The daughter of Gibraltar’s first chief minister, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, has been very vocal about the Israeli-Gaza situation. In her current role as deputy mayor of Jerusalem, she condemns the actions of Hamas; yet turns a blind eye to the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) counter attack on Gaza, where thousands of innocent people continue to be murdered.

Not only does she seem to be blind on the Israeli atrocities being done in Gaza, she seems to be blind about the Christian population in the area, stating that “There are no Christians in Gaza”.
In a December 2023 interview with LBC, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum “appeared” to be against a cease-fire, claiming that Hamas would only have more time to regroup to attack more. “Seemingly” coming across as an expert on the situation in Gaza, she erroneously stated that not only were there no Christians in Gaza, but also that Hamas had driven them out.
The truth is there are Christians in Gaza; and that most of the Christians were driven out with the Muslims in the Great Catastrophe prepetrated by the so-called Jews. And after being forced to also live in prison-like conditions in Gaza – enforced by the Israeli government – many others did leave hoping for a better life.
Interestingly, the interview with LBC’s Nick Ferrari dealt with “propaganda”. Given her vocal stance in this and other interviews, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum seems to be playing her part in the propaganda-machine. Continually presenting a one-sided argument, she’s lost sight of truth, or perhaps she is presenting her true colours (Matt. 23:24-29).
In the article on LBC’s website, entitled, No Christians in Gaza, claims Jerusalem deputy mayor after Israeli army kills two women at church, a short clip of what she said was highlighted with a few excerpts.
She said Israel had an “obligation” to protect its citizens from another potential attack instead of accepting a ceasefire. “If a ceasefire means the return of hostages and the dismantlement of a genocidal regime that has stated that they’re going to attack us again, then everyone would be in favour of a ceasefire,” she said. “But if a ceasefire means that we’re just going to keep them quiet for a bit until they attack again then it’s Israel’s obligation to defend its citizens and destroy that threat, don’t you think?”
When Ferrari asked about reports that there are snipers waiting outside a church in Gaza, Ms Hassan-Nahoum said: “I SAW the reports this morning. The church? There are no churches in Gaza.” She added: “Yes, unfortunately there are no Christians because they were driven out by Hamas.”
It comes after Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran said that her relatives were among the Christians who sought shelter in the Holy Family Church in Gaza City. Ms Moran told Nick: “Snipers are pointing their guns towards the church.”
Again – when asked about the incident, Ms Hassan-Nahoum said: “Well I don’t know what happened, I don’t know who was attacked, I DIDN’T SEE the report.” (Deut. 5:20)
LBC host Nick Ferrari found it extraordinary that Hassan-Nahoum didn’t “know” there were Christians in Gaza.
“Extraordinary” might be putting it mildly – “Outlandish” would be a better word, because Ms Hassan-Nahoum touted Christian statistics in an April 2022 Jerusalem Post article.
Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Fleur Hassan-Nahoum has accused church leaders of painting a “false narrative” and misrepresenting the facts about minorities in Jerusalem as part of a “well-orchestrated fundraising campaign to the Christian world.”
“In tragic contrast the Christian communities living under the Palestinian Authority are dwindling, the most glaring example being the Christian population of Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, that has shrunk from 80% to 12% in the 27 years the PA control the city,” Hassan-Nahoum wrote. “Freedom of worship is a hallmark of our city and we protect it at all costs.”
That article deals with real-estate transactions and circumstances around them. For the Church’s side of the story, read – Greek Orthodox church leader says Israeli extremists threaten Palestinian Christians, in which the leader said, “Our churches are threatened by Israeli radical fringe groups. At the hands of these Zionist extremists the Christian community in Jerusalem is suffering greatly.”
That’s not the only time Fleur Hassan-Nahoum has responded to REAL-ESTATE disputes in Jerusalem.
Demolishing Palestinian homes for an Israeli religious theme park – Fleur Hassan-Nahoum is on record recently confirming that the aim of the state was to limit Palestinian construction in East Jerusalem as a deliberate policy that favoured Jews to protect Israel’s character, saying Israel was a Jewish state.
Jerusalem: Armenians injured, arrested after attack by Jewish settlers near Cow’s Garden – Israeli police arrested two young Armenians while several others were injured, some in serious condition, during an attack yesterday afternoon by scores of Jewish extremists in a disputed area in Jerusalem. As in the past, the Christians were victimised twice: first, by the attack that shocked the community and injured some of its members, and secondly, by Israeli police, who penalised the victims and not the victimisers.
