by Henry Makow; with added lessons from The Way home or face The Fire.
“Progressives” are witting & unwitting Satanists

The “woke” promotion of vaccines, Ukraine, homosexuality, transvestism, CRT, “climate change” has nothing to do with human rights, or it would not trample on the human rights of healthy people. It is a flimsy pretext for the destruction of Christian Western civilization, depopulation and the imposition of a Communist New World Order dedicated to serving Satan.
Satanism is war against God, i.e. the Moral and Natural Order. It negates and unravels both. It shreds the social fabric.
Satanism is not a religion. Religion discerns & obeys God’s Will. Satanism is an anti-religion. It is anti-life. Its god is Death. It is the religion of Death and Destruction.
Atheists and agnostics are Satanists. Creation is a Miracle. If you deny the Creator’s Design and Purpose, you are a Satanist. The only way mankind will make our rendezvous with God is for us all to serve Him by living morally and doing His work, as we see it. Raising healthy children is an example.
Revelation 12:9 “… that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world.”
“When we introduced into the State organism the poison of liberalism its whole political complexion underwent a change. States have been seized with a mortal illness – blood poisoning. All that remains is to await the end of their death agony.” (Protocols of Zion, 9)
“In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the goyim before the proper time, we shall mask it under the alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes…” (Protocols of Zion, 6)
A millennia-old satanic conspiracy is reaching climax. If it is not arrested, mankind will enter a new Dark Age.
“But he that sinneth against Me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate Me love death.” Proverbs 8:36
1. They call themselves “progressives”.
Satanists invert everything. They champion everything sick and dysfunctional. They are actually “regressive.”
Despite their moral pretensions, “progress” for them is the degradation and destruction of their fellow man.
God is Perfection in all things. They invert all things: Sickness is health; ugly is beautiful, false is true, injustice is justice, hate is love, misery is bliss, and vice versa.
The Way home or face The Fire
Satan tries to talk you into enjoying what feels physically good, to the animal, e.g. sex; egotism; materialism; selfishness; competition and superiority; the inflicting of pain; killing; beating; depravity and perversion; etc., to try to get you as low as he is, so that you will NEVER be able to go home, and he is the serpent, always eating dust – as low as you can get (Genesis 3:14).
2. Man is connected to God through his soul.
Take away God and man flounders about like a fish out of water.
Looking to fill the void, he idealizes anything because his God connection has been severed. Take away God, and man will create false Gods, Carl Jung said.
See the absurd idealization of women, sex and romance; literature and art; “great men,” politicians, celebrities, etc.
Because of his hunger for God, you can sell him anything as a substitute. He imagines he’s getting God.
The Way home or face The Fire
God created the human+being (human-animal-body+soul) so that He can DISCIPLinE the soul (Being), and punish it, if/when it does wrong. A Human+being is a human-animal (the body that you are temporarily using) plus a soul (the REAL you) which is spirit/energy. The Holy-Spirit, or g(o)od voice, is planted inside the human animal-body, with, and connected to the soul. It is the soul’s telepathic connection with God.
3. We were programmed by God.
True religion simply is following the program. God is the program.
Satanists are trying to deprogram us. (For example, we are being forced to unlearn heterosexuality.) Why?
Money and power as usual. One percent has over 50% of the wealth and they want it all. Like the COVID hoax and vaccinations, cancel culture is about cancelling us. Depopulation.

The Way home or face The Fire
Satan (Iblis) asked God to reprieve him, until the Last-Day, and The Lord granted his wish, so that He could “use” Satan, to tempt the human+beings (you). Satan swore to attack you all, by seduction; lies; etc., from in front and from behind, and from your left and from your right (Sura 7:15-20 & 15:44), and from inside (the enemy-within), because he considers all of you to be traitors to him, for blaming him, and having submitted to human limitations, and trying to learn to be good. That is why he is now YOUR enemy.
4. Although we’ve been brainwashed to deny God, we’re actually in love with God.
The freedom and bliss our souls crave.
God is Reality. The Only Reality. [Sura 22:6. This is so, because “I AM” is the Reality: it is He Who gives life to the dead, and it is He Who has power over all things.]
The God of Satanism is Death.
The Way home or face The Fire
Loving your enemies does NOT mean allowing them to do evil, or to get away with doing evil; or allowing them to persuade YOU to do evil things; or to stop YOU from doing what God wants YOU to do. Just like when Satan used Peter, to try to stop Jesus from doing God’s Will, and Jesus said to Satan, who was speaking through Peter, “Get thee behind me Satan” (Matt. 16:23).
5. We are witnessing a cosmic struggle between Good and Evil
And I regret to say Evil is in charge and close to victory. Satanists (Freemasons) control both the “progressive” and “conservative,” “nationalist” positions. There are no “nationalists” who are not also Zionists and defenders of the rich.
The Way home or face The Fire
God talks to the soul by telepathy, using the good voice, which is the same voice that Satan, using the LIES of religions and superstitious-nonsense, has deceived you all into believing is your conscience. It is NOT your conscience; it is God talking to each and every one of you, by telepathy, via your connection – the Holy-Spirit.
6. Cabalists (Satanists) believe perception is reality.
Thus they seize control of education and the media. Naturally, they deny the existence of objective reality and objective truth (so they can substitute their own.)
Denial of objective truth is the denial of God. God is Reality.
The Way home or face The Fire
Anyone who does, and/or teaches, the opposite, of what God says, works for Satan – the Opposer (opposite) – no matter what they themselves might say.
7. Man is sleepwalking to catastrophe.
Satanists are setting the stage for a catastrophic third world war which will pit the US and UK , the EU (and Israel?) against the USSR, and possibly China, Iran. Everything “American” is already under attack. The plan already is plain to see.

