Gibraltar Messenger


UK-China Relations: From Gold to Dust. But what about Gibraltar?

UK-China Relations: From Gold to Dust We have been warning Gibraltarians for a long time, against making agreements/covenants with satanic, communist, anti-God China, and, now that relations have soured between the UK and China, what will Gibraltar do? Will it commit treason and side with China, or get rid of its treacherous China-loving bought and …

UK-China Relations: From Gold to Dust. But what about Gibraltar? Read More »

Christ's Letters featuring Christ's coat of arms, banner, ensign, british coat of arms, christ at over the United Kingdom, Gibraltar flag


Don’t be fooled by the use of the word regulation, or rule instead of Law or legislation, because regulations and rules are, just like other forms of legislation, fraudulent and thus unlawful and null and void, ab initio (from the initiation/beginning).

Uniting The Campo Under Christ Not Madrid

We told you that only actions and not more empty words can fix the frontier problem, but still the worthless talking goes on regardless: as it has for decades. The action that needs to be taken is for the Gibraltarian people to take matters into their OWN hands, instead of waiting endlessly for the UK to act.