Will The Israel Palestine War Be A Graveyard For The American Empire
The Israeli-Palestinian situation will culminate into the Great Battle known as Armageddon. It’s on the horizon; and The West will lose.
Signals Indicate War With Hezbollah Is Imminent; Iran Raises The Black Flag
We are literally talking about an apocalyptic scenario, and that is going to have enormous implications for all of us.
The Israeli-Palestinian Situation
Warnings, analysis and prophecy about what’s happening in the Middle East concerning the State of Israel.
El viaje perdido de Jesús y la tribu perdida de Gad (Los Gaditanos) encontrada
Las evidencias revelan que Jesús calmó el Mar Mediterráneo en el viaje con sus discípulos a la tierra de los gadarenos en el Campo de Gibraltar.
The Global Plan – Digitization, Dehumanization, Destruction and Depopulation
Global elites desire to bring about a new catastrophe to hasten the collapse of the old world system and to pave the way for the Great Reset.
Britain Stopped Hitler’s Generals from Deposing Him in 1938
All the British had to do was resist Hitler’s demands. Instead, at Munich, the traitors handed Czechoslovakia to him, its armaments and its gold.
22nd Anniversary of 911
Spotlight on "Architects & Enginners for 911 Truth" which continues its campaign to shed light on what really happened on 911; and what didn’t happen.
The UNGodly United Nations Promotes Perversion
The United Nations promotes a so-called expert’s report. He believes religions that don’t accept sex perversion are discriminating.
Sound of Freedom Film Shines Light on Child Trafficking
Based on the heroic story of Tim Ballard, a former federal agent, who risked everything to save trafficked children – because it was the right thing to do.