Fleur Hassan-Nahoum: “No Christians in Gaza”
The daughter of Gibraltar’s first chief minister caught "misrepresenting" the truth in what seems to be a propaganda war on the Israeli-Palestine situation.
The daughter of Gibraltar’s first chief minister caught "misrepresenting" the truth in what seems to be a propaganda war on the Israeli-Palestine situation.
Samuel makes a stand in Gibraltar with his "Christ in the Rubble" display and I introduce my theses on the genocide in Gaza. Our voices must also be heard.
From a war vigil for children, to xmass messages from Gibraltar, from voices around the world to my voice about wickedness in high places.
The Mediterranean Sea is now a focus in the escalating conflict between the West and East – and it’s not looking good.
It’s hard to overstate the importance of the Strait of Hormuz to the global economy. If the Strait were to be disrupted, it would cause immediate chaos.
What is the “New Song” and why does “The Word” want YOU to learn to sing it and to Live and sing it on The Rock?
For over 40 years numerous sightings of small U.F.O.s have been sighted above and around Gibraltar to let the inhabitants know that they exist.
At the "Restart The Heart Day", I had three close encounters of an unusual kind. Can a flame be rekindled? Can the heartbeat on The Rock be revived?
In a bold and brave GBC broadcast, I highlight moments in Azopardi & Picardo’s showcase performance to questions from a live audience. Ros Astengo comperes.
For hundreds of years, it’s been traditionally and wrongly assumed that the Quraysh were a pre-“Islamic” Meccan tribe, thereby hiding their true identity.