To: Sgt. John Olivera of The Royal Gibraltar Police
2nd August 2018
Dear John,
Good afternoon and good wishes.
Thank-you for our brief encounter yesterday morning during your police officer recruitment event held in the Time-Out Café Bar.
Mandatory police officer retirement age notwithstanding, as you’ll doubtless recall, my attendance yesterday was not driven by any desire to be recruited as a police officer in The Royal Gibraltar Police. However, ascertaining your organisation’s position with respect to the strategic intelligence analysis function was my declared motive. Within that context, we spoke briefly with reference to Commissioner Ian McGrail’s strategic risk assessment priorities, which if I have understood correctly, included combating terrorism and the threat from terrorism, as his number one priority.
In explaining that the intelligence analysis function was currently performed by police officers, rather than qualified civilian support staff, you indicated to me, upon learning a tiny bit about my career background, that a curriculum vitae could be submitted via you, with a view to it being passed up the chain of command, if appropriate.
Reflecting upon your helpful suggestion further, an Executive Summary of a SIA, tailored especially for The Commissioner Ian McGrail, and his Senior Command Team, has been compiled.
Given your engagement with new recruit candidates, it is hoped that you will initially read the SIA for yourself, and take heed. Then, please ensure that this submission gets passed up the chain of command, to Ian McGrail, and his Deputy Commissioner, Richard Mifsud, as you promised to do, and preferably all other members of his Senior Command Team. At the very least, I would be grateful to receive your personal acknowledgement of receipt of my SIA for RGP.
The report in question, now follows.
Author: Tony Farrell
Sponsor: JAH, Christ in His Second Coming
Date of Compilation: 1st August 2018
Ian McGrail, Commissioner of The Royal Gibraltar Police; Richard Mifsud, Deputy Commissioner of The Royal Gibraltar Police; Sergeant John Olivera of The Royal Gibraltar Police.
The Vulnerability of The Royal Gibraltar Police
In 1992, the Gibraltar Police Force was granted the “Royal” prefix by a fraudulent criminal queen, who goes by the name of Elizabeth II. Given the RGP lists “INTEGRITY” amongst its eight values, the following 95 point theses on Elizabeth Battenberg, ought to prove highly instructive for the Commissioner when considering vulnerability, risk and threat.
In short, the 95 theses reveal how the criminally insane Elizabeth Battenberg just so happens to be the number one enemy of Christ, here on Earth in His Second Coming, and Elizabeth, the fraudulent queen, more than anyone else on the planet, represents the key blockage to building God’s Kingdom on Earth.
SleuthER’s 95 Theses – JAHTalk.thefarrellreport.net/sleuthers-95-theses
Crucially for you all, it is prophesied in Holy Scripture that from Gibraltar will the restoration take place.
That the Commissioner incorporates SleuthER’s 95 Theses into The RGP risk register, and duly assesses its veracity.
The Commissioner of The Royal Gibraltar Police shuns The Sun of Righteousness
In the 1995 annual report of South Yorkshire Police, a former Chief Constable cited Burke.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
In an email to the RGP Commissioner, dated 3rd May 2018, Christ in His Second Coming, provided your Ian McGrail with some extra-ordinary advice. Three months later, and it appears that Ian McGrail has unwisely failed to respond to the best advice on Earth. Mr. McGrail has by virtue of doing absolutely nothing, thereby undermined each and every one of your organisation’s very own listed values, as itemised here: integrity; customer focus; teamwork, valuing people; proactive; professionalism; respect; and community awareness.
Amidst all this customary police rhetoric, how is Ian’s inaction showing good leadership from the top, I ask myself, rhetorically.
To remind one and all, Christ’s previous advice, as given to Ian, was as follows:
Subject: Advice from Christ
From: “JAH” <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, May 3, 2018 14:00
Christ’s Advice
Dear Ian,
We hope this finds you well, in good spirit and having a good day.
We are writing to you to congratulate you on your promotion to commissioner, and to offer Our assistance in preparing for WW3, that the New World Order globalists are desperately trying to start.
We have been warning and advising the people of Gibraltar, for a number of years, including with the Gibraltar Messenger editions and DVDs, about what is coming, but have so far been ignored by the authorities, who seem to think that WW3 is not going to happen, even with all the obvious signs that it is.
The ONLY way for Gibraltar to be safe is with God the Ruler of The Universe’s protection, and in order to receive that, Gibraltar has to return to The Law and The Covenant.
We wrote to Eddie, as We were friends with his dad, asking him to meet Us to discuss how to go about reinstating The Law, but he never responded to Our communications.
