Gibraltar once held a valuable Key to Life, until an evil priest had it removed from the Gibraltar library.

Check out the little book the library removed:
The Way home or face The Fire
– Available Free Online To The World –
Its message is simple – it’s about life; its meaning; its purpose. But it will challenge everything you think you already know about God, the universe, and yourself.
Some call it the most important book on the planet. Some reject it. But haven’t there always been people who can hear and see and people who can’t?
And there have always been people who lead, follow, and others who stand in their way.
If you love the “I AM” God above all else, this book is for you. If you love the traditions of men, you’ll fight it tooth and nail. But by no means should you decide for another, or let anyone else decide for you.
Translations in Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano and Português.
This message was featured in the December 2013 edition of Gibraltar Messenger.