Gibraltar Messenger

The Greatest Crime in Gibraltar

Dear GBC News,

Good day and good wishes to one and all at the newsroom from Tony Farrell.

You are being sent a video of a short presentation by Professor Naomi Wolf.

In the video Professor Dr. Naomi Wolf describes how the Pfizer documents related to primary source COVID-injection “clinical trial” data released under court order, as well as related medical literature, evince an effort to execute a “depopulation agenda” with the jabs. Wolf, who’s edited a book that analyzes these documents in depth, dubbed The Pfizer Papers, says that the COVID injections stand as “the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history”.

The video has been reviewed by The Gibraltar Messenger, myself, and a number of other associates of JAH. This video has also been recently sent to The Commissioner Richard Ullger, as part of a series of follow-up reports, to a detailed crime report previously submitted to The Royal Gibraltar Police dated 24th July 2024, a report which was acknowledged by the Police Commissioner. My report made serious allegations against Senior Officials in Gibraltar with respect to their coercive part played in the acquisition and medical administration of poisonous Pfizer COVID injections.

I would implore all staff at the Gibraltar Broadcasting Company (GBC) News Room who have a role in broadcasting the news to the people of Gibraltar, to not only watch the presentation by Naomi Wolf, but to take proactive steps to inform the public about what is going on all across the world with respect to the injections. You need to put an end to your deathly silence of these matters, and cease allowing Fabian Picardo and Dr Helen Carter to be the only voices in Gibraltar who are ever allowed to speak on the supposed safety and effectiveness of these poisonous injections. All my historical correspondence to the GBC Newsroom has been carefully documented and I will shortly be producing a comprehensive addendum to the previous crime report. We have repeatedly urged the GBC to take action, but your silence over these matters which are an existential threat to the people of Gibraltar, is rendering you all complicit in what Naomi Wolf describes as “the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history”.

Please watch the 2:21-minute video:

Dr Naomi Wolf: It is the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history.

Naomi Wolf is a bestselling author, columnist, and professor. Wolf is a Rhodes Scholar, a graduate of Yale University, and received a doctorate from Oxford.

Tony Farrell

Video Excerpts:

“The Pfizer papers…have a specific focus on destroying reproduction,” Wolf says. “I wanted to believe for the longest time that it wasn’t a depopulation agenda, but ultimately the evidence persuaded me within the Pfizer documents that that’s exactly what it is.”

“They knew they were blocking women’s ovaries with lipid nanoparticles,” Wolf adds. “They knew the lipid nanoparticles traversed the placenta. They determined that the deaths of fetuses were due to maternal exposure, quote unquote, to the vaccine.”

“They knew that, vaccinated women who were nursing their babies were making the babies sick. There are charts. This is why I say Mengele science. They’re just charts showing this many thousands of babies are vomiting. This many thousands of babies have edema, which is swollen flesh. This many thousands of babies have convulsions. You know, one baby died of multi-organ system failure. from nursing vaccinated moms and to this day, I’m sure in the Netherlands, all over Europe, all over the world, no one’s telling vaccinated moms that they can risk their babies’ lives by nursing them. But Pfizer knew.”

“Pfizer, knew in one section of the Pfizer documents there’s an over 80% percent spontaneous abortion or miscarriage rate. Pfizer knows there’s something in the semen of vaccinated men that is possibly dangerous to women or fetuses because they warn vaccinated men not to have intercourse with childbearing age women. And if they do, they use two reliable forms of contraception. They knew that the injection doesn’t stay in the injection site, but it travels all over the body within 48 hours.”

“Accumulating in the adrenals, the spleen, the lymphatic system, the liver, crosses the blood brain barrier, which causes a lot of brain damage type reactions you’re seeing and accumulates in the ovaries. they knew that it was damaging the hearts of minors and our lawyer’s FOIA, meaning Freedom of Information Act, documents from the White House showing a scramble in April of 2021 to cover this up. But they just kept going that summer and into the next year, propagandizing parents to vaccinate their minors, knowing they were injuring or killing them.”