US Set To Send Ukraine Patriot Missiles In Major Escalation
This could be a tipping point, leading to direct confrontation and a point of no return. Russia vows to take out the patriot batteries.
This could be a tipping point, leading to direct confrontation and a point of no return. Russia vows to take out the patriot batteries.
Do Folks Really Know How Serious Things Have Become? The entire world community of nations
is now standing at the edge of the proverbial precipice.
East vs West. WW3 – It’s Coming. Headlines from both sides continue to inform us that the big confrontation is near.
Think engineered famine could never happen? Is the world on the verge of a global Hunger? Perhaps it’s time to look at history and prophecy.
The impending digital prison may be invisible; but how much do you really know about the planet in which you are being housed?
How does Russia create a “neutral” Ukraine that isn’t armed-to-the-teeth by Moscow’s enemies? With a dead zone in Western Ukraine as big as it likes.
While European officials accuse the US of profitting from the war in Ukraine, realize that it has always been “bigger than Ukraine” and "bigger than Russia".
"Progressives" are witting & unwitting Satanists. They destroy Christian Western civilization; and impose a communist New World Order.
Gibraltar Messenger – "This video very informative, including about the EU separating from US/NATO and joining Russia."
Russian air defenses successfully intercepted an American-made M982 Excalibur extended range guided artillery round that was fired by Armed Forces of Ukraine.