About Christ’s Letters
The Gibraltar Messenger features Letters from Christ with key messages on important issues. They are for Gibraltarians – as well as everyone else in the world. Please consider them carefully.
God gave the Holy Land to the Palestinians
The Holy Land currently, according to God, belongs to the Palestinians. Hiding the Truth with lies is evil and those responsible will pay a heavy price.
by Editor-in-Chief |
February 18, 2025
Congratulations Candace Owens
I wrote to Candace to congratulate her; to educate her on who True Israel really is; and to expand on the Ashkenazi-Counterfeit Jews and their plans.
by Editor-in-Chief |
December 21, 2024
An Extremely Important Message for ALL of the Gadites/Gaditanos of The Campo de Gibraltar
What I am about to tell you has been purposefully hidden from you, for generations, by evil people who want to oppress, impoverish and enslave you.
by Editor-in-Chief |
December 1, 2024
Preparing For War
I’d like to remind the people of Gibraltar that I've been warning YOU for decades that war is coming. Will you ever heed my warnings and take my advice?
by Editor-in-Chief |
November 23, 2024
Disarming the People has Always Been Done by Tyrants
It shouldn’t surprise us when a tyrant disarms his subjects, but it should be alarming when the leaders of a democratic state attempt it.
by Editor-in-Chief |
October 26, 2024
Why The AshkeNAZIs Hate The Russians
The Ashkenazi Khazarians have always been a warlike nation, driven out of Ukraine by Christian Russians. War is a means to their end - World Domination.
by Editor-in-Chief |
October 9, 2024
Why does Gibraltar want to be part of the NAZI FOURTH REICH? Binding ties need to be used & strengthened to persuade the people of The Campo to reject it.
by Editor-in-Chief |
September 13, 2024
A Second Amicus Curiae Brief For The McGrail Inquiry
My second amicus brief about threats and intimidation happening on The Rock, and how to put an end to it, along with corruption and tyranny.
by Editor-in-Chief |
July 2, 2024
Amicus Curiae Brief For The McGrail Inquiry
My amicus letter is to explain that, if McGrail had kept God's Law, the focus would always have been on the wrongful deeds of Picardo and others.
by Editor-in-Chief |
June 24, 2024
Act NOW or face your fate.
Reinstate and enforce God’s Law and keep The Covenant yourselves. It's the only way to survive what's coming.
by Editor-in-Chief |
June 21, 2024
Our “Leaders” Literally are Klaws Swab’s Bumboys
My clarification and warning after reading the Henry Makow article "Our 'Leaders' Literally are Klaws Swab’s Bumboys".
by Editor-in-Chief |
March 27, 2024
The Truth About Eretz (Greater) Israel
The Bible prophecy about “Eretz” (Greater) Israel possessing the land from the Euphrates to the Nile was already fulfilled 106 years ago.
by Editor-in-Chief |
November 24, 2023
Gaditanos Should Learn English
All those in The Campo of Gibraltar should learn English, because it will be the only language in The Kingdom of God.
by Editor-in-Chief |
June 27, 2023
The Truth About Medicines – From Honest Doctors
This is a letter – a warning – I wrote 20 years ago. It is as applicable today as it was then, especially given their advanced timeline.
by Editor-in-Chief |
June 17, 2023
The Twisting and Corrupting of the Meaning of Words by Satan and Satanists
WOKEISM is the opposite of being AWAKE and is about being a degenerate, perverted human abomination to God. The Sleeper must awaken.
by Editor-in-Chief |
March 8, 2023
RT has a Christmas Message for Europeans
This Russian Public Service Announcement to the citizens of Europe is VERY serious and in line with Bible prophecy.
by Editor-in-Chief |
December 25, 2022
Christ’s Letter to David Steel
As you have written to me, about my disciple Tony, you have thus invited me to respond. This letter is Part 2. Tony's letter to David Steel is Part 1.
by Editor-in-Chief |
October 23, 2022
Where Does Evil Come From? The Answer.