We are hoping that, unlike Eddie, you will be open to letting Us help you, and, through you, the people of Gibraltar to survive what is coming.
Failure to return to The Law will mean that everyone will be burned to ashes.
Malachi4:1 For, behold, the Day cometh, that shall burn like an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the “I AM” Lord of hosts, that it shall leave of them neither root nor branch (nothing).
4:2 But unto you that fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
4:3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in The Day that I shall do [this], saith the “I AM” Lord of hosts.
4:4 Remember ye and return to The Law of Moses My servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, [with] the Statutes and Judgments.
4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful Day of the “I AM” (Sura 43:61):
4:6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse (see verse 1).
Without Our personal help no-one will survive, so please take this VERY seriously, as the Bible is never wrong.
We note that your name is Scottish and that perhaps the body that you are inhabiting was born in Scotland. Your family name means Son of Grail – McGrail – so perhaps you might be interested in the truth about the Holy Grail that no-one has ever understood? Also the truth about who the Scots really are:- http://JAHTruth.net/scotdec.htm
We have a secondary issue that We would like you to resolve for Us, and that is that on the 22/4/2015 your subordinates stole Our silver Jaguar X-type from Rosia car-park and have very foolishly and brazenly compounded their crime, by refusing to return it to Us, for which they will spend Eternity in The Lake of Fire regretting it. Please don’t make the same mistake as them.
We are contacting you in the spirit of friendship and wanting to help you to fulfill the Bible prophecies concerning Gibraltar, to make it a light unto the world – http://JAHTruth.net/nsong.htm
Please don’t make the same mistake as Eddie, i.e. ignoring Us and Our advice, because time is running out.
We hope to hear from you promptly with a positive response.
Yours truly,Christ.
That the Commissioner takes immediate steps to reverse his shunning of EliJAH, by showing at the very least the courtesy of a reply to Christ’s previous kind and generous offer to help him and help his police force.
How safe is Gibraltar and its British Sovereignty?
Prophecy – Divine and Infallible, tells us that: Spain does NOT hold a Key to Gibraltar’s extremely “bright” future because The ONLY Key to its future Sovereignty is on The Flag. There is absolutely; undoubtedly and infallibly only ONE Key to Gibraltar’s future prosperous and secure self-determination and that is the ONE on its flag, which is there for all to see; except “the blind being led by the blind”, naturally.
Gibraltar’s Flag, which originated as the Ensign of the Phoenician/British/Israelite Tribe of Gad; who was Jacob/Israel’s (Gen. 32:28) eighth son (Gen. 30:11) and was Brit-ish not Jew-ish (Judah/Jew-dah -ish was Jacob’s fourth son and one of Gad’s half-brothers not his dad); has sadly been deprived of its best colour – The Ruler of The Universe’s colour – the colour blue, and He is definitely not amused by its removal (because He considers it to be an insult to Him and His Sovereignty of heaven – The Universe).
To find out why, please continue reading: How safe is Gibraltar and its Brit-ish Sovereignty?

That the Commissioner, adopts the correctly coloured Gibraltar flag within all the RGP’s insignia, as an initial early sign of their allegiance to CHRIST, rather than a fake, criminal queen, who remains foolishly hell-bent on standing in the way of Christ, Whom she publicly claims to serve.

Gibraltar-Gebal Tariq (The Rock of ‘The Night-Visitant’ – in Arabic)
The Tariq part of the word Gebal-Tariq, which is also Arabic, means “The Night-Visitant”. “The Night Visitant” is Christ – on the second coming, and Christ unequivocally states that Gibraltar is British, but perhaps not quite as you currently perceive it.
Gibraltar – Gebal Tariq (The Rock of ‘The Night-Visitant’ – in Arabic) – British or Spanish?
That the Commissioner take special note of the great ancestral origins of the Gibraltarian people as revealed by Christ, with particular reference to GAD and the Gadites, as given in the above link, and attune himself properly with what Christ is going to do for GAD, as clearly outlined prophetically below in Deuteronomy Chapter 33 verses 20-21 of The Old Covenant.
33:20 And of Gad he said, Blessed [be] he that enlargeth Gad: he dwelleth as a lion, and teareth the branch with the crown on his head.
33:21 And he provided the first part for himself, because there, [in] the position of The Lawgiver, [was he] seated; and he came to the heads of the people, he executed the Justice of the “I AM”, and His Judgments with Israel.
The Munitions of The Rock
“The Fortress of Rock” (Gibraltar) is referred to in the Book of Isaiah (dictated to Isaiah by God and His extra-terrestrial “angels”) as being the “place of defence” for “the righteous” where their waters will be sure and bread (“manna” from the space-ship like in Exodus?) shall be given to them and where they shall see the King and the land far off – Israel (Isaiah 33 v 16 & 17) once cleared of its present inhabitants (by “The Reaping”) and restored to the way it was in “The Beginning” – (the Land flowing with “Milk and Honey”).
