On the afternoon of Friday 28th June, a gentleman from the Jewish Community approached me as I was stationed with my sandwich board outside the Roman Catholic cathedral. His name is Shlomo Levy, and his profile on Hassans Law Firm’s website stated that “he works closely with Senior Partner James Levy”.

Shlomo Levy’s face was vaguely familiar to me as someone who is a prominent member of Gibraltar’s Jewish community, but I did not, at the time, know his name. For a few moments, he stood reading one side of the sandwich board on display outside the Roman Catholic cathedral.
A conversation ensued, and it went as follows:
Shlomo: Are you the person who delivered the Amicus Curiae Brief to the offices of Hassans earlier this week?
Tony Farrell: Yes.
Shlomo: You made a mistake by giving your name over to my dad James Levy.
Tony Farrell: Is that a veiled threat?
Shlomo: You made a mistake by giving your name over to my dad James Levy.
[Gibraltar Messenger: In typical lawyer fashion, Shlomo avoided answering the question, because if he said yes, he would be admitting to committing a crime, and if he said no, it would lose its effectiveness, as a threat. So, he just repeated his statement to confirm it was a threat. Why would he say it was a mistake, if he wasn’t making a threat?]
Tony Farrell: I have nothing against James Levy. The Amicus Curiae Brief was about the three gentlemen shown on the display board. As a former police whistleblower, I agree with the Amicus Curiae Brief as is.
Shlomo: Weren’t you sacked from the police service?
Tony Farrell: Yes.
At that admission, Shlomo walked away seemingly pleased with his interjection. There had been no scene, no raised voices, and to the best of my knowledge no witnesses.
Later, because his face was already vaguely familiar, I was able to eventually ascertain his name and position in Gibraltar.
The more I reflected about the conversation, the more it concerned me. It can be seen that my main response to Shlomo was to ask him was this a veiled threat. The reason why I asked him that, was because I took his message as a thinly-veiled threat towards me personally, having of late learned a thing or two about the huge influence of James Levy, from my attendance at the McGrail Public Inquiry.
I have felt obliged to alert the police to this incident, because Project Servator tells us that if we see something, we should say something to the police. So as a citizen keen on upholding The Law, I did my duty, and as a result, I just want it be known to the people of Gibraltar that I’m not suicidal or anything like that – far from it.
If the Royal Gibraltar Police in their wisdom, see fit to investigate, I have already indicated to them a willingness to submit a detailed statement and even attend court, if required to do so. I stand by my assertion that I perceived this to be a thinly veiled threat, but as far as I know, the police, for reasons best known to themselves, do not intend to take any action with respect to this reported incident that they refused to even log as police intelligence on the 30th of June.
The Lord’s single page Amicus Curiae Brief (Friend of The Court) had been compiled on Saturday 22nd June 2024, and The Lord had tasked me to find a way of getting the document into the McGrail Inquiry, before the closing summaries, if at all possible. So, during the early afternoon of Monday 24th June 2024, I went to deliver the Amicus Curiae Brief to Maurice Turnock, in the hope that it would subsequently get distributed to all interested parties, and in particular Peter Openshaw, the Inquiry’s Commissioner. However, by the time I got to my intended destination, The Law Courts offices had just closed, as it had gone 1pm. Therefore playing the role of Postman Pat, in order to meet my objectives in response to The Lord’s request, I delivered the Amicus Curiae Brief to the offices of Triay and Triay, for the attention of Charles Simpson. That same afternoon, The Lord’s Amicus Curiae Brief was also delivered to the offices of Nick Cruz; Peter Caruana; Charles Gomez; Fabian Picardo; Keith Azopardi and Damon Bossino via TSN; and to Hassans. The latter item was delivered in an envelope addressed to James Levy, and handed over to the front desk receptionists of the offices of Hassans. The receptionist asked me for my name, which I gave her.
Having been ever present at all the open sessions of The McGrail Inquiry, including all the pre-hearing stages, on Tuesday 25th June and again on Wednesday 26th June, I attended the hearings of the closing submissions. By the time the two-day closing submissions had run their course, I was still unclear as to whether or not Peter Openshaw had actually received The Lord’s Amicus Curiae Brief. So on Thursday 27th June, I submitted a follow-up email to Maurice Turnock, copying-in Charles Simpson, who is part of the Inquiry Team. Charles Simpson kindly replied to me via email, stating that it had been brought to the attention of the Chairman. I was pleased to learn about that. See below.
Amicus Curiae Brief
Sent: Thursday, 27 June 2024
To: Maurice Turnock, cc: Charles Simpson (Triay & Triay)
Dear Mr Farrell I acknowledge receipt of your email and the document which I understand you hand delivered to our office. I can confirm that the same was brought to the attention of the Chairman.
Yours sincerely
Charles Simpson
—–Original Message—–
From: SleuthER95
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2024
Subject: Amicus Curiae Brief
Dear Maurice,
Good morning and good wishes.
Firstly, may I just say very well-done for your fine efforts in ensuring the public facing McGrail inquiry ran so smoothly.
Secondly, as you know, The Gibraltar Messenger, submitted an Amicus Curiae Brief for Peter Openshaw’s attention, just like He did at Preston Crown Court in 2019. As the person tasked on both occasions to get the Amicus Curiae Brief placed before the courts/ inquiry, I was pleased that on this occasion no exclusion order was felt necessary to serve on me. Are you in a position to confirm whether or not this amicus curiae brief actually got passed on to Peter Openshaw as hoped, please?
Best wishes
Tony Farrell
Disciple of The Gibraltar Messenger
On the morning of Friday 28th June 2024, with a fold-up chair I took out the sandwich-board featuring the Lord’s Amicus Curiae Brief on one side of it. Featured on the other side of the board was its preceding insightful letter from The Gibraltar Messenger entitled “Act NOW or face your fate”.

I parked the sandwich board up by the railings of the Roman Catholic cathedral close to the location where I had previously exercised my freedom of expression. I placed it outside the cathedral in order that passers-by could read the message from The Gibraltar Messenger, if they so wished. The entirely peaceful vigil was kept up for several hours from mid-morning to mid-to-late afternoon.
Some people were stopping to read the display board, and some even happily offered their comments on the McGrail Inquiry. Some quite notable people from Gibraltar came up to read the contents of the sandwich board. These included, but were not limited to, Charles Pitto who previously unlawfully sent me to prison for my flat refusal to wear a health-harming face mask in his courtroom, and Anthony Lombard. I wish to stress that throughout my lengthy vigil, all conversations bar one, were convivial in nature, and some were even most insightful for me personally, but one came across to me personally as menacing.
From my attendance at the McGrail Inquiry, I had noted that the current Commissioner of the RGP on day 13 of the inquiry gave testimony, and I picked up on the fact he feared that something could happen to Ian McGrail’s physical safety. See day 13 page 167 4-26 of the transcripts.
After my attendance at a peace vigil for children, I let it be known that I felt deeply disturbed by how I learned about some menacing conduct by prominent people in high places as undertaken directly against an upstanding peace-loving citizen, who is desperately concerned with the plight of the innocent and helpless.
Article 19 of The Unlawful and UnGodly United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights notwithstanding, with all this political bullying and intimidation around on The Rock of Gibraltar, whatever happened to the COMMANDMENT to love thy neighbour (Mark 12:28-31)?
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Tony Farrell
Concerning this incidence, please see The Lord’s Second Amicus Curiae Brief