As we all watch “the powers that shouldn’t be” manipulate the governments of the entire world into orchestrating the “Greatest Show on Earth”, what we all are witnessing has already taken place in the past, in a different form and has all been well scripted. Specifically, we are discussing the accelerated depopulation events since 2019’s bioweapon launch against humanity, and all life. After they commit their genocides T.H.E.Y. wait for a new generation of people to indoctrinate with a distorted history of events, then they simply rinse and repeat.
There is nothing “Warp” about the speed which brought the present day COVID KILL-shot injuries and death to fruition, only the warped mentality of the perpetrators.
Dr. David Martin Speech 17th October 2024 | Covid Response Study
Just as there is nothing new about the New World Order, the Satanic agenda that is unfolding has been in the works for a very long time (Jer. 11:9; Ezek. 22:23-30).
Butterfly of the Week, 27 April 2020: Under House Arrest as a Result of a Crime Committed by the CDC
Unfortunately, we all are complicit in their success to one degree or another. We believed what we wanted to believe, in order to be allowed to live our lives the way that we wanted to. We allowed ourselves to be lured into complacency in the name of “health” care and convenience. We believed their lies because it was what we wanted to believe (Isa. 30:8-15)… that T.H.E.Y are looking out for our best interest. The in“doc”trination process has been extremely effective; with (witch) doctors (2 Chron. 16:12-13) being taught how to lie to and persuade patients effectively with “bedside manner” courses, to poison their patients. Virtually none are taught the benefits of herbal remedies and homeopathic medicine. As a result the doctors that sick people turn to first (erroneously – Matt. 6:33) are the ones that are perpetrating this present day crime of the century.
We all have been asleep to one degree or another for a very long time (Eph. 5:14). This facilitated our complicity in the allowance of these evil forces to have their way with our world. Men become complicit in the evil they fail to oppose. We all are guilty for allowing the events that are unfolding, as a result of our prior choosing to succumb to the temptations of modern society, for the “better things” (Matt. 6:24) in life, and to provide a better life for our children than we had. The very fact that so many billions of people have taken the bioweapon kill-shot voluntarily is a testament of how far mankind has fallen from grace. God works within the realm of cause and effect (Sura 3:137). As a result of His giving us all free-will, those who don’t listen to God’s Word and follow His Laws as depicted in The Bible and Koran, millions have died an early death or are maimed with permanent injuries that are projected to shorten people’s lives (Deut. 30:15-20).
Reasonable Dowd: Ed Dowd on DarkHorse
There are cults of people that follow a religion of eugenics and arrogantly believe that THEY own the planet, and all that is on it, which is ridiculous (Exod. 9:29; 19:5; Deut. 10:14; Josh. 3:11; Psalm 24:1; Psalm 47:2; Psalm 50:12; Psalm 89:11; Hagg. 2:8; Zech. 14:9; 1 Cor. 10:26-28; Sura 2:255; Sura 3:189; Sura 16:52; Sura 20:6; Sura 23:88-89; Sura 42:4; Sura 42:53). We can collectively call them satanists because they ALL violate God’s Laws and are all working to destroy His Creation (Isa. 3:12; Matt. 12:30).

Through our own complicity, by working for them with the lure of money and mammon (material things) we have built the very tools that T.H.E.Y. are using to get rid of us (Rev. 13:4). We are no longer useful idiots for them to enslave, because we have helped them with our taxes and labour to automate and computerize things to such a degree, that THEY are now getting rid of us, because we have served our purpose and have now become no longer needed “useless eaters”. T.H.E.Y. have decided that it is time to pull the plug and rug out from underneath all our feet. The “New World Order” that George “Poppy” Bush referred to so long ago is in full “LIVE” mode. The fact that the New World Order actually had its birth in 1776, as it says on U.S. bank-notes, with the creation of the United States is one of many examples of our choice to remain asleep and complicit in and victims of this conspiracy.

