Gibraltar Messenger


People who have been vaccinated are walking bio-weapons

Recently, Mike Adams of told the Fat Man: “People who have been vaccinated are walking bio-weapons. HENCE: Now we know that the [Ashke-Nazi] Zionists are deploying the vaccinated to genocide the unvaccinated.” So what APPEARS to be emerging is the following: When you genocide 90 percent of the population, make sure you get half …

People who have been vaccinated are walking bio-weapons Read More »

Analysis of what most likely really did happen in Washington DC on January 6th.

Using Ockham’s Razor and Common-Sense let’s look at what happened and what we’ve been told and make sense of it all. Everyone, including the usual alternative media talking-heads, some of whom are ex-military, have been unable to figure out what really happened in Washington on January 6th 2021. President Trump asked patriots to come en …

Analysis of what most likely really did happen in Washington DC on January 6th. Read More »

Covid19, 5G, Vaccination plandemic – are the last stages of the Ashke-Nazi New World Order satanic plan to enslave and kill-off most of mankind

Before many of the bodies you are inhabiting today were born; in this present reincarnation you are experiencing; President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) warned the world of a plan to enslave mankind, and seven days later, on November 22nd 1963, T.H.E.Y. very publically murdered him in Dealey Plaza, in Dallas, Texas, in a coup d’état …

Covid19, 5G, Vaccination plandemic – are the last stages of the Ashke-Nazi New World Order satanic plan to enslave and kill-off most of mankind Read More »

Who Funds UN Agenda 21/30 Mission Goals? Fascists

The Satanic UN Agenda 21 is Literally Agenda 1984 The takeaway here is that our enslavement in a satanic “New World Order” is being financed by the government and corporate establishment, i.e. fascists. Benito Mussolini who was the famous Italian fascist leader during WW2, defined fascism as the merging of government and corporate power. He …

Who Funds UN Agenda 21/30 Mission Goals? Fascists Read More »

A Global Gibraltar – That’s The Plan

For Gibraltarians who are flabbergasted at the actions of the government; and who cannot wrap their heads around why Government of Gibraltar (GoG) politicians and officials are acting outside and above their domain, you need to first understand that your politicians are one of three things: Globalists, Puppets of globalists or afraid of globalists.