There we have it STARING us in the face: hidden in plain sight. T.H.E.Y. terrify people with a colossal narrative about a virus and a vaccine.
There we have it STARING us in the face: hidden in plain sight. T.H.E.Y. terrify people with a colossal narrative about a virus and a vaccine.
Why do the unenlightened rage & imagine a futile thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against GOD and CHRIST.
The City of London, British Intelligence, The Royal Family, Crown Agents, Globalists – what’s their common thread?
They suffer from cognitive dissonance, choosing to believe their religious dogma, instead of Scripture and absolutely reject scripture in favour of their religious false teachings and dogma – Christ.
In a meeting held in the Anglican Cathedral, Tony Farrell delivered a printed version of this letter to the Dean of Gibraltar – Christ’s Letter to Dean of Gibraltar.