When humanity comes to the acceptance of the reality that we ALL have been reincarnated over and over again, and in our present incarnation we all are exactly where we have earned the right to be, we can come to the realization that we have seen all this evil before, in previous lifetimes. That’s why we have a subconscious feeling of distrust, fear, and loathing of tyranny. We all have been victims of these satanic conspiracies from previous lifetimes. The conspiracy list is too voluminous to be listed here and goes far beyond the scope of this article. The reality is that our natural tendency to “look the other way” in the face of evil is a testament to our complacency and complicity throughout each generation, to save our body’s life (John 12:25). It is in our personal human nature and is why none of us are in heaven (John 3:13). We just keep reincarnating over and over again like in the film Groundhog Day with Bill Murray. Satanic organized religions that focus on human manipulation, rather than spiritual development, are guilty of blasphemy against God and Christ His Son, by suppressing the vital information of The Way to be in order to go Home, to heaven, like Jesus (John 14:6; Sura 3:55).

People always ask why God allows evil things to happen to people, children especially. The answer that nobody seems to want to believe is that… could it be possible that God sends evil souls who previously lived an evil life back into bodies that are destined to be taught the true values of life which may result in pain, suffering, and an early death? Could it be that the victims of pedophiles may themselves have been pedophiles in a previous life? Divine Karma (Gal. 6:7)? Lives are interwoven and the lessons of one, yes, even children, are also lessons for others (parents, siblings, doctors, etc.). Just as Jesus was a collective lesson for humanity, many good lessons were passed on as a result of His Sacrifice (Matt. 23:10) How to be in order to go Home to Heaven. There is no greater love than to sacrifice one’s self for the benefit of others (John 15:13).
If people understood this vital fact of life, and they believed that their actions in this lifetime will have a DIRECT effect on their next incarnation, do you think that the world we live in would be as insane as it is today (2 Esdras 5:4-10), and that’s why Satan’s false christian priests removed all the references they could understand from the Bible, but missed some? You very well could be the grandchild or great grandchild of yourself from your last incarnation (Exod. 20:5). A fictional depiction of this scenario could be seen in the film The Healer. If people actually believed this fact of life, wouldn’t they be more actively involved in their child’s proper rearing rather than relying on the State to raise them in public (insane asylum) schools (Prov. 22:6), that are really government indoctrination centres? The fact that satanists have come out of the closet and are teaching every form of profanity, debauchery and perversion to the youth is a testament of our complicity and fall from grace (Matt. 18:1-7).
What if our grandparents and great grandparents taught their children (us) that God prohibits the use of drugs and pharmaceuticals (Exod. 22:18; Gal. 5:19-21), would we be in this current mess? Oh wait, they did. God gave our parents free-will to listen to them and God or choose to get in-doc-trinated by TV commercials selling witches’ brew/drugs, brought to us by Big Pharma’s witch doctors, snake-oil salesmen like the Rockefellers, and soothsayers. Now the harvest is ready to reap. The Scriptures say that Earth will be more evil than ever before, before the second coming of Christ (Matt. 24:21; Luke 18:8), and here we are.
Those in occult (hidden satanic) secret societies know this fact very well, and use their knowledge to profit from.
Ancient Bloodlines/Contemporary Power
They only share corrupted segments of truth with those who swear satanic blood-oaths of sworn secrecy, to not share their secrets with the masses. How else could T.H.E.Y. be able to be so successful for so long? Why do you think they have been so successful dominating the edu-k-shun system, with their masonic mortar-board graduation hats? T.H.E.Y. spend incredible amounts of money, acquiring and suppressing forgotten knowledge from God (Hosea 4:6) and replace it with their Luciferian lies.
The Luciferians have lied to us to control us since the Great War between Prince Michael (God’s Eldest Son) and Lucifer before our exile to the Earth (Rev. 12:7-9). T.H.E.Y. see anyone who prefers good over evil to be their mortal enemy (Sura 7:11-18). This is the war of the worlds, metaphorically documented in the Star Wars Trilogy (Episodes 4-6). This is the underlying reason why each and every one of us is here now on prison-planet Earth today. We were the ones who believed the lies told to us by Lucifer. He battled against God, and lost, which explains very clearly why there is so much evil in this Hell Hole. The number of people who took the jab are only one example of how we listen to Lucifer, instead of God (Rev. 18:23). God told each and every one of us to not take the genocide bioweapon.

