INTRODUCTION – On the evening of 29th December 2024, several officers from the RGP entered the Marina Bay in Ocean Village and seized my phones, computer and external disk drives, and the Mighty Quinn arrested me for improper use of internet and electronic equipment. This relates to correspondence I sent to GHA staff, and the subsequent complaints the police received from three senior health professionals in the GHA. After questioning under caution, I was bailed to appear at New Mole House on 18th March 2025. On 22nd January 2025, I am due to attend New Mole House for disrupting the Gibraltar parliament on 13th December 2024 whereupon I was arrested and interviewed under caution before being bailed. The following article addressed to the Speaker of The House as an Open Letter, provides the essential background to the reason for me speaking truth to power before parliamentary proceedings began and the police actions taken against me.
Unto The Speaker of The House in Gibraltar’s Parliament I write;

Madam Speaker, on Friday 13th, the above were the actual words which I had intended to read out, immediately after your “opening prayer”, had it not been for a rapid police response from the rear of the gallery from the RGP VIP Protection Squad.
The opening prayer’s wording and of course your flawless reading of it notwithstanding, Madam Speaker, allow me to first state up front that as a Disciple of The Gibraltar Messenger, all the legislation that passes before you in Gibraltar’s parliament, is actually UNLAWFUL under God’s Law.
Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall not add to the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the Commandments of the Lord your God which I COMMAND you.
11:1 Therefore thou shalt love the Lord thy God, and keep His charge, and His Statutes, and His Judgments, and His Commandments, always.
12:8 Ye shall not do after all the things that we do here this day, every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes.
12:32 What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.
Madam Speaker, to be clear though, my unexpected intrusion on Friday 13th, did not arise directly because parliament does not uphold God’s Law, however supremely important that fact ought to be, especially to people asking for His help, guidance, and blessing. On the contrary my disruption of parliament was borne out of a genuine concern about the existential threat posed by the Jabs to Gib Pfizer bioweapons that The Chief Minister unleashed onto the gullible populace. It is a concern which has previously led me to file a number of crime reports, with associated evidence to the Royal Gibraltar Police. My minor disruption of proceedings in parliament on Friday 13th, was undertaken mindful that parliamentary and police procedures would lead to my expulsion from the chamber, and my arrest. Ultimately, it might unlawfully lead to an unlawful caution, fine, or conviction for a non-existent criminal offence. All this unlawfulness by the state is for having had the audacity to attempt to get a message of life-or-death importance about the poisonous bioweapon Pfizer injections to parliament. My attempted thwarted reading was deliberately and precisely timed to occur in between the end of Madam Speaker’s invocation to The Almighty, and the start of Gibraltar parliament’s business for the day.
Madam Speaker, while I was arrested outside parliament for my thwarted attempt to impart a vitally important message to parliament, I have yet to be charged, since it is my understanding that the Royal Gibraltar Police’s investigations are ongoing. I have been bailed to appear at New Mole House on 22nd January 2025. Bail is conditional on me not entering parliament in the interim period. While I do not intend to break bail conditions, I would have otherwise much preferred to have been present in parliament’s gallery, during the fiery five-hour highly divisive political “show trial” as Mr. Clinton called it. Whatever, Madam Speaker, I have watched the Flying Circus using parliament’s excellent viewing facility afterwards. The session to which I refer was held on Thursday 19th December where five of Gibraltar’s “Honourables” locked horns, in the case of the Bassadone Amended Motions’ Yarn (BARMY).
Matthew 12:25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
Madam Speaker, I want to remind you of a selection of a few of the many venomous exchanges that were fired across the chamber during an extraordinary session on the 19th – Motion – Allegations Attempting to Mislead the Public.
First, the Leader of The Opposition about The Chief Minister:
“This is not a circus Madam Speaker, The Honourable Member has always had, regrettably an awkward relationship with the truth – an awkward relationship – because if truth were a virus, they would have invented the Picardo Vaccine, because that would have been sure to eradicate the truth, or at least eradicate it as they now define it, which is 50 per cent of the truth, maybe. The honourable gentleman has always had an awkward relationship with the truth, and that’s my judgement, it’s a judgement of many people, because he now has a reputation, which we have spoken about before. He may not like it. But he has got a reputation. Because Madam Speaker, NO MORE LIES, shouted the teachers in his face. NO MORE LIES, He half-mocked the teachers. But part of it was not just mocking, part of it was trying to recreate the Truth, with his most serious face. The fake outrage. The fake outrage that we’ve seen from time to time. The fake outrage that we have seen today. The fake outrage of the victim, who is only coming here compelled to do so, because the heinous GSD, have forced him. He did not want to break the Christmas spirit. He really didn’t. But he is forced to, because here he is. Well, Madam Speaker, it’s fake. It’s fake, because the Chief Minister knows he gave parliament inaccurate information. 1. He knows he then allowed us to believe it. 2. He knows. He allowed us to repeat it. 3. And now he knows, because he is now pretending to be shocked at what we said as a political judgement.”
