Christ is Here to Restore the World
Written by an American JEDI – Christ is the TRUE King. He is humble, kind, generous, caring and CANNOT be corrupted by evil.
Written by an American JEDI – Christ is the TRUE King. He is humble, kind, generous, caring and CANNOT be corrupted by evil.
Charles Battenberg/Windsor, nacido el 14 de noviembre de 1948, fue citado por El Rey de reyes para comparecer ante Él en Gibraltar.
Written by William – IF you believe the Words written in the Bible are Truth; then, there can be no doubt Christ is Who He says He is.
Written by a follower of The Way – There are calls by Members of Parliament to strip Harry of his title, BUT God stripped Harry’s title before he was even born.
Their mission is to rearrange a new culture of humanity to replace the previous social system; but first they must destroy the old order.
Written by JM – Sir, I cannot call you king because I know your Mother was not crowned on the true stone. The stone’s disappearance is no mistake.
Think engineered famine could never happen? Is the world on the verge of a global Hunger? Perhaps it’s time to look at history and prophecy.
While European officials accuse the US of profitting from the war in Ukraine, realize that it has always been “bigger than Ukraine” and "bigger than Russia".
"Progressives" are witting & unwitting Satanists. They destroy Christian Western civilization; and impose a communist New World Order.
Gibraltar Messenger – "This video very informative, including about the EU separating from US/NATO and joining Russia."