Acknowledge Christ as King – The First Step to True Peace
Written by Christina and Matthew – By Re-Establishing God’s Law we might just have a chance. We can’t have Peace unless we go back to GOD’S Law.
Written by Christina and Matthew – By Re-Establishing God’s Law we might just have a chance. We can’t have Peace unless we go back to GOD’S Law.
Western leaders meet in Munich, focusing on their efforts to back Ukraine. Hungarian Prime Minister cautions The West. NATO likely to battle two fronts.
Russia urges Israel to stop its armed provocations against Syria. Not even the earthquake disaster stops diabolical leader Netanyahu. Prophecy Unfolding.
Wars Always Depopulate. Ukrainians think that they are fighting against Russia for independence, but their numbers are being reduced by design.
There is no peace and security when the U.S. thinks it can destroy critical infrastructure of other countries with impunity? The demise of NATO is coming.
Kristalina Georgieva says to PREPARE FOR THE UNTHINKABLE – or is she really programming us to think about what’s really coming; what they have planned?
In a report, Norwegian Intelligence informed NATO of warships/submarines of Russia’s Northern Fleet setting sail armed with nuclear missiles.
US is urging Americans in Russia to leave immediately – citing an elevated risk of arbitrary arrests; unpredictable consequences; possibility of terrorism.
Instead of play-acting in some fear-mongering tyrannical, mock terror drill exercise, Richard Ullger needs to make arrests for Crimes Against Humanity.
From Yemen to Ukraine – no matter how politicians spin it – Arms deals kill civilians; and arms suppliers profit.