Snowden: The most important video of the year was filmed in 1983
CIA Officer Frank Snepp Faked The News About Vietnam. He exposes how the government creates war propaganda. These disinformation tactics continue about Ukraine and Russia.
CIA Officer Frank Snepp Faked The News About Vietnam. He exposes how the government creates war propaganda. These disinformation tactics continue about Ukraine and Russia.
Dear David Steel – You’ve received copious proofs of Gibraltar’s special destiny and Mrs. Elizabeth Battenberg’s (alias queen) massive fraud, that she is not the Lawful monarch, and that the Lawful King of kings: Christ, is here on Earth now, again, in a new (English) body, with its New Name as Prophesied (Rev. 2:17, 3:12); those proofs having been delivered by Christ Himself: the Gibraltar Messenger, and various of His followers (over decades now).