According to Kegham Balian, a Jerusalemite Armenian writer, a court confirmed that the 30 men who participated in attack were hired by Xana Capital, the real-estate company involved. He said Xana Capital has recruited groups of either Israelis or Arabs to participate in repeated, attempted attacks on the Cows’ Garden, providing them with false information about the purpose and targets. – The more they attack, the more resolute we become. [Read about its mysterious investor Daniel Rothman/Rubinstein]
Jerusalem’s Armenian community attacked by a mob amid land dispute
The World Council of Churches stands in unwavering solidarity with the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
“Speaking to the Jerusalem Post, Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum offered a different version of events, one bordering on the absurd. She said, ‘There was an unfortunate incident where some Arab Muslim men and some men from the Armenian community got into a brawl in the old city of Jerusalem.’ ” (source)
Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, described as Israel’s soldier of public diplomacy, said journalists don’t know the facts and Palestinians play the victims.
“Palestinians have done such a good job of talking about an occupation, that even though we have not been occupying Gaza for 18 years, the narrative of the ‘occupation’ is even inside educated people’s heads. And hence I spent hours and hours educating people about what really happened and the real situation on the ground… victimhood of the Palestinians has been so ingrained in the consciousness of the Western world, and especially the US, where everything is about the oppressor and the oppressed… That picture of victimhood for Israelis is a very difficult sale because we don’t want to see ourselves as victims, even though we are… Palestinians have spent 100 years looking back and trying to reverse history.”
A lot could be said about Reversing History.
For one, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum has the genocidal regime confused. She doesn’t know the facts. She should look at the Great Catastrophe for starters. She should see how many around the world are seeing The State of Israel – and it’s not the vision she would like people to believe. Those in Spain see the situation differently. Those in South Africa, who filed a genocide case against The State of Israel in the International Court of Justice, see the situation differently, as well as those in Ireland, Turkey, Scotland and many more, like British-Palestinian Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta who will give testimony to The State of Israel
For one, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum has the genocidal regime confused. She doesn’t know the facts. She should look at the Great Catastrophe for starters. She should see how many around the world are seeing The State of Israel – and it’s not the vision she would like people to believe. Those in Spain see the situation differently. Those in South Africa, who filed a genocide case against The State of Israel in the International Court of Justice, see the situation differently, as well as those in Ireland, Turkey, Scotland and many more, like British-Palestinian Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta who will give testimony to The State of Israel
For one, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum has the genocidal regime confused. She doesn’t know the facts. She should look at the Great Catastrophe for starters. She should see how many around the world are seeing The State of Israel – and it’s not the vision she would like people to believe. Those in Spain see the situation differently. Those in South Africa, who filed a genocide case against The State of Israel in the International Court of Justice, see the situation differently, as well as those in Ireland, Turkey, Scotland and many more, like British-Palestinian Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta who will give testimony to The State of Israel’s genocidal regime in the International Criminal Court.
British-Palestinian doctor to testify at ICC in Israel genocide case
And two, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum needs to carefully look at how Hamas was created. While she points to sleeper cells and points the finger at Iran in this interview, mentioning puppet-masters are calling the shots, she might want to look at Benjamin Netanyahu.
• How Netanyahu Funded, Built Up and Made an Ally of Hamas From 2012 to 2018
• Why Did Netanyahu Want to Strengthen Hamas? – Haaretz
Fleur Hassan-Nahoum’s claim that there are no Christians and churches in Gaza needs factchecking:

FACT CHECK: There are three well-known churches in Gaza
Church of Saint Porphyrius – In 2014, around 2,000 Palestinians fleeing Israeli bombings that had killed over 70 Palestinians took shelter in the Church of Saint Porphyrius complex. The church complex was AGAIN used as refuge from Israeli bombardment during the 2023 Israel–Hamas war. On 19 Oct. 2023, four Israeli missiles struck nearby the compound where at least 400–500 Palestinians were taking shelter.
Holy Family Church – During the 2023 Israel–Hamas war, the church, school, and convents have sheltered several hundred refugees, including Christian families whose homes were destroyed. It works closely with the nearby religious congregations of the Missionaries of Charity, Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará, and the Rosary Sisters. The Missionaries of Charity care for the elderly and disabled. On 4 Nov., the Rosary Sisters’ school was destroyed when it was targeted by an Israeli air strike. As of 1 Dec. it was reported that 600 people were sheltering in the church. On 16 Dec., Naheda and Samr Anton were killed by gunfire in the church compound. The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem said: “Nahida and her daughter Samar were shot and killed as they walked to the Sister’s Convent. One was killed as she tried to carry the other to safety. Seven more people were shot and wounded as they tried to protect others inside the church compound. No warning was given, no notification was provided.
