Gibraltar Messenger


Covid19, 5G, Vaccination plandemic – are the last stages of the Ashke-Nazi New World Order satanic plan to enslave and kill-off most of mankind

Before many of the bodies you are inhabiting today were born; in this present reincarnation you are experiencing; President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) warned the world of a plan to enslave mankind, and seven days later, on November 22nd 1963, T.H.E.Y. very publically murdered him in Dealey Plaza, in Dallas, Texas, in a coup d’état …

Covid19, 5G, Vaccination plandemic – are the last stages of the Ashke-Nazi New World Order satanic plan to enslave and kill-off most of mankind Read More »

Chinese Communist Party, China, World Domination, Strategies, Revenge

Beware the Chinese

(Updated 27 July 2022) The Chinese, according to a very high-ranking Chinese PLA General, have been planning for a hundred years, to fight and defeat the US and UK in a war, as revenge and payback for what the UK and US did to the Chinese people during and after the two “Opium Wars”.