Second, Damon Bossino to The Chief Minister
“What we are seeing here is a very clear rattling of the cage. The snake inside of the cage, the snake inside of the cage is lashing out. That is what we are seeing here. But ultimately, the snake’s head will be crushed. That is what is going to be the case eventually with the passage of time. I am absolutely, totally convinced of that.”
Third, The Chief Minister about Damon Bossino
“I did think that my old school chum, Madam Speaker, pushed the envelope a little when he described me as a snake. I suppose if I had done so, it would have been called inelegant, ungentlemanly, bringing the house into disrepute, etc, and he said that my skull would be crushed. Well Madam Speaker, so be it. He knows like I know that it is important to make sure that you haven’t scorched the snake, but killed it. He might remember which play that is from. They have neither scorched me, nor killed me, and I will continue to discharge the functions of this office of Chief Minister for as long as the people of Gibraltar want me to, and he has not been able to remove me from it, however many attempts he may have done.”
Madam speaker, subsequent to my expulsion and my release from police custody, I viewed on-line, how business unfolded on Friday 13th. In the heat of the moment, knowing that an arrest was imminent, I confess plainly to have rushed and fluffed my own lines given the rapid RGP response from behind me. Thwarted from delivering my message, the words “Democide on The Rock”, were bellowed out as my parting shot, before exiting the chamber.
Madam Speaker, I make no apologies for the disruption I caused. I felt compelled to deliver my message, irrespective of the personal consequences that may come my way. However, I would wish to stress that my angst was not, and is not, directed at you personally, but rather almost entirely towards The Chief Minister and that is purely and simply over his JABS to GIB roll-out of the poisonous kill-shots.
Madam speaker, returning to the session where my expulsion occurred, watching the somewhat more convivial proceedings resume afterwards, two other unexpected interactions caught my attention. One occurred soon after resumption, when Damon Bossino unexpectedly mentioned the song “Livin’ On A Prayer”, as a retort to a dedication reference from The Chief Minster concerning John Lennon’s seasonal song of “The War is Over”.
The other important interaction of note occurred later that day, when Damon Bossino asked Question No: 1053/2024 on behalf of the leader of the opposition: “Does the Government still intend to convene a COVID public inquiry?”. It prompted a surprise announcement from Gemma Arias-Vasquez. The Health Minister mentioned that the government is considering the draft terms of reference and expects to make an official announcement in the coming months, emphasizing the importance of transparency and cost-effectiveness in the inquiry process. The Gibraltar Government first mentioned the possibility of a Covid-19 inquiry in Parliament on March 4, 2022.
Madam Speaker, The prayer’s specific words “May We Act Honourably” have for many months resonated strongly with me here in Gibraltar. I have attended numerous parliamentary sessions, always sitting attentively in the gallery. Owing to my observations in parliament, I felt compelled on 4th December 2024, nine days prior to my disruptive act, to pen an article entitled: “May We Act Honourably”, publishing it on The Gibraltar Messenger’s website. I sent an open letter addressed to The Chief Minister. The Commissioner and parliament were copied into the correspondence, as indeed were members of both sides of the house. This was all done in the hope that somehow you would get to see it, and read and digest it.
Madam Speaker, you featured prominently at the start of that Gibraltar Messenger article which concerns itself with the subject of DEMOCIDE, and that prayer which you read out, may offer you a shield of protection against the evil political actions that have been unleashed on The Rock by the current government squarely following the World Economic Forum’s depopulation agenda. That opening prayer remains a key component and anchor point of hope for all those in parliament, be they to the right, or be they to the left.
Deuteronomy 5:32 Ye shall observe to do therefore as the Lord your God hath commanded you: ye shall not turn aside to the right hand (Conservative) or to the left (Labour/Liberal).
17:20 That his (the Sovereign’s) heart be NOT lifted up ABOVE his brethren, and that he turn not aside from the Commandment, [to] the right hand, or [to] the left…
I chose to attempt to intervene in an effort to jolt all in the chamber out of a collective unGODLY slumber over an existential threat to the people on The Rock. The Sleepers on The Rock Must Awaken.
