Congratulations Candace Owens
I wrote to Candace to congratulate her; to educate her on who True Israel really is; and to expand on the Ashkenazi-Counterfeit Jews and their plans.
I wrote to Candace to congratulate her; to educate her on who True Israel really is; and to expand on the Ashkenazi-Counterfeit Jews and their plans.
It seems only Jews can question the narrative, as gentiles are too intimidated to investigate. If all countries have myths, why shouldn’t Zionist Israel?
Amb. to Ireland, Jilan Wahba Abdalmajid, calls upon the UK to rectify the damage caused by the Balfour Declaration; and to halt the war on Gaza.
No-one will EVER understand world history and what is happening now, unless they learn and understand who the NAZIs really are.
A careful, honest examination of the core, doctrinal beliefs of “Christianity” reveals that few if any of their traditional beliefs are actually scriptural.
Oxymoronic Christian Zionism requires “Christians” to believe the LIE that those from the synagogue of Satan are somehow “God’s Chosen People”. Stop it!
An honest look at modern Jewry and its global impact, which cuts through the hatred and lies that surround true Israel and their King: The Messiah.
Evidence reveals Jesus calmed the Mediterranean Sea in the journey with his disciplines to the land of the Gaderenes in the Campo of Gibraltar.
Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Feminism, Zionism are just masks for an agenda to "possess" humanity.
Wars Always Depopulate. Ukrainians think that they are fighting against Russia for independence, but their numbers are being reduced by design.