Gibraltar Messenger


When people fear their government there is tyranny. When the government fears the people there is liberty

“Everyone likes to say Der Fuehrer Hitler did this” and “Der Fuehrer Hitler did that”. But the truth is Der Fuehrer Hitler did very little. He was a world class asshole, but the evil actually done, from the death-camps to WW2 was all done by citizens who were afraid to question if what they were …

When people fear their government there is tyranny. When the government fears the people there is liberty Read More »

A Global Gibraltar – That’s The Plan

For Gibraltarians who are flabbergasted at the actions of the government; and who cannot wrap their heads around why Government of Gibraltar (GoG) politicians and officials are acting outside and above their domain, you need to first understand that your politicians are one of three things: Globalists, Puppets of globalists or afraid of globalists.