The satanists have created EVERY organised religion and are pushing harder today than ever to intimidate and deceive those who would otherwise choose good over evil (Thomas 15:10), truth over lies. The fact that there are so many atheists / sodomites / pedophiles / trans-whatevers, is nothing but a testament of their success. Even the Pope supports sodomy (Lev. 18:22; Lev. 20:13). What blasphemy (2 Thess. 2:3-12)!
If you choose to not believe that any of the above is true, the only ones you are hurting are yourself and those whom you influence. The fact is that the satanists DO believe in God and Satan (James 2:19), and know very well about The War before the creation of human life on Earth (Gen. 1:6-8; Rev. 12:7-9). Today, THEY are acting on Lucifer’s behalf, because they actually insanely believe that they are going to win this time. This will have and has had a direct impact on you.

Their plan is to depopulate EVERY SINGLE ONE of us (Matt. 24:21-22). The Georgia Guidestones said that they want to save half a billion people (for themselves to use as slaves) and get rid of everybody else. But like everything Luciferians say, it’s a lie. Their plan and goal is to kill off each and EVERY one of us, simply because we were created in the image of God (Gen. 1:26). Luciferians and their minions hate God, and worse, think that they are gods, as Lucifer the Serpent promised to make them in the Garden of Eden, before The Fall of Mankind and ejection from The Garden. At this point it is important to define “God” because there are very many who think that they are serving God and are doing the very opposite. The Zionist Nazis (AshkeNAZI counterfeit Jews) Chabad Lubavich in the occupied land of Palestine are a stark and blatant example.
God is THE energy “Force” of goodness, truth, love and life. Very simple, but infinite in actuality. The simple fact that God is goodness and love and that He loves each and every one of His Creations, should give us all hope (John 3:16). However, do NOT confuse love with like. Just because He loves everyone, does NOT mean that He likes everyone, because MOST people here are evil (Matt. 7:11) and thus not likeable, and unless they change completely, by becoming like Jesus through learning what Jesus teaches, to the letter, and keeping the 12 Commandments, they will not survive The Reaping, just as Jesus said.
Those who have recently woken up to this evil depopulation agenda conspiracy (Dan. 12:1-2) have a steep learning curve ahead of them. It is not necessary to understand the depth of the satanic conspiracies in order to go to Heaven. There are so many, that one can easily get overwhelmed by them, and end up in a state of PTSD. This is a goal of Satan, in order to lull them back to sleep through denial. If people do BELIEVE God, instead of “believing in” God, they may have a shorter journey to finding The Truth. All people need to do is learn how to get right with God (James 4:8). Studying what the satanists are up to can be a time consuming detour. That information is not needed, because God will protect those who are seriously looking to get in His Good Graces (Eph. 2:8-10). The satanists have a time-tested proven methodology to make the path of discovery as difficult as possible, almost impossible, except for a promise made by God (Matt. 7:13-14; 1 John 2:25).

