Gibraltar and Rota may be two military targets of a Putin missile attack
Spanish officials fear a military base within their territory would be among Vladimir Putin’s first European targets in the event of war.
Spanish officials fear a military base within their territory would be among Vladimir Putin’s first European targets in the event of war.
It’s a free gift to the world. Please help SPREAD THE WORD to the Spanish-speaking countries around the globe.
[Reply to Robert Vasquez’s post: Picardo Admits to ‘Waste and Abuse’ Whilst GSLP-Liberal Hypocrisy Continues] Dear Robert, We hope this finds you well, in good spirit and having a good day. Having just read your excellent criticism of Der Fuehrer Picardo and his cohorts in crime, and agreeing with you on what you wrote, the …
Picardo Admits To “Waste and Abuse” Whilst GSLP-Liberal Hypocrisy Continues Read More »
CADIZ was founded by Phoenicians and that it was called GÁDIR (or “GAD’s city”). Still today, the people from Cádiz are known as GADitanos/Gadites. But why?
As you harassed, convicted and fined me for “being a non-Gibraltarian in Gibraltar without a valid permit”, which I proved conclusively, over 5 years now, that I’m also undeniably British and the legislation is error-laden fraud, why don’t you investigate Chief Minister Fabian Picardo for conspiracy to commit treason against Gibraltar.
The Catholic Religion was founded by Simon Pater the Sorcerer/Witch based upon the Babylonian Mystery Religion of Sun-Worship on Sundays, to corrupt the teaching of Christ and the Bible, whilst pretending to be the Apostle Simon Peter, who condemned him for trying to buy the healing-power of the Holy Spirit, from him.
China always strategically chooses its BRI partners; and there is always a military component behind its quest for “world-trade” domination. While Gibraltar officials cater to Chinese-owned companies, are they really helping to pull the trojan dragon into the gates of The Rock?
Not only is Madrid’s proposal to share Gibraltar completely unfounded on any basis of historical fact whatsoever, and regardless of the temptation-offers of dual citizenship, the whole Campo region is more racially akin to Gibraltar and its people.
We have been telling you, for more than twenty years, that the UK government will continually say that they will protect you, whilst doing the opposite.
We told you that only actions and not more empty words can fix the frontier problem, but still the worthless talking goes on regardless: as it has for decades. The action that needs to be taken is for the Gibraltarian people to take matters into their OWN hands, instead of waiting endlessly for the UK to act.