Explicación de la exhibición «Cristo bajo los escombros» de Gibraltar
Comparto una carta dirigida al Ministro Principal, Fabian Picardo, explicando la exposición que inicialmente consideraron como vandalismo.
Comparto una carta dirigida al Ministro Principal, Fabian Picardo, explicando la exposición que inicialmente consideraron como vandalismo.
I share a letter to CM Fabian Picardo, explaining the display they first deemed as vandalism. It was statement for Gibraltar about Gaza.
Samuel makes a stand in Gibraltar with his "Christ in the Rubble" display and I introduce my theses on the genocide in Gaza. Our voices must also be heard.
From a war vigil for children, to xmass messages from Gibraltar, from voices around the world to my voice about wickedness in high places.
At the "Restart The Heart Day", I had three close encounters of an unusual kind. Can a flame be rekindled? Can the heartbeat on The Rock be revived?
In a bold and brave GBC broadcast, I highlight moments in Azopardi & Picardo’s showcase performance to questions from a live audience. Ros Astengo comperes.
In the line of duty, I raise stark issues concerning Cops On The Rock, in an era where Truth no longer seems to matter, when the TRUTH is, TRUTH matters.
From the 7/7 London Bombings 18 years ago to the police state today – Shameful police practices fail to bring real criminals to justice.
I stick my head up above the parapet, and deliver a poetic justice message to those on The Rock in positions of authority in Gibraltar.
Tony Farrell writes to Gibraltar Governor David Steel and asks for his intervention to enable a trial by jury to occur.