The Fortress of The Rock
That the Commissioner accepts the notion of having an exploratory meeting with a JEDI Disciple of Christ. The JEDI in question is a former Principal Intelligence Analyst, of 17 years good standing, best known for speaking truth to power, and refusing to lie for them, over a bogus terror threat construct. One objective of the meeting would be to enlighten the Commissioner on the strategic implications of Isaiah 33 v 16 and 17, for the Royal Gibraltar Police.
Isaiah 33
16 He shall dwell on Sion (2 Esd. 13:35): his place of defence [shall be] the Fortress of Rock: bread shall be given him; his waters [shall be] sure.
17 Thine eyes shall see The King in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off (Israel).
2 Esdras
13:35. But he shall stand upon the top of the mount of gathering (Isa 33:16).
A Message for Gibraltar from God in The Koran
(Please also see 1 Corinthians 7:22 in the Bible)
“I AM” (God) sets forth a Parable: a CITY enjoying security and quiet, abundantly supplied with sustenance from every place (like Gibraltar used to be): yet was it ungrateful for the favours of “I AM” (and would not keep The Covenant): so “I AM” made it taste of hunger and terror (in extremes) (closing in on it) like a garment (from every side), because of the (evil) which (its people) wrought.
1 Corinthians
7:22 For he that is called in the Lord, [being] a servant, is the Lord’s Freeman (Fremen): likewise also he that is called, [being] free, is Christ’s servant (JEDI – JE/DI – JE-DI…… – Jesus’ Disciple).
7:23 Ye are bought with a price; be NOT ye the servants of men but of God ONLY (First Commandment).
A Message for Gibraltar from God in The Koran
That in the best interests of Gibraltar’s security, the Commissioner and his Deputy agree to invite Christ to come and meet up with them, together with his JEDI Disciple, Tony Farrell, if preferred.
Close Encounters of The Gibraltar Kind
Gibraltar – “The Fortress of Rock” is the collection-point where “the righteous” shall be gathered together to the King – “unto Shiloh (Christ) shall the gathering of the people be” – Genesis 49 v 10 and they will learn, on the Rock, the “New Song” – Isaiah 42 v 10 and 11 – the new “Way of Life” under The Covenant and its Laws and Economic-system which are designed to prevent poverty and the subsequent crime that is caused by deprivation.
Gibraltar – Gebal Tariq (The Rock of ‘The Night-Visitant’ – in Arabic) – British or Spanish?
That the Royal Gibraltar Police develop Project SERVATOR, by taking steps to learn the NEW SONG from The Ultimate Protector, namely Christ in His Second Coming.
The Gibraltar Messenger
It is strongly recommended that all in the Royal Gibraltar Police carefully study the eight editions of the Gibraltar Messenger, and follow their advice.
The Complete Eight Editions of The Gibraltar Messenger – Gibraltar Messenger Editions
That the Commissioner properly attunes himself with the content of each and every one of the eight editions of The Gibraltar Messenger and personally leads from the front, and pro-actively seeks out a meeting with Christ Himself.
This SIA has somewhat fittingly arisen directly from a brief encounter inside the Time-Out Café Bar. I say “fittingly” because as Christ wrote in His email, time is almost out for the Royal Gibraltar Police. While this SIA contains specific recommendations for the Commissioner of The Royal Gibraltar Police, every effort has been taken to freely offer-up such help for the potential benefit of not just Ian McGrail himself, but also potentially for all serving employees within his force. Yesterday, during your force’s Project Servator show of strength in Main Street, I had the pleasure of meeting a small number of friendly and approachable serving officers, for the first time.
They say first impressions count.
Finally, in the same vein of the rhetoric of Project Servator, this SIA has been duly crafted in an unpredictable, intelligence-led and highly visible manner. Visually stark evidence of this, can be seen, if you take the final time-out and examine the link below on my JAHTALK website.
Commissioners of The Rock – JAHTalk.thefarrellreport.net/sleuthers-95-theses/commissioners-on-the-rock/
Peace be within you all and upon you all at The Royal Gibraltar Police.
Tony Farrell
Disciple of JAH, Who is Christ in His Second Coming
Former Principal Intelligence Analyst of South Yorkshire Police
P.S. Seeing the above report, are you still willing to consider looking at my CV as indicated yesterday, please?
If so, I will duly oblige.
This message was given in the March 2019 edition of Gibraltar Messenger.