to him, its armaments and its gold.
by Managing Editor |
September 28, 2023
Reincarnation Is An Irrefutable Fact
Reincarnation is an irrefutable fact taught throughout the Old Covenant, New Covenant and the Koran; and so is karma – aka sowing and reaping.
by A. Freeman |
September 16, 2023
The AshkeNAZI Synagogue of Satan Explained.
No-one will EVER understand world history and what is happening now, unless they learn and understand who the NAZIs really are.
by Editor-in-Chief |
September 4, 2023
The Top 10 Myths That Dominate Christianity
A careful, honest examination of the core, doctrinal beliefs of “Christianity” reveals that few if any of their traditional beliefs are actually scriptural.
by A. Freeman |
August 12, 2023
The Coming Saviours – Moshiach, Messiah & Mahdi
The Jews await The Moshiach; the Christians await The Messiah; the Muslims await The Mahdi; but, what if they are all awaiting the same person?
by Hannah Michaels |
August 8, 2023
Christian Zionism for Dummies
Oxymoronic Christian Zionism requires “Christians” to believe the LIE that those from the synagogue of Satan are somehow “God’s Chosen People”. Stop it!
by A. Freeman |
August 2, 2023
Anti-Christ Revealed
There is a mountain of unnecessary guesswork concerning who the antichrist figure will be during these end-times. This article ends that speculation.
by A. Freeman |
August 2, 2023
Them Which Say They Are Jews But Are NOT
An honest look at modern Jewry and its global impact, which cuts through the hatred and lies that surround true Israel and their King: The Messiah.
by A. Freeman |
July 30, 2023