The Signs Page contains posts about events and news that provide SIGNS, or warnings, that we – all inhabitants of The Earth – are living in The End Times; either by our environmental destruction of the Planet, or by what has been prophesied in The Bible to occur. Signs/Warnings also include New World Order plans of control and depopulation.
The Medical Tyranny Chapter in the Advanced Battlefield Tactics Handbook
The purpose of government has always been to use and control the people for its own, corporate interests, and to discard them when they’re no longer of use.
by A. Freeman |
March 13, 2025
What Everyone Knows Intuitively but are Afraid to Say
We are complicit when we allow EVIL to triumph over GOOD. We are complicit in our complacency and our silence. We can no longer turn a blind eye or hide.
by Luis Keys |
January 10, 2025
The Last Trump Card
We’ve been played again by the Synagogue of Satan, but their last trump card won’t be the last word, as Judgment Day will reveal they overplayed their hand.
by A. Freeman |
December 6, 2024
US Committee Concludes 2-Year Investigation into Coronavirus Pandemic
The US House Select Subcommittee on the Pandemic found that social distancing and vaccines mandates were not based on science; masks harmed children...
by Managing Editor |
December 3, 2024
An Open Letter to ALL Politicians to Cease and Desist
We’ve been warned for thousands of years about the craven attorneys and politicians who have set us on this kamikaze course and still don’t seem to get it.
by A. Freeman |
October 28, 2024
Washington and London digging their grave as they drive catastrophic war in the Middle East
By endorsing Israeli aggression, the United States and its British and other Western lackeys are unleashing hostilities with incalculable consequences.
by Managing Editor |
October 5, 2024
Deagel’s Grim Predictions for the US and UK – What about Gibraltar?
Deagel predicted The West will be a disaster with dire forecasts for the UK and USA. How will Gibraltar fare - when its protectors are defeated?
by Managing Editor |
October 1, 2024
Recalling 911 – We Have An Emergency
The deliberate dumbing down of America is what made the 9/11 hoax possible. And the epidemic loss of common-sense and reason has only increased since then.
by A. Freeman |
September 24, 2024
The European Union Is Failing
More European companies go bankrupt, debts soar, shortages grow, failed sanctions, forced member legislation, surveillance etc - The EU is doomed.
by Managing Editor |
September 6, 2024
A Few Words About Food
Are you getting prepared for an extended period of hardship, including food deprivation? China and Russia are.
by Managing Editor |
August 28, 2024
Sickening Profits: The Global Food System’s Poisoned Food and Toxic Wealth
Aside from losing their land to global investors and big agribusiness concerns, farmers and ordinary people are being sickened by corporations.
by Managing Editor |
August 27, 2024
Planned Money-Pox Pandemic
From Monkeypox to mpox to moneypox – it's all been plannedout. There will be a coordinated effort, through fear and policy, to control how you react.
by Managing Editor |
August 22, 2024
European Court of Justice says that Pfizer is liable for damage if its covid vaccine is defective
The Court’s ruling regarding the liability of pharmaceutical companies is important, but will it be acted upon? Will Pfizer be held accountable?
by Managing Editor |
July 21, 2024
Everything is a Weapon When Totalitarianism is Normalized
Totalitarianism is being normalized – in the US, UK, Gibraltar & around the world – using psychological warfare; weaponizing politics and compliance.
by Managing Editor |
July 18, 2024
Kansas AG Sues Pfizer for Misleading Public
“Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth,” said Kris Kobach.
by News-Desk |
June 18, 2024
Healthcare Is Much More Corrupt Than People Think
Dr. Peter Christian Gøtzsche exposes the dark side of Big Pharma and explains how the healthcare industry is compromised.
by Managing Editor |
May 21, 2024
The Serpent People Return to Ukraine
This article gives some historical context to the Ukraine situation, which was the homeland of those that call themselves Jews.
by Managing Editor |
May 10, 2024
Insights from Bermuda’s Informed Consent Forms
Does the Bermuda “Informed Consent” Form for the Covid vaccine provide insight into wording of the confidential Pfizer contracts?
by Hannah Michaels |
May 2, 2024
Marxist Health Officials Want You Committed
Marxism could be defined as a system in which insane tyrants rule and sane objectors are committed for their “health.”
by Managing Editor |
April 30, 2024
The Mad Red Cow Disease
To believe that God wants us to slaughter cows and each other to build another worldly temple, instead of ending sin in our daily lives, is total insanity.
by A. Freeman |
April 16, 2024
The 2024 Path of Total Darkness
2024 brings signs in the skies above America, while prophecies unfold and the never-ending war against we the people wages on across the globe.
by A. Freeman |
April 7, 2024
Rule by Criminals: When Dissidents Become Enemies of the State
In these days of worldwide confusion, there is a dire need for men and women who will courageously do battle for truth – Martin Luther King Jr.
by Managing Editor |
March 28, 2024
Focus on 5G – What will we put at the center: life or machine?
What kind of world do we want to live in: a hyper-digitalized, robotized, monitored, controlled and manipulated society; or a free society?
by Managing Editor |
February 26, 2024
They lied. There is DNA Plasmid Contamination in mRNA injections
Dr. Chris Shoemaker takes us on a journey of how they lied about the injections. He talks about the detrimental effects and what's at stake.
by Managing Editor |
February 25, 2024
Dr. David Martin reveals irrefutable proof mRNA injections are bioweapons
Follow the patents. SARS-COV-2 was engineered. The central problem is a colluding set of conspirators in both public sector and in industry.
by Managing Editor |
February 24, 2024
Pfizer/Moderna Document Analysis
Ignorance is not bliss, but knowlegde is power. Examine Daily Clout's extensive and thorough investigations into the Pflizer/Moderna documents.
by Managing Editor |
February 19, 2024
Mark Sexton on the Pfizer Contract: “Police, Do Your Job!”
