Gibraltar Messenger


Where War News Meets Bible Prophecy.

These headlines demonstrate that the world is on the brink of destruction, just as written in bible prophecy. It’s happening.

Russia Bans Jewish Agency

Russia Bans Jewish Agency

Moscow ends all operation of the Jewish Agency in Russia, amid Tel Aviv's support for Kiev and its leader.
by | July 12, 2022
Russian Navy Takes Delivery of First “Nuclear Tsunami” Submarine

Russian Navy Takes Delivery of First “Nuclear Tsunami” Submarine

The Russian submarine "Belgorod" is armed with a strategic nuclear torpedo the size of a school bus. No other submarine on earth is capable of firing such a weapon.
by | July 11, 2022
The president cautioned Russia’s rivals against attempting to defeat it on the battlefield

The president cautioned Russia’s rivals against attempting to defeat it on the battlefield

Putin: “We do not refuse to negotiate peace, but those who refuse should know that the longer they do, the more difficult it will be to negotiate."
by | July 9, 2022
American rocket explodes seconds after launch

American rocket explodes seconds after launch

Just 11 seconds after being fired from Vandenberg Space Force Base, the US Minotaur II+ rocket exploded (6 July 2022).
by | July 8, 2022
Russia launches largest submarine to be built in 30 years with enough firepower to take out an entire large city and a fleet of mini-subs to cut undersea Internet cables

Russia launches largest submarine to be built in 30 years with enough firepower to take out an entire large city and a fleet of mini-subs to cut undersea Internet cables

Russia’s military capabilities have been making headlines, from drills in the Mediterranean Sea to the trial deployment of the largest submarine ever made – The Belgorod.
by | June 10, 2022
The Coming War

The Coming War

In continuation of bringing your attention to important news regarding Russia and the coming war, please consider the following articles: Beijing’s War Plan: An Interview with Lude Media   – Lude MediaI have interviewed Mr. D. Wang and associates, of Lude Media, whose organization acquired a 56-minute recording of a military-civil meeting in Guangdong province tasked with preparing China for…
by | June 8, 2022
Russia ‘sends a message’ with first missile attack on Israeli jets in Syrian war, expert says

Russia ‘sends a message’ with first missile attack on Israeli jets in Syrian war, expert says

In line with prophecy unfolding – see Ezekiel scripture below. A Russian counter-attack on Israeli forces in Syria has raised fears of a potential escalation to the conflict, with experts fearing a similar provocation “within days”.This week, Russia launched missiles on Israeli jets that had flown over Syria and struck targets north of Damascus. Several casualties were reported and the…
by | May 22, 2022
Gibraltar’s Choices on War Strategies & God’s Protection

Gibraltar’s Choices on War Strategies & God’s Protection

We have been telling you, for more than twenty years, that the UK government will continually say that they will protect you, whilst doing the opposite. Relying on the UK or the USA in the long-term is foolish, because, for their and your defiance of God, and rejection of the Sovereignty of Christ, they are going to lose WW3.
by | November 20, 2014
Victory is Always the Goal of War

Victory is Always the Goal of War

Russian and Chinese military doctrines rely on willingness to sacrifice millions of their own citizens, for the sake of victory. Their generals obviously have to consider the possibility of war with the Western nations. Russia and China have to work with the understanding of their specific conditions, and their conditions dictate that a victory means using nuclear weapons, since using…
by | November 20, 2014
Free Energy, Radiation, War & Water – Is Gibraltar Prepared?

Free Energy, Radiation, War & Water – Is Gibraltar Prepared?

During the next phase of WW3; that the Nazi Banksters are itching to start, because they have no way to fix the world economy and want to exterminate 95% of the world's population, Gibraltar will become extremely vulnerable, unless very serious and concerted efforts are taken right NOW.
by | January 12, 2014