Gibraltar – The Ugly, The Bad, and The Good
Gibraltar is an unique place with Spiritual significance, which is why Lucifer put his claws in it a long time ago, trying to subvert prophecy.
Gibraltar is an unique place with Spiritual significance, which is why Lucifer put his claws in it a long time ago, trying to subvert prophecy.
The name Micha-EL is Hebrew and means “Who is LIKE God?” The Great Prince Michael – God’s Anointed One, The Messiah, Christ.
DANIEL’S 70-WEEKS has been mistakenly interpreted by some to refer to the coming of the antichrist, even though it specifically references THE MESSIAH/CHRIST throughout.
Written by Chinagorom – Zedekiah was the last king of Judah before their 2nd captivity. He ignored Jeremiah the prophet. You can help Gibraltar escape the 3rd prophesied captivity of British-Isreal. Listen to Christ.
Has Peter Openshaw Been Appointed To Oversee An Inquiry Into The Early Retirement of Ian McGrail, Because When It Comes to Establishment Cover-ups, Openshaw Is the ‘Safe Pair Of Hands’?
Some of you might be scratching your heads, wondering why the Spanish government is so obsessed, about what, to most people in the world, is just a large lump of Rock and why there is this absolutely unyielding determination by Spanish politicians to take it over, and why the British politicians are treacherously working with them.