by Elle and Oz; published by Tony Farrell.
Note: In the interest of sharing this letter received prior to Elizabeth 2’s death yesterday, I offer Oz and Elle’s experience with The Lord. Please be sure to watch the video “The King’s Higway Talk” below. This marvellous teaching session was filmed by them.
2nd September 2022
Dear David Steel,
We are writing this as friends of The Lord, having first met Him in person several years ago in Ireland. The purpose of this letter is to offer support for the St. Michael’s Cave proposal for the 22nd April 2023, as it appears on The Gibraltar Messenger website.
We are known to The Lord as Oz and Elle, from the West Country in England, and prior to briefly meeting-up with The Lord for a few days, which was in Ireland in 2018, we were involved in a team making educational video films, especially about areas associated with Blake’s truly wonderful hymn Jerusalem, which massively hinted to all of us in England, that about two thousand years ago, Christ’s Feet did indeed walk upon England’s mountains green and that The Holy Lamb of God was indeed on England’s pleasant pastures seen.

Prior to meeting The Lord, we had the privilege of making videos of important places like St. Michael’s Mount off the coast of Marazion in Cornwall. This has a very direct and marvellous linkage to St. Michael’s Cave in Gibraltar.

Our interest initially was focused on learning more about the prophet Jeremiah’s final great commission to Ireland. This led us to receive a great invitation from The Lord, to travel to Ireland for a short stay with Him, in order to discover more ancient Truths, and also partake in some film-making of our own which we duly did.
The following article and video captures The Lord talking about Jeremiah’s journey to Ireland. It tells of some extraordinary sea journeys, and provides the key to understanding Gibraltar’s real importance to the world at large – Happy New Year – March 17: A Day for Jeremiah, Saint Patriarch of Ireland.
Knowing that you are a Royal Navy Officer of Vice Admiral rank, we suggest that any real understanding of the importance of Gibraltar, is predicated on understanding the implications arising from this beautifully written short article compiled within Hannah Michael’s Time To Think blog. We lovingly hope that you make the time to read it – Irish Queen “Britannia” Brings Hope For Ireland | Time To Think.
The Hannah Michael’s blog itself ends with these poignant words.
“In today’s war of good versus evil, everyone picks his side. Does he fight for God’s Kingdom and justice for all; or does he fight for man’s will and riches for a few. Hint: God wins in the end. Knowing this, why would anyone remain on the losing side? No faith. It’s better to be true in faith, than reject it, for faith means trust in God.”
Furthermore, the following video we had the pleasure of making while in the company of The Lord in Ireland, captures The Lord giving us a truly memorable talk outside the King’s Highway at Teltown, which is an ancient highway stretching all the way to Navan Fort in the North. We have nothing further to add here, as we submit this from Gibraltar Road, Mablethorpe, having recently been to see Gibraltar Point, Skegness, except to offer our sincerely held prayers to Father, that the governor of Gibraltar’s eyes will be opened, so that Elizabeth is properly briefed, through him, as her ambassador on The Rock of Gibraltar.
A Must-Watch Teaching Session – The King’s Highway Talk
All our very best wishes,
Oz and Elle,
Friends of The Lord
This letter has been added to the Governor’s Dossier Page – Crown Prince Michael in Gibraltar.