Let the Inhabitants of The Rock sing the ‘New Song’
What is the “New Song” and why does “The Word” want YOU to learn to sing it and to Live and sing it on The Rock?
What is the “New Song” and why does “The Word” want YOU to learn to sing it and to Live and sing it on The Rock?
Durante más de 40 años, se han avistado numerosos OVNIs pequeños sobre y alrededor de Gibraltar para hacer saber a los habitantes que existen.
For over 40 years numerous sightings of small U.F.O.s have been sighted above and around Gibraltar to let the inhabitants know that they exist.
Todos los habitantes del Campo de Gibraltar deberían aprender inglés, porque será el único idioma en El Reino de Dios.
No-one will EVER understand world history and what is happening now, unless they learn and understand who the NAZIs really are.
¿Piensan los hombres que serán dejados solos por decir: «Creemos», y que no serán probados? Dios es vuestro protector, y Él es el MEJOR de los ayudantes.
An amazing interview. It covers the reality of what’s happening, including about all the bought & paid for politicians, who have sold out their own people.
The word Muslim means “one who is true in faith” or simply “faithful”. That means being faithful to and obeying Allah/God, NOT men.
Russian and Chinese military technological advances are coming from a Superior Force; while the UK and USA’s are riddled with problems. Why?
España NO tiene la llave del futuro de Gibraltar extremadamente «brillante» de Gibraltar porque la ÚNICA llave para su futura soberanía está en la bandera.