Gibraltar Messenger

A Prayer for Gebel Tariq – Inspired by Nelson

On Friday 18th October 2024 in Gibraltar’s Trafalgar Cemetery, Commodore Tom Guy, Commander of The British Forces, Gibraltar, read out part of the prayer written by 1st Viscount Horatio Nelson before the Battle of Trafalgar. A fuller version of Nelson’s prayer is given below.

Nelson’s Prayer

Before the Battle of Trafalgar, October 21st, 1805 Nelson’s prayer was recorded on paper for posterity. He prayed:

May the Great God, whom I worship, grant to my country and for the benefit of Europe in general, a great and glorious victory; and may no misconduct in anyone tarnish it; and may humanity, after victory be the predominant feature in the British Fleet.

For myself individually, I commit my life to Him that made me, and may His blessing alight on my endeavours for serving my country faithfully. To Him I resign myself, and the Just cause, which is entrusted to me to defend. 


Across from Trafalgar Cemetery, as covered by The Gibraltar Chronicle, the Commodore saluted, after he together with the Governor of Gibraltar, Lieutenant General Benjamin Bathurst, and the Gibraltar Chief Minister Fabian Picardo all laid wreaths at the foot of sculptor John Doubleday’s Nelson Memorial.

The wreath laying and saluting was not the only ceremony performed at the Nelson Memorial that particular morning, for a little later, The Sun came out and shone brightly in the form of The Gibraltar Messenger to alight on the nature of the blessing bestowed on Great Britain on the day that 1st Viscount Horatio Nelson died.

The message, as signposted on side one of the sandwich-board laid beside the three wreaths and kindly photographed by a tourist, was a special letter composed by The Gibraltar Messenger. In the days leading up to Nelson’s memorial service, thousands of copies of the letter had been hand-delivered to the letter-boxes of households in both Gibraltar and in The Campo region.

The signposted important message on the Gibraltar Messenger can be downloaded and read in full either in English or in Spanish. It was first published on the Gibraltar Messenger website on 13th September 2024.

A well positioned-sign outside Trafalgar Sports Bar.

The memorial service commemorating the fateful day when Horatio Nelson was shot in the shoulder by a bullet from a musket from a French sniper was not the only subject covered in the local news last Friday.

Competing for GBC headlines was Gibraltar’s Public Health Director Helen Carter whose singular purpose here on the Rock seems to me to be shaped to ruin the essence of Nelson’s great victory, and spoil Nelson’s very special prayer.

  • Dotty Carter does this by her misconduct in public office.
  • Dotty Carter does this by her unrelenting attempts to have injected into the upper arms of as many gullible Gibraltarians as she can muster, the poisonous Pfizer deadly bioweapon.
  • In so doing, rather than honouring Nelson’s great and glorious victory at Trafalgar, headline grabbing Dotty Carter, indirectly tarnishes the memory of that great victory, in such a way that any trace of humanity gets removed from Nelson’s prayer being the dominant feature of the British Armed Forces, wrecked by the innocent looking pricks of nurses’ needles, without so much as a single gunshot bullet being fired.

At the helm, of this sinking ship, steering Dotty Carter to tarnish the memory of that famous victory, is the treasonous Fabian Picardo – Gibraltar’s Great Paragon of Virtue Pretender.

Last Friday, armed with nothing more than a sandwich-board, it is a fact that prominent public servants were shown the other side – by that I mean the side which signposted details of the greatest crimes against humanity in Gibraltar.

It referred to VAXXED III and the words of Professor Naomi Wolf, as previously covered in my Gibraltar Messenger article last month. None of these public servants in Gibraltar were willing to engage on this deadly serious subject. Some seemed incapable of lifting their eyes up from the floor when confronted with the truth.

The prominent public servants in question in this particular instance are detailed as follows:

  • Kevin McGhee, the Director General of the Gibraltar Health Authority (GHA);
  • Ivor Lopez. the Civil Contingencies Co-ordinator;
  • Gemma Arias Vasquez, the Minister of Health, Care and Business;
  • Sandra Gracia, The Director of Nursing in the GHA:

It is also a fact that last Friday, when Covid vaccines were once again getting promoted by the GBC, that a group of GHA hospital workers upon seeing the VAXXED III and Professor Naomi Wolf images on the sandwich-board placed at the bottom of the steps of St Bernard’s Hospital, candidly shared with me their immense disquiet over their vaccine adverse effects and the jabs for jobs coercion by GHA management amidst a wall of silence over the resultant vaccine damages. This is grotesque and needs to be exposed.

Tom Guy’s moving recital of 1st Viscount Horatio Nelson’s final prayer notwithstanding, my own heartfelt urge to turn to Chronicles is profoundly felt and by that I don’t mean to turn the pages of The Gibraltar Chronicle. Rather, I mean my sudden heartfelt urge to signpost the Bible verses in 1 Chronicles 4:10, often referred to as the Prayer of Jabez and call upon the people of Gebel Tariq to embrace the Gibraltar Messenger’s article, and adopt the Prayer of Jabez for both the people of The Rock and the people in The Campo, many of whom cross over the border each working day.