Retired UK constable Mark Sexton examines the SA-Pfizer Contract; and presuming the UK has similar wording, asks for investigation from The Met and others.
by Managing Editor |
February 5, 2024
Covid Narrative Is One of Satan’s Many Spells
When you come to believe a lie, you fall under a spell and become incapable of making correct decisions within a specific domain in your life.
by Managing Editor |
January 14, 2024
Israel Shamir – Globalism is Jewish Supremacism
Israeli journalist and Christian convert Israel Shamir gives shocking warning to Jews and to humanity as a whole.
by Managing Editor |
December 19, 2023
Texas takes Pfizer to court over Covid-19 shot
The Texas AG is pursuing justice for the people of Texas, many of whom were coerced by tyrannical vaccine mandates to take a defective product sold by lies.
by News-Desk |
December 3, 2023
Whistleblower reveals ‘irrefutable evidence’ of jab-related non-COVID excess mortality
Liz Gunn demontrates proof that New Zealand is experiencing an unprecedented rise in excess mortality which correspond with the Pfizer mRNA jab roll out.
by News-Desk |
December 2, 2023
British Jews Tried to Stop Balfour Declaration
When the British Cabinet issued the Balfour Declaration, its only Jewish member, Edwin Montagu, objected. His story teaches us a lesson.
by News-Desk |
November 25, 2023
Zionist Bankers Funded the Nazis
Jewish bankers put the Nazis in power in order to force their lesser brethren to set up Israel as an instrument of their satanist NWO and tinderbox for WW3.
by News-Desk |
November 12, 2023
The Real Story of How Israel Was Created
The UN General Assembly passed the 1947 Partition Plan for Palestine only after Israel proponents threatened and bribed numerous countries.
by News-Desk |
November 11, 2023
The Global Plan – Digitization, Dehumanization, Destruction and Depopulation
Global elites desire to bring about a new catastrophe to hasten the collapse of the old world system and to pave the way for the Great Reset.
by Managing Editor |
September 29, 2023
22nd Anniversary of 911
Spotlight on "Architects & Enginners for 911 Truth" which continues its campaign to shed light on what really happened on 911; and what didn’t happen.
by Managing Editor |
September 11, 2023
Ex-IDF general likens military control of West Bank to Nazi Germany
Amiram Levin says "I am not angry at the Palestinians, I am angry at us. We are killing ourselves from the inside.”
by News-Desk |
August 15, 2023
How Smart Cities Will Lock Up Humanity Inside Open Air Concentration Camps
A Smart City is an urban environment with omnipresent surveillance and data harvesting technologies that will monitor and record everything.
by News-Desk |
August 15, 2023
The UNGodly United Nations Promotes Perversion
The United Nations promotes a so-called expert's report. He believes religions that don’t accept sex perversion are discriminating.
by Managing Editor |
August 11, 2023
13 Nations pledge to engineer global FAMINE by destroying agriculture
Under the guise of reducing “methane emissions,” globalists insist farms must be shut down in order to “save” the planet (by starving people).
by News-Desk |
July 19, 2023
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles produce five times more greenhouse gases than expected
This finding questions the environmental effectiveness of PHEVs and their contribution to the overall emission reduction goals.
by News-Desk |
July 11, 2023
Netherlands: State Of Emergency Declared as Rulers Attempt To Stop Farmers From Protesting
Farmers say that their rights and freedom are being trampled on by a totalitarian system of rule we all know as “democracy.”
by News-Desk |
July 11, 2023
Artificial Intelligence Security Problem
What happens if/when private corporations and governments use it; not for wars between nations, but against defenceless citizens to advance a global agenda?
by News-Desk |
June 29, 2023
There we have it STARING us in the face: hidden in plain sight. T.H.E.Y. terrify people with a colossal narrative about a virus and a vaccine.
by Editor-in-Chief |
June 3, 2023
The Threat of an Alien/ET-Invasion Is Real
They’ve been with us all along. For thousands of years our destinies have been intertwined. We’ve been guided toward one inevitable conclusion.
by A. Freeman |
May 27, 2023
Ukraine’s Depleted Uranium Blast: Europe on Brink of Environmental Disaster
The West’s decision to provide depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine has potentially caused a continent-wide ecological disaster, said Dr. Chris Busby.
by News-Desk |
May 20, 2023
One-world beast system is roaring into reality – Is anyone listening?
The globalists and technocrats are moving rapidly to install a new global economic order that will outmaneuver the political system and enslave humanity.
by Managing Editor |
April 5, 2023
Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice
This Anthem for Justice written by Margaret Anna Alice is an attempt to succinctly chronicle the calculated intentionality underlying the COVID tyranny.
by News-Desk |
March 21, 2023
China will Join Russia To Defeat The West
We not only have the sure word of prophecy about the defeat of the UK, US and their allies, but also the headlines are yelling “Read All About It.”
by Hannah Michaels |
February 24, 2023
Russia: Israeli Airstrike on Damascus is Violation of International Law
Russia urges Israel to stop its armed provocations against Syria. Not even the earthquake disaster stops diabolical leader Netanyahu. Prophecy Unfolding.
by Managing Editor |
February 20, 2023