Public Service Announcement about Christ as King and Governor
This could be a game-changer in the battle of good vs evil. Watch this short video presentation about why Gibraltar and the world need to recognize Christ as King and Governor.
This could be a game-changer in the battle of good vs evil. Watch this short video presentation about why Gibraltar and the world need to recognize Christ as King and Governor.
This video about the dark underworld of child sex trafficking must go viral. "These Little Ones" reveals the satanic ritual abuse perpetrated by the elites.
"We will be at war by August," said Henry Kissinger. Is a global war weeks away?
In continuation of bringing your attention to important news regarding Russia and the coming war, please consider the following articles: Beijing’s War Plan: An Interview with Lude Media – Lude Media I have interviewed Mr. D. Wang and associates, of Lude Media, whose organization acquired a 56-minute recording of a military-civil meeting in Guangdong …
In a "Not Sanctioned by God" Magistrate’s Court hearing held in Gibraltar on 12th July 2021 in which I, Tony Farrell, refused to attend, it is my understanding that in my absence, five unlawful warrants were issued for my arrest by the "Not Sanctioned by God" Magistrate Karl Tonna.
Gibr-ALTAR – "encrucijada" y "puerta" a el viejo y el nuevo mundo (y la edad). Gebal-Tariq, en Árabe, significa la Roca de "El Visitante de La Noche." (véase también Apocalipsis. 3:3).
CÁDIZ fue fundada por los fenicios y se llamaba GÁDIR (o "ciudad de GAD"). Los habitantes de Cádiz se conocen como GADitanos/Gaditas. Pero, ¿por qué?
CADIZ was founded by Phoenicians and that it was called GÁDIR (or “GAD’s city”). Still today, the people from Cádiz are known as GADitanos/Gadites. But why?