Madam Speaker, going back to when The Gibraltar Parliament debated the Gibraltar Inquiries Act 2024 on Friday, 22nd March, 2024 – where the REAL purpose of the unlawful Inquiries Act is to limit the scope of the inquiry, to make CERTAIN that the TRUTH is never revealed to the public – I was in attendance throughout the entire duration of a very lively debate, and moreover, I never missed a minute of the related McGrail Inquiry as overseen by the former UK Supreme Court Judge, Peter Openshaw. In parliament, I was very concerned about the flattering manner in which The Chief Minister was referring to the UK Inquiries Act. For my part, I made a two page submission to The McGrail Inquiry, strongly opposing the Act, modelled as it was on the UK Inquiries Act 2005, as ushered in under former UK Prime Minister and war criminal Tony Blair, just before he pulled off the 7/7 false flag London Bombings carried out by the Israeli Mossad, with Blair’s complicity, as proven in the film 7/7 Ripple Effect 3.
Moreover, Madam Speaker, ominous as the Inquiries Act is, and intensive as that debate was, there was one truly memorable and priceless moment that I witnessed from The Speaker of The House. That moment occurred after The Chief Minister called a division, whereupon you deliberately or otherwise lost count of the votes saying this:
“The result of the division is as follows. Nine member’s in favour, nine members against. Carried.” Pause. Hearty laughter in the house. A paper drops to the floor. “Nine, I was just testing! I’ll repeat that for the sake of Hanzard. It’s been a long afternoon. The result of the division is as follows. Nine members in favour, eight members against. Carried.”
Madam Speaker, I may never get to know, if your miscount that day was deliberate or otherwise, but I do believe Father’s guiding hand was in on that class act. The drama of that moment can be watched in this clip here. I could be wrong here, but I thought you were signalling that had you been able to vote, you may have evened things up against the collective responsibility.
Madam speaker, it has not gone unnoticed that you have on at least one occasion seen fit to implore members of the house, to strictly follow protocols, by referring to each other as Honourable, whenever they are addressing you, as The Speaker of The House. Your initiative of counting their omissions of the word “honourable” amused me, as I myself could never bring myself to stoop so low as to call the politicians by such a lofty and undeserved title. As The Chief Minister, (alias Cassius, and Macbeth), knows only too well, Brutus was an Honourable Man too, but please, I beseech you, don’t forget that things ended very badly for Brutus and Cassius, after their treasonous back-stabbing acts. Irrespective of whether I agree myself with deploying such lofty titles, you made your gentle guidance crystal clear to one and all. Again Madam Speaker, I thought that was a class act on your part.
Finally Madam Speaker, Contrary to Picardo’s seasonal song of choice, it is clear to me after the long fiery amended motion filled session of the 19th December that the war is not over. It is only just begun. Gum chewing Gemma Arias Vasquez, says the terms of reference will be drafted in the coming months, and doubtless you will have it, that she also is an “honourable” Minister, but unless the Covid Inquiry probes deep into the notion that the Pfizer bioweapon injections were intended to kill and maim, then the Democide on The Rock will be allowed to go unchecked and you risk rendering yourself complicit in the evil.
I am not the only one to have a disdain of the title honourable as bestowed upon all those serving as politicians sitting before you in the House, on The Rock of His Defence.
That said, The Gibraltar Messenger is even more disdainful of the incessant AND unrelenting deployment of this title. Therefore, I want to leave the final words to Christ, The Gibraltar Messenger, quoting from what He said as documented in the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 23: verses 24-28 approximately 2,000 years ago.
Madam Speaker, towards the close of the session on 19th December, The Chief Minister said this.
Well Madam Speaker, I make no apology for taking legal action against individual citizens if they make remarks which are completely defamatory and libellous, of me or of the government, because the law of libel is there to defend reputations, and in some instances, the law of libel is the only thing you have left, and I make no apology for having used it in the past and I will use it again in the future if I have to because my reputation matters to me, and it should matter to the Honourable gentleman too. If their reputations don’t matter to them that’s an even better reason why they should not be in charge of Gibraltar, and its reputation”.
Madam speaker on the 13th December, The Honourable Chief Minister and his government were accused of democide on The Rock, as I was escorted out of the house chamber by officers of the Royal Gibraltar Police.
Madam Speaker, if I am wrong about that accusation of democide, then I as an individual citizen, have surely committed libel, and I Madam Speaker will have been defamatory towards the Chief Minster by definition. Therefore, Madam Speaker, maybe the Honourable Chief Minister would consider taking action against me, given I am accusing him of misleading the people of Gibraltar about the safety of the Pfizer injections.
The Lord’s Triumph of The King
Peace be within you and upon you.
Tony Farrell
Disciple of The Gibraltar Messenger