Chinese Claim Hypersonic Engine Can Reach Mach 9
The engine uses shockwaves to propel the aircraft by injecting kerosene fuel into a ring-shaped channel, before igniting it to form a controlled explosion.
The engine uses shockwaves to propel the aircraft by injecting kerosene fuel into a ring-shaped channel, before igniting it to form a controlled explosion.
Being a member of NATO does not protect you from anything. NATO can’t defend ANY of its members against a truly modern military.
A report examined 49 types of military aircraft and found that only 4 types met their annual mission readiness goals from FY 2011 through FY 2021 — an overall decline over time.
China shows off its J20 stealth fighter jets at its 2022 airshow. Their maneuvers astonish crowds. The West should take note of these impressive aircrafts.
Strategy, valor and firepower wins wars. The retreat from Kherson was a no-brainer. Russia is still on-track to achieve all of its strategic objectives.
US Navy Adm. Charles Richard – The ‘big one’ is coming. The ship is slowly sinking, because China is fielding new capabilities faster than the US.
Malachi Martin claims he read the 3rd Secret of Fatima, saying Russia would become an “instrument of Chastisement”; and the Sun will dim.
The Dutch are one of the nations from the 10 lost tribes of Israel, and part of the dividing of the nations of the world into two camps. Who will be next to withdraw?
It is apparent that God is helping Russia in this war. Not only does Scripture back this up, but also, so do the headlines. Russia knows it’s currently fighting the good fight against a company of nations controlled by the Synogogue of Satan.
Experts speculated the test was in response to US nuclear-powered submarine arriving in Gibraltar. Is US & Russia heading towards a submarine war?