Satan and his minions do the same things over and over again, because we keep falling for it. Satan knows that most people see themselves as humans, and some fortunate ones understand that we are souls within a human vehicle. Satan primarily uses the human vehicle to control the spirit-being within it. Fear, pain, and lusts of the human’s bodily desires are among Satan’s favorite tools to use to control them. The true heroes throughout history have always been people who have put the good of other people before themselves. This is a clear example of how people “hear” the voice of God. God doesn’t communicate with us verbally with words or an audible voice (Psalm 46:10). That is Satan’s way. God speaks to us with feelings and mental visions that are rooted in love, peace, and self-defense. Another way to look at it is as though He is transferring ideas telepathically. “Light dawns on marble-head”. This can manifest as an epiphany, a transformative thought, or even a gut-feeling. The way that we know if it is from God and not from Satan is to see if it benefits other people or not and is in harmony with His Law and Commandments. Is it based in love or fear? It is NOT based on love if it only benefits one individual. Satan speaks to people by telling them to do things for their own benefit (CYA), usually for money or materialistic reasons (Matt. 19:24). In a word – SELFish. Some people very foolishly actually knowingly sell their souls to him for money and fame.
God is not offensive and is slow to anger, but when The Reaping comes on Judgement Day, watch out Enoch 101:1-102:1)! He gives us free-will to choose whether to listen to Him or not. He doesn’t make us do anything. He telepathically tells each and every one of us what the right thing to do is, in hopes that we will listen and obey Him, instead of Satan. His Guidance, if followed will bring the best results for all (Sura 5:49; Sura 8:30). Some people are in such an habit of not listening to Him that they don’t even know when this happens. They quickly disregard the Message as their imagination (Gen. 6:5), or a wandering mind, rather than see it for what it really is – Divine in-tuition. Non-believers are looking for a “sign” that God exists. Even if they receive a clear sign from God, they may write it off as a coincidence or some other excuse.
Now that we understand more clearly what God (good) is, and what He is not, we can now look at how the satanists do the same things, over and over again, to lure as many people as possible to The Fire with them on Judgement Day. The satanists know that God is real and they hate Him, because they only want to do what they want – evil (lie, cheat, steal, murder, etc.). These things are against goodness and God’s Laws.

The recent bioweapon kill-shots were only the weakening of their enemy – useless eaters, before the big holocaust. Now that people are finally accepting the fact that the truthers (formally known as conspiracy theorists) were right all along, the injured survivors are taking action and looking for justice. The satanists cannot have that. This is why the satanist NeoCons in the American government are doing everything they can to engineer war between NATO and Russia/China/Iran/North Korea (etc.). By brainwashing people to fight for THEM and commit suicide in battle, these same cowardly people in positions of power will not go after the true culprits, the instigators of the wars; the satanic government facilitators, the WEF/NWO/Zionists/Chabad/Banksters (Black Rock/State Street/Deutsche Bank/HSBC), etc….
The depopulation of Ukraine, formally Khazaria, is where the Zionists in occupied Palestine want to go after they lose their “from the river to the sea” battle of Armageddon, just as THEY did after THEY destroyed Germany and murdered millions of Christians, before THEY conned Great Britain to give them Palestine in 1948. Is Putin simply playing his role, similar to the IDF in Palestine, by depopulating Ukraine, or is he truly anti-AshkeNAZI Jews? Time will tell. The Scriptures tell us that God is against Gog and Magog, which is Russia (Ezek. 38-39). For the building of the Zionists’ “Heavenly Jerusalem” project the Christian Slavs of Ukraine will need to be cleared out. Ukraine is slated to just be another NWO, apartheid state just as the occupied state in Palestine is, only with the WEF’s initiatives of total AI surveillance CBDC slave control system.
Some people worldwide are putting their hope in Donald Trump. Who can blame them after seeing how satanic the collective West became after Biden took over the White House. Simply more evidence that the New World Order is already in effect. One only needs to see who his Chabad AshkeNAZI counterfeit Jew financiers are that helped get him selected. One only needs to listen to his pro-Zionist antisemitic nonsense.
“We will remove the Jew haters who do nothing to help our country.” – Donald Trump
Anyone who has read the Bible knows that the Palestinians are Semites, unlike the satanic AshkeNAZI counterfeit Jews who are descended from Japheth, not Shem (Gen. 10:1-3). The Israeli Zionist cult is following the satanist 33rd degree Freemason Albert Pike’s blueprint; from his now infamous August 15, 1871 letter to Illuminati director Giuseppe Mazzini; and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; to a T. The 3rd world war between political Zionism and “Islam” may very well suck the entire world into the conflict. Will this be Trump’s role for his Chabad handlers?
Trump Visits Ohel Chabad Lubavitch To Mark October 7th Alongside Ben Shapiro, Lara Trump
One only needs to see how he is filling his cabinet with pro-Zionist Satanic NeoCONS, just like he did last time. Is Trump just another Luciferian liar like his Chabad handlers? Proof will be in his actions (Matt. 7:16-20). Please note that all his window-dressing appointments (RFK Jr, Elon
Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, etc.) are all pro-Israeli anti-Palestinian, eye and ear candy. Everything benefits the coming counterfeit-Jew World Order.

