Gibraltar Messenger


Christ's Letters featuring Christ's coat of arms, banner, ensign, british coat of arms, christ at over the United Kingdom, Gibraltar flag

Letter to the Commissioner of Police

Addressed to Richard Ullger, Gibraltar Commission of Police – "We are writing to you to give you some Fatherly advice, in relation to what you and the RGP are doing that is against The Law, that the British monarch swears to maintain to the UTMOST of their power, as part of the Coronation Oath and ceremony."

Covid19, 5G, Vaccination plandemic – are the last stages of the Ashke-Nazi New World Order satanic plan to enslave and kill-off most of mankind

Before many of the bodies you are inhabiting today were born; in this present reincarnation you are experiencing; President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) warned the world of a plan to enslave mankind, and seven days later, on November 22nd 1963, T.H.E.Y. very publically murdered him in Dealey Plaza, in Dallas, Texas, in a coup d’état …

Covid19, 5G, Vaccination plandemic – are the last stages of the Ashke-Nazi New World Order satanic plan to enslave and kill-off most of mankind Read More »