Un Mensaje Extremadamente Importante para TODOS los Gaditas/Gaditanos del Campo de Gibraltar
Lo que te contaré ha sido ocultado por generaciones por personas malvadas que buscan oprimirte, controlarte, envenenarte y hasta matarte.
Lo que te contaré ha sido ocultado por generaciones por personas malvadas que buscan oprimirte, controlarte, envenenarte y hasta matarte.
What I am about to tell you has been purposefully hidden from you, for generations, by evil people who want to oppress, impoverish and enslave you.
All those in The Campo of Gibraltar should learn English, because it will be the only language in The Kingdom of God.
Tony Farrell writes to Gibraltar Governor David Steel and asks for his intervention to enable a trial by jury to occur.
Evidence reveals Jesus calmed the Mediterranean Sea in the journey with his disciplines to the land of the Gaderenes in the Campo of Gibraltar.
The pompous plan for the coronation of Charles The Pretender is futile. The Golden Orb committee should put their efforts in recognizing Christ as King.
Gibraltar is an unique place with Spiritual significance, which is why Lucifer put his claws in it a long time ago, trying to subvert prophecy.
What do poems “The Journey of the Three Magi”; “Ring Out, Wild Bells”; and “Warning” have in common? And what do they have to do with Christ in Gibraltar?
This is the story of a Placard’s Progress that Tony Farrell is taking all over The Rock of Gibraltar. The placard displays Christ’s Royal Decree to Charles.
Written by Corrion – If Elizabeth II laid down the crown, it would be the most honorable thing she has done during her unlawful and fraudulent reign. There is NO Justice without God’s Law. There is NO Freedom without God’s Law.