THEY may use Trump to usher in the pro-Zionist satanic Noahide Laws for American goyim, whom the Chabad consider “anti-semitic”. This satanic religion/cult is what they want in place as law for those who survive the war with Russia and China. If Trump does implement the Noahide laws they may dub him their long awaited Moshiach. THEY have been chomping at the bit to build their satanic 3rd Temple in Jerusalem.
Russia and China are prophesied to be the victors against true Israel – the 5 Eyes nations and their allies, in the world war that is at our doorstep. This will be Karmic punishment from God for abandoning the contract that they made with God at Sinai (Deut. 29:9-15). Americans have allowed the satanic NeoCONS to take over their nation’s foreign policy and have been murdering millions of innocent people for decades.
The satanists have infiltrated the police force through their satanic Freemasonic membership. They will and have been using these minions to enforce their satanic liberty-eliminating policies for decades. If there are any “good” cops left on the force they must be compromised somehow or cowed in order to still have their jobs and keep their pensions. Most are like mindless robots “just doing their job” for their satanic masters. There’s a place for them at Nuremberg 2.0. Complicity is the same as guilt in God’s Eyes (Rev. 3:15-16). They will have a lot of explaining to do when they meet their Maker.
Agenda 2030 is just another kick the can down the road name for what they have been doing for millennia. Charles the Pretend king of the UK (Ezek. 21:25-27) is the head conspirator and number 1 minion of Satan that is planning to use the Net Zero / Carbon Tax / CBDC control grid in order to corral populations into 15-minute human depopulation processing plantations. This is not just an UK issue. This is a global initiative under their NWO. If you would like to have an idea of what the future looks like under this scheme, all one needs to do is look at what is happening in Palestine today. First, they will probably depopulate the area using lies as false justification, then when they’ve murdered or displaced all the people, they plan to rebuild the areas for themselves. Those who are unfortunate enough to have survived, and did not move to safety will be slaves for them. May God help them.

The Chabad Lubavich are the modern day Sanhedrin that Jesus called the Synagogue of Satan. They deceitfully profess that they are following the Torah, when in fact they are following the satanic Babylonian Talmud that Jesus condemned (Matt. 15:1-9; Matt. 23:1-5), and use a corrupted interpretation of the Torah, to try to justify their perverse agenda. God stated in Deut. 4:2 that not one jot or tittle shall be added or deleted from His Law. Not only have the Chabad ignored this verse completely, they have created multiple volumes of blasphemous books to ensure that they get their counterfeit-Jew World Order. There is a very good reason why the counterfeit-Jews (Rev. 2:9) have been kicked out of so many countries in the past.
The bottom line is that they want to depopulate the entire planet.
Are YOU going to let them do it to YOU; your loved ones and mankind?
Listen to what God (good) tells you to do, then read this with God in mind: The Way home or face The Fire.
PS: For the tiny remnant (2 Esd. 9:15-16; Rev. 14:3) who learn the “New Song” (Isa. 42:10-11) there is a happy ending to this story.