Gaza Baptist Church – The Gaza Baptist Church, founded in 1954, is one of only three Christian churches in the Gaza Strip, and the only one that is Protestant and evangelical. The church opened Gaza’s first public Christian library in 2006. In 2007, the Church ran youth programs, a library, and medical clinics. It also ran a school for about 250 students, many of whom were Muslim. It is pastored by Hanna Massad, who lives in exile in Jordan since the church was damaged by a nearby bomb blast during an airstrike on Hamas targets by Israeli forces in December 2008.
Read more: Under Israeli attack: Who are the Christians of Gaza? – “In one of the defining moments so far of Israel’s ongoing war on Gaza, a deadly explosion at the al-Ahli Arab Hospital on October 17 killed close to 500 people, according to Palestinian health authorities. The deadly attacks on the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital, an Anglican institution, and the church have brought into sharp focus the enclave’s embattled Christian minority, which, like the rest of the Gaza Strip, is under assault from relentless Israeli bombardment.”
The Snipers and The Church
Snipers were reported to have killed Christians outside a Gaza Church – Palestinian Christian Community in Gaza at Risk Due to “Horrible Conditions That Israel Has Imposed” (article/transcript)
In an interview with Philip Farah, co-founder of the Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace, Demoncracy Now looks at Israeli attacks on churches in Gaza. In November, one of his relatives, Elham Farah, a beloved 84-year-old music teacher, was killed by an Israeli sniper outside the Church of Saint Porphyrius in Gaza City where she was sheltering.
Palestinian Christians Mourn – Democracy Now
EXCERPT from the interview:
Amy Goodman – So, that’s the deputy mayor of Jerusalem. Philip Farah, you have family in Gaza who’ve been sheltering in both churches, Porphyrius as well as Holy Family. Can you respond to what [Fleur Hassan-Nahoum] is saying?
Philip Farah – I mean, it’s one of the many, many horrendous lies that come from Israel. Of course, there’s always been — well, for centuries, many centuries — Palestinian presence in Gaza. In fact, Gaza was a center of Palestinian Christian theology and learning.
Farah explained how many Christians left years before the Hamas attack, because of the trauma of continuous “mowing the lawn” attacks from Israelis.
The Latin Patriarchate of Jersualem
Amy Goodman – So, that’s the deputy mayor of Jerusalem. Philip Farah, you have family in Gaza who’ve been sheltering in both churches, Porphyrius as well as Holy Family. Can you respond to what [Fleur Hassan-Nahoum] is saying?
Philip Farah – I mean, it’s one of the many, many horrendous lies that come from Israel. Of course, there’s always been — well, for centuries, many centuries — Palestinian presence in Gaza. In fact, Gaza was a center of Palestinian Christian theology and learning.
Farah explained how many Christians left years before the Hamas attack, because of the trauma of continuous “mowing the lawn” attacks from Israelis.
The Latin Patriarchate of Jersualem’s Statement about the Sniper on 16 December.
For The Record – The Land Deal
In perhaps the biggest real-estate deal of our lifetime, Palestine was given to Zionists starting with the Balfour Declaration and ending with the birth of The State of Israel in 1948. That was a modern-day translation of The Vineyard being stolen by the husbandmen, as described in the Parable of The Vineyard.
Parable of the Vineyard
The Vineyard Jesus referred to was Jerusalem and the surrounding Holy Land. (Matt. 21:33-46). The Edomites who were forcibly converted to Talmudic Judaism, like their king Herod who slew the innocent babies and children up to two years of age, trying to kill Jesus, ruled Jerusalem at the time; and stole the vineyard. It was reclaimed again in 1917 (Rev. 11:7). Then, stolen again through political wheeling and dealing with the creation of The State of Israel.
Now learn Parable of the Fig Tree.
The State of Israel – despite rhetoric from its figure-heads and supporters around the world – will lose The Vineyard. WW3 will end in the Holy Lands at Har Megiddo (Rev. 16:16; Rev. 27:18).
Fleur Hassan-Nahoum is also featured in Tony Farrell’s 95 Theses on Gaza: PART 3 – BAD PR FROM FLEUR HASSAN