For well over a decade now, the 7th July has been a poignant date for time for me (aka Martin SleuthER) at a personal level. To mark the occasion of this anniversary date of the infamous false-flag 7/7 London Bombings in 2021, The Royal Gibraltar Police Commissioner, Richard Ullger, and the Governor of Gibraltar, David Steel – who is a retired Vice Admiral of the Royal Navy, both were given hard copies of the brand new 95 Theses.
The Royal Gibraltar Police Commissioner, Richard Ullger, and the Governor of Gibraltar, David Steel – who is a retired Vice Admiral of the Royal Navy, both were given hard copies of the 95 Theses – Policing The Corona State report by Martin SleuthER, on 7 July 2021.
Crimes Against Humanity Committed in Gibraltar –
CHRIST DEMANDS that the RGP Commissioner and Governor
Arrest and Prosecute the Perpetrators
SleuthER’s 95 Theses – Policing The Corona State

The report had four parts, the front covers of which were visually depicted as follows:
Part 1 – The Second Great Reformation?

View PDF – Part 1: The Second Great Reformation?
Part 2 – Tyranny On Gebal Tariq

View PDF – Part 2: Tyranny On Gebal Tariq
Part 3 – The Globalist Genocidal Plan

View PDF – Part 3: The Globalist Genocidal Plan
Part 4 – Boris & Beth’s Barmy Britain

View PDF – Part 4: Boris & Beth’s Barmy Britain

At Governor’s Gate, while handing over the full document to the security officer, also presented to him was the latest copy of the Gibraltar Messenger.
Read this latest Gibraltar Messenger edition: Russia launches largest submarine to be built in 30 years with enough firepower to take out an entire large city and a fleet of mini-subs to cut undersea Internet cables
In taking a glance at the front cover, the security officer replied with a smile by saying that the Governor had just got back from having his lunch on the submarine which was in Gibraltar. Perfect timing.
This is not the first time Martin SleuthER has compiled such a report. The first report of this kind was compiled back in 2017. This occurred 500 years from when The Reformation began by Martin Luther. Luther’s 95 Theses was nailed to the doors of Wittenberg Cathedral. In the same vein, SleuthER’s 95 Theses of Elizabeth Battenberg was pinned to the gates of Buckingham Palace, and fastened to the railings of Westminster Abbey. Read this report: SleuthER’S 95 Theses of Elizabeth Battenberg – December 2017

SleuthER, very much hopes that The Commissioner of The Royal Gibraltar Police, Richard Ullger will read and digest The 95 theses and wake-up and do the right thing by taking incisive action against the Chief Minister and his Public Health Director, in order to rid The Rock of this evil once and for all, and expose these terrible heinous crimes against humanity for what they are – genocide. Gibraltar needs to transform itself from being the globalists’ vaccine guinea-pig forerunners, into being Christ’s foot-soldiers in this spiritual warfare being unleashed across the entire Prison-Planet Earth. To begin that process, Der Fuehrer Picardo and Sieg Heil Bhatti and all their willing accomplices, need to be arrested forthwith for their crimes against humanity.
As for the Governor himself, SleuthER very much hopes that Vice Admiral David Steel will ‘up-periscope’ and help Christ re-sink the Bismarck. He could do that by formally meeting-up with Christ’s disciples on The Rock, to learn more about the vitally important work of Christ on The Rock of His Defence. Yes, that’s The Gibraltar Messenger, I warrant.
In short, we very much hope and pray that the Governor keeps his promise to meet, with a view to him switching sides, and perhaps working here as Christ’s Ambassador to the UK.

Watch Tony Farrell’s Interview About The Report on Gibraltar Messenger’s Brighteon Channel
In this 23-minute interview, Farrell – aka Martin SleuthER – discusses his report, “SleuthER’s 95 Theses: Policing The Corona State” that he submitted to the Governor of Gibraltar David Steel and the Royal Gibraltar Police Commissioner Richard Ullger on July 7, 2021.
This post is an adaption of posts by Tony Farrell’s “SleuthER” on Defending-Gibraltar.net: