What if we started identifying each other by the car that we drive rather than acknowledging ourselves as the driver? And what if, over the passage of time, that practice became so widely accepted that we actually ceased to remember what it meant to be a driver, apart from the car?
Sound impossible?
Well, as they say, the truth is often stranger (to most) than fiction (Isa. 30:10).
The following verses describe the creation of humans, and the placement of spiritual-Beings (Souls) inside of them.

Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His [Own] image, in the Image of God created He him; male and female created He them (the human bodies – our “cars/vessels”).
Genesis 2:7 And the “I AM” God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man (the car) became alive and was given a soul [spirit Being – the “drivers”] (becoming a human+Being; a car+Driver).
Satan, which is Hebrew and means “the Opposer”, has spent 6000+ years programming us to see things his way (upside down and backwards) instead of God’s Way (which is The Right Way/Truth). So it should really come as no surprise that so many choose to look at the gender or skin color of their human-animal body from a worldly/satanic perspective rather than a heavenly/spiritual one.
Hopefully the analogy that follows will help simplify the reality of our situation; that we are in fact spiritual Beings (which have no gender or skin color) who are temporarily imprisoned inside these human-animal bodies (which intentionally do have a gender and skin color for both physical and spiritual purposes), to learn how to control them.

Suppose for a moment that we are all ONE big happy family and that dad has hired the perfect instructor to teach us (the children) how to drive. Dad fortunately has an automobile manufacturing facility with a fleet of cars to choose from for this purpose (more than enough to go around) and has thought out a driving school plan which works perfectly if followed.
Simply put, the plan starts everyone out in the smaller, less powerful cars, to develop basic driving skills, and then moves the children up to the larger, more powerful models as they master control of their assigned cars at each level along The Way.

It would obviously be dangerous to place an inexperienced driver in one of the larger, more powerful cars first, because of the risk of injury not only to the driver, but to everyone else and to the cars as well.
One thing that dad insists upon is that everyone maintain a serious attitude at all times and NEVER use the car they have been given for anything other than its intended purpose. Any children caught showboating or driving recklessly are not only punished, but sent backwards in the driving school. That provides the children with the incentive to be careful and think about what they are doing at ALL times, to promote safety and common courtesy.

Driving a car is a big responsibility and an untrained or careless driver can severely injure or even kill others, so control over the car and one’s actions are emphasized at every grade level. And dad, who personally trained his instructor for this purpose, and who is the master designer, knows both his children and the cars inside and out. It is through this perfectly planned training program that each of us are assessed, to ensure no one is ever given a more powerful car or driving situation than they can safely handle (1 Cor. 10:13).
As long as the children know that everything they do is going to eventually get back to dad, they are well-behaved. But when some of the children begin to think they’re far enough away that dad or the instructor can’t see what they’re doing, they tend to disregard the rules that were provided for their own benefit and safety. Unfortunately, that dangerous practice can and does spread rapidly, until everyone’s doing it.
It may seem to the disobedient children that dad isn’t there to punish them immediately, but that’s part of his lesson plan too. Only those who prove they will follow the rules, even when they think they’re not being watched, are actually allowed to advance to the upper levels, because it would be dangerous for everyone involved to do otherwise.
The name of this exercise is self-control and the key to success is humility. Those who judge themselves to be ready to advance, even though they’ve never driven the faster, more powerful cars, are proving with their attitudes why they shouldn’t be allowed to advance. Staying humble and in control of the ego is what makes it possible to advance to the next level. Those who refuse to maintain control of their car at all times for everyone’s sake either stay at the same level or go backwards. The difficulty is there’s only a limited amount of time to complete the driving lessons, and only those who are determined to complete the training will graduate and have their permanent licenses reinstated.

Using this simple analogy, consider that as spirit-Beings, our Creator (Father) has carefully selected a “car” (human-animal body/vessel) that is perfect for the specific lessons that we need to learn to advance to the next level. The human-body each of us has been given to use temporarily is no more powerful than we are capable of controlling, based upon our past performance (in previous lifetimes). In fact, every spirit-Being is in EXACTLY the place they’ve earned a right to be in Eternal time according to Father (God) Who, along with His perfectly trained Instructor (Christ) are the ONLY Ones qualified and able to judge each of us justly and fairly (completely without bias).
It should go without saying that the more powerful the human car, the more damage it can do and thus the more difficult it is to control. So for those in less powerful cars, e.g. the “weaker vessels”, the proper way to evaluate the situation, spiritually, is to realize they are not yet ready for a more powerful car, or Father would have put them in one already. How could one judge what it is like to control a more powerful car (human) when they themselves have never successfully driven one?
It should also be self-evident that it does NOT matter what color the assigned car is, other than where Father has called for cars of similar color to group.

The Spirit-Being with the most power is Father, Who is Omnipotent. If He were to have an ego and get upset, He could destroy the entire universe, and all of us with it, in a single thought. The fact that we are still here today on planet Earth, after our continued rebellion against Him and refusal to obey Him and the perfect rule of Law, provided for our own benefit, is proof that He is in complete and total control. But just as most tend to forget who and what we really are, we seem to forget that God is NOT human (Num. 23:19, 1 Sam. 15:29) and that the natural man/human (an out of control car with a driver that’s asleep at the wheel) is at enmity with God (Rom. 8:5-8), because it’s a danger to everyone.

If the less experienced drivers (spirit-Beings inside of female bodies) were placed inside of more powerful cars (male bodies) without first learning the lessons and passing the tests in the less powerful cars (and thus earning the right to advance) this world would be FAR more evil than it is today, and it is already very, very evil because only an extremely small number of people are actually striving to obey Father’s Law (the driving lessons) whilst the rest, which are the overwhelming majority, continue in open rebellion against our Creator (already thinking they know better than Father how to drive – and in some cases even how to manufacture “cars”/human bodies – 1 Tim. 5:20).
It should be self-evident that the female body is smaller and less powerful than the male body, and thus NOT equal to or greater. The female body/role is built for child-bearing and nurturing and these attributes complement those of the male body/role, which was meant to provide (spiritually first and then physically – Matt. 6:33-34) and protect. These are the NATURAL roles of the genders, requiring them to work together for survival. A spirit-Being that’s been given a smaller, less powerful car to manage, who thinks they are equal to (or greater than) those who have been given more powerful and thus more difficult cars to manage, isn’t learning the lessons they need to learn. Remember, the key to learning to drive SAFELY is HUMILITY (Psalm 111:10).

Going backwards in the training program is likewise not an option, as this is a timed-program and time is running out.
Humility requires each of us to accept our situation (make, model and color) and seek to do Father’s Will instead of our own selfish will at all times. Father’s Will for us begins with keeping His Law, which prepares us to see the additional lessons He built into our natural surroundings as well as those He provides us in the moment, from within (IN-Tuition). That Small, Still Voice of Reason whispering guidance in our spiritual ears as we (hopefully) take the High Way home, where everyone is already doing His Will (Matt. 6:10) and living as One.

It is our arrogance/ignorance that blinds us to the Truth (His Word/Instructions/Master Instructor), which keeps us spinning our wheels or worse, going backwards. So please read the instructions Father Himself has given us about the natural roles of the genders and believe Him instead of your “self”/ego (Satan really):
Genesis 3:16-17, Isa. 3:12, Thomas 16:1-2, 1 Cor. 11:3, 1 Corinthians 11:7-9, 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, Ephesians 5:22-29, Colossians 3:18-21, 1 Timothy 2:11-15, Titus 2:4-5, 1 Peter 3:1-6
Satan has been promoting his LIE for 6000 years that we are “only human after all”, to deceive us into thinking we’re the car instead of the driver, thus reversing the universal order of everything according to God. It’s actually so bad now that most not only believe his lies, but actually believe the car is capable of driving itself, and that they are just along for the ride! No wonder this world is so completely out of control.
Listening to Satan is what got us into this mess we’ve created. Logically, the ONLY Way out of it is to STOP.
Learning how to drive together could be the greatest journey ever. And, in truth, it’s The ONLY Way home.