Scott Ritter on Russian Victory – It’s All Over For Ukraine
Gibraltar Messenger – "This video very informative, including about the EU separating from US/NATO and joining Russia."
Gibraltar Messenger – "This video very informative, including about the EU separating from US/NATO and joining Russia."
It’s not just from their overuse; there is a Divine Plan why things keep going wrong for The West.
Being a member of NATO does not protect you from anything. NATO can’t defend ANY of its members against a truly modern military.
Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone.
CIA Officer Frank Snepp Faked The News About Vietnam. He exposes how the government creates war propaganda. These disinformation tactics continue about Ukraine and Russia.
US Navy Adm. Charles Richard – The ‘big one’ is coming. The ship is slowly sinking, because China is fielding new capabilities faster than the US.
(Complexity – Energy) x (Arrogance + Ignorance) = A Great Disaster. We can’t readily transition to ‘clean energy’ – even the most basic of linear arithmetic reveals it cannot be done. Do the maths.
Russia Blames UK and Ukraine. The safe zone of the region’s grain corridor was exploited. Russia suspends participation in UN-brokered grain deal.
A must-watch film that shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries. It also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that have enabled them.
Finland’s alliance with NATO could facilitate hosting nuclear weapons on its Russian border. Is this option being played down? And what happens when things heat up?