The Sound of The Shofar
The following "good news" article, as posted very recently on the Defending Gibraltar website, about Sir Frank O. Kabui, Former Governor General of Solomon Islands, may possibly be of great interest to you.
The following "good news" article, as posted very recently on the Defending Gibraltar website, about Sir Frank O. Kabui, Former Governor General of Solomon Islands, may possibly be of great interest to you.
In line with prophecy unfolding – see Ezekiel scripture below. A Russian counter-attack on Israeli forces in Syria has raised fears of a potential escalation to the conflict, with experts fearing a similar provocation “within days”. This week, Russia launched missiles on Israeli jets that had flown over Syria and struck targets north of Damascus. …
Your expressed disappointment in the recently published on-line Gibraltar Police Federation Survey is noted with intrigue. Likewise, so too is the quantitative research summary of the key findings, which would appear to indicate stark ongoing problems with staff morale, and some kind of continuation of a bullying culture within The Royal Gibraltar Police.
I read recently in an old edition of the ROYAL GIBRALTAR POLICE magazine BOBBY, that once upon a time you appeared on stage, in a play with the CIVIL GARRISON title. I daresay you won’t need reminding that the play tells the story of an evacuation.
The following information is part of an article, The Illuminati and The Council on Foreign Relations One-World-Government Conspiracy and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion General Albert Pike, who was the supreme head of Freemasonry in the USA, planned for three World Wars and the following is from his writings to his fellow …
The Satanic UN Agenda 21 is Literally Agenda 1984 The takeaway here is that our enslavement in a satanic “New World Order” is being financed by the government and corporate establishment, i.e. fascists. Benito Mussolini who was the famous Italian fascist leader during WW2, defined fascism as the merging of government and corporate power. He …
Who Funds UN Agenda 21/30 Mission Goals? Fascists Read More »
“Everyone likes to say Der Fuehrer Hitler did this” and “Der Fuehrer Hitler did that”. But the truth is Der Fuehrer Hitler did very little. He was a world class asshole, but the evil actually done, from the death-camps to WW2 was all done by citizens who were afraid to question if what they were …
The Catholic Religion was founded by Simon Pater the Sorcerer/Witch based upon the Babylonian Mystery Religion of Sun-Worship on Sundays, to corrupt the teaching of Christ and the Bible, whilst pretending to be the Apostle Simon Peter, who condemned him for trying to buy the healing-power of the Holy Spirit, from him.
Sieg Heil Bhatti and the Nuremberg Code. The Nuremberg Code (German: Nürnberger Kodex ) is a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation created as a result of the Nuremberg Trials, at the end of the Second World War. Sieg Heil Bhatti needs to be sued personally for healthcare-fraud and compensation, for every penny …
I know it is difficult, when the sun is shining, and seeing loved-ones, or Gad-ding-about your business, to come to terms with the fact that things are not going to continue as they are, indefinitely, and that you need to be preparing for WW3.