What Everyone Knows Intuitively but are Afraid to Say
We are complicit when we allow EVIL to triumph over GOOD. We are complicit in our complacency and our silence. We can no longer turn a blind eye or hide.
We are complicit when we allow EVIL to triumph over GOOD. We are complicit in our complacency and our silence. We can no longer turn a blind eye or hide.
In these days of worldwide confusion, there is a dire need for men and women who will courageously do battle for truth – Martin Luther King Jr.
Christ told us to sin NO MORE, so why are we still doing it? Sin is defined in Scripture as the transgression (breaking) of The Law which means SIN = CRIME.
Dr. Chris Shoemaker takes us on a journey of how they lied about the injections. He talks about the detrimental effects and what’s at stake.
Follow the patents. SARS-COV-2 was engineered. The central problem is a colluding set of conspirators in both public sector and in industry.
The Texas AG is pursuing justice for the people of Texas, many of whom were coerced by tyrannical vaccine mandates to take a defective product sold by lies.
Mark Sexton has written a letter petitioning Charles to address serious concerns surrounding the criminal acts being committed against the people by the U.K Government and Parliament.
Spotlight on "Architects & Enginners for 911 Truth" which continues its campaign to shed light on what really happened on 911; and what didn’t happen.
In the line of duty, I raise stark issues concerning Cops On The Rock, in an era where Truth no longer seems to matter, when the TRUTH is, TRUTH matters.
Report: 85 disabled children were forcibly taken from the DPR to Spain by a Spanish military aircraft; placed in a state orphanage, abused, and trafficked.