The answer to the question is extremely simple, so simple that it hides in plain sight – The Truth is usually very simple.
by Editor-in-Chief |
October 21, 2022
The Nord Stream Pipeline Repair Dilemma
The attack may end up being an environmental disaster to equal Fukushima, with the release of millions of cubic metres of methane-gas into the environment, from the attack and in an attempt to save the pipelines. It is possible to repair pipes under water using a hyperbaric welding system.
by Editor-in-Chief |
October 1, 2022
The Divine Significance Of The Stone of Destiny
A Common Law Jury, having been presented with the all of the facts, unanimously reached the verdict that Mrs. Elizabeth Mary Alexandra Battenberg; (criminal aliases Elizabeth Windsor and QE2); was fraudulently/unlawfully crowned and thus was NEVER the lawful monarch of the UK and Commonwealth. And neither is Charles.
by Editor-in-Chief |
September 25, 2022
Ezekiel 21:25 And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when inequity [shall have] an end. Charles, karma is about to catch up with you for all your inequity.
by Editor-in-Chief |
September 14, 2022
Letter to the Commissioner of Police
Addressed to Richard Ullger, Gibraltar Commission of Police – "We are writing to you to give you some Fatherly advice, in relation to what you and the RGP are doing that is against The Law, that the British monarch swears to maintain to the UTMOST of their power, as part of the Coronation Oath and ceremony."
by Editor-in-Chief |
March 8, 2022
Letter to the Dean of Gibraltar
Addressed to Ian Tarrant, Dean of Gibraltar, Holy Trinity Cathedral and the Diocese of Europe – "The Anglican Church is anathema to God, with its head, the fraudulent rotten Mrs Elizabeth Battenberg (Mountbatten), and, like a fish, the church has rotted from the head down."
by Editor-in-Chief |
November 20, 2021
Letter to Bishop of Gibraltar
Addressed to Carmel Zammit, Bishop of Gibraltar – "Irrespective of what you would like to think, after all the Scriptural evidence you were provided, proving that serving both me and the pope is IMPOSSIBLE, you are obviously either totally deluded, or wilfully blind, and there are none so blind as those who refuse to see."
by Editor-in-Chief |
October 10, 2021
How to Lawfully Decline a Vaccine & Other Pharmaceutical Frauds e.g. Masks, Tests
It is against my religious convictions that are protected by various international declarations. It is against God’s Law to take part in witchcraft/pharmacy. Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch/pharmacist to live. The vaccines are products of witchcraft/pharmacy and contain poisonous substances and therefore are against The Law.
by Editor-in-Chief |
April 25, 2021
How to Apply The Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Crucifixion and Resurrection Today
The Passover is a very important time to consider both Passovers and what they really mean, or should mean, to each of you. What everyone needs to think about is how the crucifixion applies to The Passover, because the animal substitute sacrifice was replaced by daily [Self]-sacrifice.
by Editor-in-Chief |
March 27, 2021
How long must we suffer O Lord? – Until you return to keeping and enforcing The Law
How many murders by vaccine will it take, before the victims’ extended families and friends get together and, in the Piazza, lawfully under God’s Law, publicly execute, by hanging, or stoning to death, or firing-squad, etc., SiegHeil “Dr. Death” Bhatti, Dr. Krishna Rawal, Dr. John Cortes, Samantha Sacramento, Der Fuehrer Fabian Picardo and ALL those people involved.
by Editor-in-Chief |
January 26, 2021
Beware of the Covid 1984 PCR test – your life depends upon it
The Chinese Communist anti-God government (CCP) wants to map the genome of every human+being on this planet. They, in conjunction with Dr. Anthony Fauci, purposefully released a fake virus, on flu-vaccinated and 5G irradiated Wuhan and Milan populations, to kill enough people, so that fear and panic would envelop the faithless world.
by Editor-in-Chief |
December 3, 2020
Covid19, 5G, Vaccination plandemic – are the last stages of the Ashke-Nazi New World Order satanic plan to enslave and kill-off most of mankind
Before many of the bodies you are inhabiting today were born; in this present reincarnation you are experiencing; President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) warned the world of a plan to enslave mankind, and seven days later, on November 22nd 1963, T.H.E.Y. very publically murdered him in Dealey Plaza, in Dallas, Texas, in a coup d’état by the Nazi controlled CIA…
by Editor-in-Chief |
October 26, 2020
Life or Death: Pharmaceutical “Plandemic” Poisonous Vaccines, or the Healing of the Holy Spirit – Your choice.
The Catholic Religion was founded by Simon Pater the Sorcerer/Witch based upon the Babylonian Mystery Religion of Sun-Worship on Sundays, to corrupt the teaching of Christ and the Bible, whilst pretending to be the Apostle Simon Peter, who condemned him for trying to buy the healing-power of the Holy Spirit, from him.
by Editor-in-Chief |
August 28, 2020