Gibraltar Messenger


Christ's Letters featuring Christ's coat of arms, banner, ensign, british coat of arms, christ at over the United Kingdom, Gibraltar flag

Letter to the Commissioner of Police

Addressed to Richard Ullger, Gibraltar Commission of Police – "We are writing to you to give you some Fatherly advice, in relation to what you and the RGP are doing that is against The Law, that the British monarch swears to maintain to the UTMOST of their power, as part of the Coronation Oath and ceremony."

The Law and Preparing for War

I know it is difficult, when the sun is shining, and seeing loved-ones, or Gad-ding-about your business, to come to terms with the fact that things are not going to continue as they are, indefinitely, and that you need to be preparing for WW3.

Is God An Extra-Terrestrial?

It is very simple to prove that the God of the Bible is an Extra-Terrestrial. The God of the Bible does not live on Earth. That makes God, by definition, an Extra-Terrestrial, but not only that, He is the Ruler of The Universe and His oldest son Christ told us clearly that he is not of this world.

Christ's Letters featuring Christ's coat of arms, banner, ensign, british coat of arms, christ at over the United Kingdom, Gibraltar flag

Letter to the People of Gibraltar 3

Some of you might be scratching your heads, wondering why the Spanish government is so obsessed, about what, to most people in the world, is just a large lump of Rock and why there is this absolutely unyielding determination by Spanish politicians to take it over, and why the British politicians are treacherously working with them.