The Way home or face The Fire
Iblis (Lucifer – Satan) lays in wait, to seduce those who are not “children of God”, and who are not DOING God’s Will, and talking to Him continuously. Satan will also attack, and try to trick, those who are “children of God”, and pull them off the strait, straight and narrow track, that they are on; …
8. As far as humans are concerned, God is Consciousness.
God is a Moral Dimension, the Fourth Dimension, where Truth, Justice, Beauty, and Love are self-evident like light and darkness.
We are programmed to enter into the Light. Satanists lead us into Darkness. “We corrupt in order to control,” Giuseppe Mazzini said.
Satanism is low or no Consciousness.
The Way home or face The Fire
Praying, MEANS, talking to God, mentally (telepathically), 24 hours a day, EVERY day, and CONSULTING Him on EVERYTHING, and getting His guidance and help, to enable you to be able to DO His Will (Sura 42:38)(Ephesians 6:18 & 1st. Thessalonians 5:17). Initially, it will be a conscious effort, but, eventually, when you have had enough practice, it will become as natural and unconscious an effort, as breathing.
9. Satanists control the world central bank cartel.
They have us by the short hairs. They create our “money” out of thin air. It is just digits on their Ledger which they can erase at any time. They’re leveraging this to control everything, including thought, culture, religion, and your children. Banks are actively promoting homosexuality and white displacement yet we trust them with our “money”?
The Way home or face The Fire
Jesus said (Matt. 6:24), “You can NOT serve God and mammon – money; materialism and possessions – because if you love one, you will hate the other”. In other words, materialism and selfishness destroy good and spirituality (LIFE), and bring spiritual death – “The FIRE”.
10. We’re being inducted into Cabalism at the lowest level.
Satanic cults exploit and control their members by making them sick, corrupt, and perverted. Sick as in gender dysphoria, sex addiction, promiscuity, pornography, pedophilia, incest, “vaccines,” endless war… They have undermined the most wonderful and essential thing in life, the love between man and woman, and parents and children. The nuclear family is the red blood cell of society. These fiends are determined to kill it.
I’m 73 and will only be around for another decade or two. But I shudder to think of what is in store for humanity.
It’s time to recognize our dire predicament. A fatal cancer infects all social institutions. It must be recognized and addressed.
The Way home or face The Fire
You are ALL in slavery to the rich, and in poverty, and always have been, because you have not kept The Covenant, and have allowed evil, selfish people, to make up unlawful laws and economic systems, to cheat you and make you poor, and drive you to crime to survive and feed your families, exactly as God warned you, almost 3000 years ago, by His Prophet, TO YOU: Isaiah. Read Isaiah 3:12-15 & 42:20-22 for yourself. See what it REALLY says.
Will Western Civilization go to its grave due to our fecklessness, cowardice and naivety?
First Comment from James C –

I allow myself one football game a year, the so-called “Super Bowl.” This is why I thought that a comment in your latest article is very perceptive: “Banks are actively promoting homosexuality and white displacement ….” Both homosexuality and white displacement were egregiously conspicuous in the latest Super Bowl commercials and half time show. Homosexuality, white displacement, and miscegenation are also increasingly apparent in commercials in general. Banks and corporations also seem to be in the process of pushing black ethnocentrism in their commercials, along with a growing presence of Chinese. Are they trying to tell us something? Or merely conditioning us for the inevitable?
Source: Henry Makow – Satanism Explained
Now please read the entire “little book” – THE Survival-Plan for ALL human+Beings – The Way home or face The Fire.