British Jury Concluded Taxes May Have Funded 7/7 London Bombings
by Tony Rooke – The operative at the UK’s National Anti-Terror Hotline agreed the Hill verdict gave us "reasonable cause to suspect" 7/7 was an inside job.
by Tony Rooke – The operative at the UK’s National Anti-Terror Hotline agreed the Hill verdict gave us "reasonable cause to suspect" 7/7 was an inside job.
Instead of play-acting in some fear-mongering tyrannical, mock terror drill exercise, Richard Ullger needs to make arrests for Crimes Against Humanity.
Tony Farrell pens a special condemnation report, yet offers a great invitation to James Jones, the former chair of the Hillsborough Independent Panel.
What do poems “The Journey of the Three Magi”; “Ring Out, Wild Bells”; and “Warning” have in common? And what do they have to do with Christ in Gibraltar?
This is the story of a Placard’s Progress that Tony Farrell is taking all over The Rock of Gibraltar. The placard displays Christ’s Royal Decree to Charles.
Written by Joyce Marie – You are strongly encouraged to step out in faith, learn to listen to the good voice inside of you, which is God speaking to you.
This is the second Amicus Curiae Brief from me, in response to the "call for evidence" concerning the Ian McGrail inquiry in Gibraltar.
A list of 101 warnings to Gibraltar about kneeling before Christ, while His Hand is still stretched out. This letter is Part 1. Christ’s letter to David Steel is Part 2.
Written by an American Jedi – The Faithful and True Authority in the UK, Gibraltar and the rest of the world is CHRIST. Prophecy Fulfilled: He is here and is our only hope.
Written by Douglas – Rejoice, you people of Gibraltar. You are in the vicinity where you can spiritually and literally reach out to our Saviour. We’re praying that David Steel and all Gibraltarians find the courage to do Right by Our Lord.