Cathy O’Brien Reveals What Psychopathic Elites Are Planning Next
They use mind-control techniques to usher in things like the Great Reset. Politicians, Royals, Elitists are all involved in the deception. Next up is Financial Trauma.
They use mind-control techniques to usher in things like the Great Reset. Politicians, Royals, Elitists are all involved in the deception. Next up is Financial Trauma.
DANIEL’S 70-WEEKS has been mistakenly interpreted by some to refer to the coming of the antichrist, even though it specifically references THE MESSIAH/CHRIST throughout.
(Complexity – Energy) x (Arrogance + Ignorance) = A Great Disaster. We can’t readily transition to ‘clean energy’ – even the most basic of linear arithmetic reveals it cannot be done. Do the maths.
Finland’s alliance with NATO could facilitate hosting nuclear weapons on its Russian border. Is this option being played down? And what happens when things heat up?
Zelenky has once again called on The State of Israel to get involved in the war. But isn’t The State of Israel already involved?
This is the second Amicus Curiae Brief from me, in response to the "call for evidence" concerning the Ian McGrail inquiry in Gibraltar.
It should be self-evident that the wicked, temporary leaders of this world, who are promoting all of this evil, are the worst of the criminals. As dark as this world is now, the darkest hour is yet to come.
This documentary reveals who the criminals really are in "these war games". It also delves into spiritual consequences of following these evil doers. It’s too late to stop what is coming.
Putin convened a special military council. He is locking down, said Ritter. "It’s not a formal declaration or war… it’s everything but that."
Syria, Iran, Turkey and Iraq are the Four Angels who will be loosened when the Sixth Trumpet sounds (sixth time period begins), according to Bible prophecy. Russia (king of the East) is gathering countries to defeat The West.