Gibraltar Messenger


Whether you realize it or not, you are at a crossroads, as is Gibraltar

Dear David Steel – You swore allegiance to a woman who is neither queen nor “defender of the faith”, and thus has been perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in human history for the past 70 years at the expense of the British (Israelite) people throughout the world, including Gibraltar. And both of you asked for God’s Help while refusing to do your utmost to maintain His Laws, as you’ve both promised to do.

What if you were part of a massive lie and then realized the real truth? What would you do?

Dear David Steel – You’ve received copious proofs of Gibraltar’s special destiny and Mrs. Elizabeth Battenberg’s (alias queen) massive fraud, that she is not the Lawful monarch, and that the Lawful King of kings: Christ, is here on Earth now, again, in a new (English) body, with its New Name as Prophesied (Rev. 2:17, 3:12); those proofs having been delivered by Christ Himself: the Gibraltar Messenger, and various of His followers (over decades now).

Christ's Letters featuring Christ's coat of arms, banner, ensign, british coat of arms, christ at over the United Kingdom, Gibraltar flag

Letter to the Commissioner of Police

Addressed to Richard Ullger, Gibraltar Commission of Police – "We are writing to you to give you some Fatherly advice, in relation to what you and the RGP are doing that is against The Law, that the British monarch swears to maintain to the UTMOST of their power, as part of the Coronation Oath and ceremony."

Christ's Letters featuring Christ's coat of arms, banner, ensign, british coat of arms, christ at over the United Kingdom, Gibraltar flag

Letter to the Dean of Gibraltar

Addressed to Ian Tarrant, Dean of Gibraltar, Holy Trinity Cathedral and the Diocese of Europe – "The Anglican Church is anathema to God, with its head, the fraudulent rotten Mrs Elizabeth Battenberg (Mountbatten), and, like a fish, the church has rotted from the head down."