The 2024 Path of Total Darkness
2024 brings signs in the skies above America, while prophecies unfold and the never-ending war against we the people wages on across the globe.
2024 brings signs in the skies above America, while prophecies unfold and the never-ending war against we the people wages on across the globe.
Christ told us to sin NO MORE, so why are we still doing it? Sin is defined in Scripture as the transgression (breaking) of The Law which means SIN = CRIME.
Most still refuse to keep the perfect healthy diet given to us by our Creator thousands of years ago, and then wonder why there are so many sick today.
As the Israeli bombardment of Gaza is drawing its neighbouring countries into battle, scriptural prophecies concerning WW3 are unfolding before our eyes.
Perfect divine justice, reaping what one sows, and receiving one’s just desserts are all synonyms for karma. We will all be judged according to our works.
The dishonest addition of Ishmael to the original Koran, in glaring contradiction to the Bible it was sent to confirm, revealed for the very first time.
A no nonsense examination during these end-times of the Word from God that started it all.
With enough faith, patience and persistence, even a seemingly defenseless widow can prevail against injustice with God’s Help and His Law.
For hundreds of years, it’s been traditionally and wrongly assumed that the Quraysh were a pre-“Islamic” Meccan tribe, thereby hiding their true identity.
Every True Muslim must learn to believe Christ, and to keep the Covenant found only in the Bible, which the Koran was sent to confirm.