There we have it STARING us in the face: hidden in plain sight. T.H.E.Y. terrify people with a colossal narrative about a virus and a vaccine.
There we have it STARING us in the face: hidden in plain sight. T.H.E.Y. terrify people with a colossal narrative about a virus and a vaccine.
Stew Peters’ film about how the Satanic Global Elite are playing God and genetically altering humanity forever. We are in the final days of humankind.
Why do the unenlightened rage & imagine a futile thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against GOD and CHRIST.
In this 3rd episode of Face Mask Madness, I use four farcical fabled stories to “unkindly” square-up traitorous activities on The Rock during the Covid era.
How I became a "Wanted" man – In this second episode, I tell of the ludicrous nature of three other close encounters of the mask-less kind on The Rock.
They will plot how to accelerate goals of U.N. Agenda 2030 and the complete digitization of humanity.
A small group of psychotic control freaks is attempting to gain absolute control over planetary life and to eviscerate the fundamental laws of nature.
Researchers at Sweden’s ECRF document another case of debilitating symptoms corresponding with radiofrequency (RF)/microwave syndrome due to a 5G tower.
Four different vials were examined by a local dentist and scientist in Gibraltar. Let’s look at the insane plan to use graphene-oxide in everything & why.
Oracle Films has released its high-quality version of this extraordinary event in two parts. Please watch and share.