Un Mensaje Extremadamente Importante para TODOS los Gaditas/Gaditanos del Campo de Gibraltar
Lo que te contaré ha sido ocultado por generaciones por personas malvadas que buscan oprimirte, controlarte, envenenarte y hasta matarte.
Lo que te contaré ha sido ocultado por generaciones por personas malvadas que buscan oprimirte, controlarte, envenenarte y hasta matarte.
Not only is Madrid’s proposal to share Gibraltar completely unfounded on any basis of historical fact whatsoever, and regardless of the temptation-offers of dual citizenship, the whole Campo region is more racially akin to Gibraltar and its people.
I am going to explain to you, what needs to be done in order to re-unite the Camp of Gibraltar; not into a province of, or a part of, Spain but into God’s autonomous independent region, free from the destructive and poverty-creating laws and interference of Madrid and London.
Some of you might be scratching your heads, wondering why the Spanish government is so obsessed, about what, to most people in the world, is just a large lump of Rock and why there is this absolutely unyielding determination by Spanish politicians to take it over, and why the British politicians are treacherously working with them.
Jack Straw (Strawinski) has said on British television that he is going to ignore Gibraltar’s sovereignty referendum, so there is no need for you to hold one; because he desperately doesn’t want you to. Such amazing arrogance displayed by him.
Now that you are finally beginning to see, for yourselves, that the British government is betraying you, more and more openly, blatantly and brazenly, and that they are committing treason against the British citizens living in the British territory of Gibraltar, let me remind you that I warned you about this at least twelve years ago.